Silver Stacking Can Have Counter Part Risk…

Stacking silver has been one of the worst investments of my entire life, if you were to ask any of the people I used to call friends or acquaintances! I started stashing away silver at $40.00 an ounce. As I got on my daily soap box, I would warn everyone of the upcoming world events. All the while the spot price of just silver kept declining. Well over a year ago I convinced others to purchase their own silver and they did. Each and everyone of them has ‘lost money’ and literally got annoyed with me. So much to the point that I rarely have conversations with them anymore. I may be the crazy person but I do not think so. I also do not believe they are crazy as much as they are being manipulated by whomever is writing the script used in main stream media today.

For me, silver is still the greatest financial opportunity of my life. Probably for you also. But you have to look beyond silver and the cost it can ask of your life.

Life and the Forehead Meet Yet Again

In the last two years life has been ‘eventful‘ for me. The biggest event for me was the sudden passing of my wife of over twenty years. She was the one who started me on this silver journey by buying me my first ounce of silver.

A few months before the passing of my wife I lost my job. As with most of my life I continued to feel like I never really fit in at a place where I had to make a living. I literally hated where I worked.

I awoke everyday in my home alone and despite my feelings the sun still rose everyday. My friends of those days thought I was over the top crazy. I no longer speak with any of of my old friends but they never call me back despite repeated attempts by myself to stay in touch. I was forgotten and no longer needed so people just stopped calling and texting. I used to think they were friends.

Stupid me?

Meet Sara Connor

Today I feel like Sara Connor in the movie The Terminator. I see what is coming economically and when I try to shout it to the world I became the clown.

I have a VERY dear friend that holds a lot of funds in a bank that is now on a credit standing review. When I told her about being on this list she did not want to discuss it. She said I am always negative and that she did not want any bad vibes in her life. This response sickened me physically as I feel like Sara Connor because people I care about won’t listen to the warnings

Banks continue on their downward trajectory but it currently is only happening somewhere in the Twilight Zone apparently.

Train Tracks

I love the analogy of being on a train track and merely needing to just step off the tracks so as to not get squished by the train. It really saddens me to watch so many of my friends and family ignore my warnings and regard me as being “slightly off.”

My brother even asked me to stop buying silver and commodity stocks as it was a waste of my money. It saddens me to know that so many people I care are about to wiped out financially simply because of what I learned to be “normalcy bias”. It is sad because no matter what I say they simply do not see the train coming.

Stop Caring About Daily Price of Silver

I try to explain to those individuals that fixate their attention on the daily price of silver that they are looking in the wrong direction. A person I know texted me they lost money on the twenty ounces of silver they purchased. I could easily say shut the hell up and how they should spend some time learning about the history of silver. I could even discuss how the U.S. Dollar has only been around a bit over 100 years… less than 50 years or so in its current form. We could look into how depressed the entire mining industry is price depressed because of the current prices of silver. We could discuss how mines cannot continue to operate at a loss. We could explore the potential of what a small investment could yield. But sadly, no… we are too concerned with the price of silver right now. Screw macro economics and actually learning to… invest. They do not want to hear anything that does not make them wealthy by next Tuesday.

If a person were to spend some time on self-education to understand what the Federal Reserve is all about… they would wake up. The truth is people worry about the daily price of silver because they are lazy. They do not want to actually be accountable for themselves and absolve all personal responsibility by merely saying… I am tired… I worked 50 hours. (For someone else.) And so they do not have to time to spend on something that could actually benefit themselves in ways unimaginable. It is similar to people wanting to be a healthy weight… but are willing to settle for being obese.

Macroeconomics Baby!

Instead of fixating on the daily price of silver why not look at the storm that is coming. Yes, I know you have been told about the economic storm that never seems to arrive. If you only listen to the big news outlets you are living in a fantasy world. Every story that comes out on whatever channel you watch is pumping propaganda straight to your screen.

Not too long ago while on a treadmill I had 56 television screens in front on my face. There was some news story up with CNN and Fox News at the same time. Twice I watched the tagline on the screens align to the same message at almost the exact same time on both channels. If you do not see media alignment you are not paying attention.

Today the media is attempting to drive the narrative and within that attempt are the people that are truly in power. Macroeconomics is warning of a tsunami and yet people are still planning a trip to the beach. People are only fixated on the daily price of silver. and are ignoring the wall of water off in the distance.

When Is This Going To Happen?

Tick Tock… Time to go….?

A friend of mine disputed me with that he does not worry about it because it will not happen in his lifetime. He has no doubt that it will happen… but just not now.

I can do nothing more than smile and have another rum and coke because I know one day he will kick himself. Instead of trying to time the market you need to run against the mainstream until the inevitable time arrives.

For some weird reason people love to only buy silver and mining stocks AFTER they start to go up in value. Once the run starts is when they get in. This is called the dumb money.

So when is the silver price going to blast off? When are the mining stocks going to break out of their massive price slump? I have the same answer every time.


If you knew a massive 100 year cycle storm was coming to your home would you go shopping for a new TV? Would you look at your watch and say “I think we will have time to stop for a coffee.” Or would you immediately start packing up what mattered to you? As time allowed you would gather your possessions and start to move them away to a safer area. Of course you would repeat this movement of valuables until the storm passed.

So you see… I ignore the day to day price nonsense of silver because when the storm arrives I know just how important it will be. I know that the entire commodity mining sector has the potential to take off like something that has not been seen for generations. The financial gain is going to be so significant that to currently do anything else pales in potential.

Lady standing on train tracks looking ahead at an empty track.
The train is coming. Where will you be when it gets here? On it, or under it?

I know that when that day happens… today, tomorrow… or next year…. I know the seeds of investments planted now will provide me with wealth my family lineage would never see otherwise. I have nothing but gratitude in my heart that there is still time to prepare. I am grateful when the prices get beaten down yet again.

I could bore the average person with the history of fiat currency… but that is a boring subject to virtually everyone. I know many think I am nuts… but that is okay because I will be sitting on the roof of my car watching the masses get swallowed up by the storm coming. Me and mine will be safe.

My biggest regret is that I tried, and I failed to wake up those that I care about. They will be so busy looking at the daily price that the train will run them over before they stepped off the tracks.

There is a matching video for this article:

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver