Money Metals Exchange Review

Money Metal Exchange Review

This Money Metal Exchange Review is something I have been looking forward to writing. Before we get into the review let me give you some personal history as to how I became a Money Metals Exchange customer.

My Spouse Started Collecting Silver First

One day I came home from work and a small package arrived from an eBay order. My spouse had ordered a pair of silver rounds. Although being an Old Fat Marine I had never held a silver round in my hand before. Sure I have had old silver coins before but I never really held anything like a .999 silver round. So shiny!

The reason my spouse purchased the rounds was because of her fear of the dollar collapsing. Our conversation ranged from the U.S. dollar crashing and food shortages and hyper-inflation… and on and on and on. I was convinced she went off the deep end with all of the ‘conspiracy theories.‘ I humored her until holding the silver in my hands but silently wanting to know more about this shiny object in my hands.

History Woke Me Up

I went onto YouTube and ventured into a story that has consumed me emotionally. This YouTube series has opened up an entirely new perspective on my life and living in America. I served in The United States Marine Corps and this thirty-minute YouTube rocked my world. I found Mike Maloney’s YouTube series ‘The Hidden Secrets of Money’ I cannot possibly convey what is in that video because it was so well done. Just go watch it... But! Let’s get back to our Money Metals Exchange Review.

Buying Silver On eBay

When this entire silver began I had no idea where a person could buy silver. I hated getting it on eBay simply because of a scam when I once lost a cell phone sale. Someone in Miami bought my old cell and reported to eBay that I mailed them a rock. eBay did not ask me anything and just took the money back. I later found out that my phone ended up in Cuba as there is a black market for illicit cell phones in Cuba. Who knew? I was ripped off once on eBay so I had to spend my currency at a safer place to buy our silver. Sure I would buy an ounce or two… but not 32 ounces.

I did my research and found out there were actually places that just sold precious metals. At the time I had no idea where to purchase silver bullion or silver rounds other than on eBay, as my wife had done.

Where Do You Buy Silver?

It seems funny to me now that I had no idea where to buy silver and yet this is the number one question people always ask me is where do I get my silver? (And gold) Previously I had never considered buying precious metals. I always thought that is what rich people do.

I really do not remember how I found Money Metals Exchange. What I do know is that since just a few months ago I have learned so much about silver. My spouse is concerned about spending such a large percentage of our income on silver. We have a great relationship but exchanging a chunk of your cash can be a strain for most Americans these days.

My Greatest Fear About Silver

My greatest fear with the purchases I have made at Money Metals Exchange is the inevitable bursting of the ‘everything bubble’. When the bubble pops… I do not want to have ANY regrets that I should have bought more. Stacking silver is only one facet of preparing for what is coming. We have been stocking up on canned food and even bought a six-month supply of 25-year-old shelf-life food. Some people call it survival food. We call the food under the bed in nice plastic totes peach of mind. I deviate again… That food will be another story?

My 1st Money Metals Exchange Purchase

The first purchase I made at MMX was a round depicting President Trump. I had seen one on eBay and was curious and went searching. That was right about six months ago and I have never looked back. The silver round pictured below was my first purchase from Money Metals. Fitting huh?

I have searched prices all over the places that come up on a Google search. I have read, listened, and viewed a great deal as to where a person could get silver. There are a fairly large number of silver websites that sell silver but I have stuck with Money Metals Exchange since my beginning six months ago.

What I Have Learned

When I first started ordering silver I had a very small rudder. What I mean is that I had much to learn. I had to establish a goal and a direction to get there instead of just randomly paying too much on eBay. For the first 2 months, silver made me scratch my head. I had so many questions and people grew tired of me talking about silver. (Hence this website..) One of the first things I questioned was the cost difference between a silver coin a silver round? I just wanted to safely stack silver in a cost-effective way using a trusted source.

I saw many YouTube videos with people showing portions of their stacks. Within all of these stacker videos, I realized I did not want to pay a high premium for an ounce of silver if I did not have to. Having become laser focuses on gathering as many silver one-ounce rounds and silver 10-ounce bars. I quickly realized that the bigger the piece of silver the less expensive it costs per ounce. I am hoping to be able to purchase some 100-ounce bars soon and for me, that will be a MAJOR>>>MAJOR>>>MAJOR purchase.

Why Money Metals?

I am just an Old Fat Marine that six months ago did not really know much about silver. Silver has been around for the Earth’s forever and I now notice it everywhere. I see it in The Bible, I see it in medieval-themed T.V. shows and movies. In the television show The Last Empire there were wars fought over it! It is like a filter has been removed from my consciousness. I have become a silver bug. A silver stacker and there is no going back.

I have worked my tail off since I was 11 years old always having had a job. Not being a wealthy person I have grown tired of the hamster wheel my life has been. Having realized what The Federal Reserve Scam is my eyes are wide open to what is coming. I have purchased as many ounces of silver that I could afford. Even enrolling in the monthly savings program at Money Metals Exchange. It is simple and it is easy and it is safe. The best part is that when I place my order through the monthly savings program I KNOW I am getting the best price I can possibly get from a reputable online dealer. The monthly savings program sells it below the spot price on the closing of the day of the month of my choosing. After three months my entire order is shipped.

Safe, Consistent and Trustworthy

I consistently use MMX and never have had a problem. MMX has consistently delivered what they display on their website. Customer service is quick easy and friendly. No stupid hold times, or hard-to-understand employees like at my cell phone provider. I will continue to purchase from MMX.

I give Money Metals Exchange a 5 star, double thumbs-up review.

A close-up photo of a very old padlock.
Trust is not easy in this world but I have grown to trust Money Metals Exchange. This company has been, for me, safe and secure to use.

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver