Weight Loss Mode

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Weight Loss Mode

a stick figure drawing of the diet story.  Before, after and after-after... the diet.  The after after stick figure is the fattest. Weight loss mode
This IS the real diet story. Weight loss mode must be permanent in modern society.

Today is 12 February 2022…

I started this website about two years ago and it was going to be all about weight loss. I failed miserably. I barely started the website and my weight loss journey was a total failure. I went through the motions and basically did nothing, Here I sit today well over a healthy weight and a life that has been flipped over and shit on. Or so it feels that way. Here I am again, two years later and I am ready to start what I call weight loss mode.

A close-up photo of a pill that is stamped 'Silver'.
Silver will save my financial future and I want to be there to enjoy spending that future. If I do not go into weight loss mode my declining years will suck…..

This Website

A few years back I felt great as I lost 115 pounds. Once I did that I slowly started to gain that weight back. I am now getting close to 300 pounds and there is no end in sight now that my wife suddenly passed away from cancer. I started this website 2 years ago and got lost on the way. It morphed into the deep end of silver as the weight loss was not happening and my passion for understanding silver rocketed.

This site was really started merely as an anonymous way to publically share what must be common feelings among many men, and even women.

I used to have a fairly incredible weight loss website. I used to write about the program I was using and that company shut me down because they did not like me blogging with them in the discussion. This was devastating to me because I had spent years on the overall website. Main Street strikes yet again.

In the blink of an eye, once again, another person took control of my financial destiny and forced me to go out and punch a time clock. This website is my finger to the world because this is my piece of the universe. I am tired of so many things in this world and a big thing I dislike is my current body weight. I intend to lose weight this time on my terms. This way I will be able to keep it off this time. I am running out of time and chances.

Weight Loss Journey Beginning Soon

I have been able to work out financing that allows me to write this and future presentations without any current financial reward. Nobody pays me up front to talk about their stuff. I do this website today because I love to write. I love history and I loved being a healthy weight. I am starting my weight loss journey on March 1st, 2022. This date was chosen because it worked for the person I am doing the program with.

Weight Loss is my only chance of surviving with healthy aging. Weight loss mode must begin or the aging process accelerates in a gruesome way. It is not just me, but most likely you too?

Follow My Journey

I am asking you to follow my journey because it is my goal to inspire others. In a weird way that inspires me??? I want to help others understand that survival depends upon health if the world goes to shit. It is time for me to be able to move my body in all situations.

The ability to move one’s body in all situations is behind the simple principle goal of U.S.M.C physical fitness standards. Being able to lift your body, to throw your body to climb to safety. To be able to walk many miles.

I want to just dump this weight. There is a need to dump this weight. I have to dump the need for prescriptions. I know this and it baffles me that I struggle with it? I struggle to eat well and just get out of the house. I am overweight and it is time…. now or never.

Starting Soon

I can’t be the only OFM that feels this way. I hope to just get it done and maybe you can help me help you…. ???

March 1, 2022.
That is the day I am formally starting what I refer to as weight loss mode. This is just something that I have to do. I intend to report here daily and hold myself anonymously accountable to an unaccountable audience? Strange isn’t it?

Posts Coming Soon

(Click Here To View Current Progress)
A photo of a person taking an insulin shot in their abdomen.  Weight Loss Journey must start soon....
If I do nothing I WILL have to take insulin shots. I do not want to do that so it is time for weight loss mode to happen.

A successful weight loss journey to better health is not something that starts on a whim. As mentioned earlier the ‘formal’ starting date is 1 March 2022. Leading up to that day is a series of events, in my life, that need to be mentally achieved before that date.

In the future, there will be posts listed by date as I prepare. Wherever you are on your timeline of life I hope you can stop by my timeline for a visit. I intend to journal more than me saying “I lost weight“. True weight loss is what it is all about. I should know… I lost 115 pounds once but did not keep those pounds off. How I got here does not matter. I am ready to go for it again. I have to. I need to…

(Click Here To View Current Progress)

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver