Inflation is Transitory?

Inflation is Transitory?

Inflation is transitory? I have been listening to the talking heads way too long. Their storyline is getting weak and tired as the citizens are awakening. I understand why the Federal Reserve does not want Americans to freak out. Sadly our currency really has passed the point of not being able to stop the inevitable. There is too much debt and the exits to this current problem only dump EVERYONE off a cliff and end in currency death. Well, not everyone… All of the people at The Fed and all of their friends and bosses have golden parachutes. Literally golden.

I firmly believe that we are at the end stages of the life of the current U.S. currency. The U.S. dollar is a fiat currency and any interested do not have to do much research to understand this oncoming black swan event.

What Does Inflation is Transitory Even Mean?

The word transitory has a very clear and succinct meaning. Transitory means “not permanent”. This is really a nice play on words when Jerome Powell says ”inflation is transitory”. Jerome knows it is either a half-truth or it will end up being a complete lie.

The words from the Fed do not match
what the people are hearing.
Doublespeak is not working very well anymore.

So what does Mr. Powell mean by ‘inflation is transitory’?

The intent of the Federal Reserve is that the higher RATE of inflation is not going to stick around. He is just talking about how fast the prices are increasing. He is just referring to the speed of inflation and NOT inflation itself. Sadly omitted is that for the cake-eating citizens, the actual price increases never go away.

Jerome Powell falls short in mentioning that the higher prices will always remain by expressing the hope that it (inflation) returns to ‘normal. What most people fail to realize is that the grind of inflation has been around for EXACTLY as long as the existence of The Federal Reserve. The Fed is the literal birthplace of inflation. Inflation exists as a built-in requirement for the profit and sustainability of the Federal Reserve. Inflation is what forces you to hold more than one job. Because of inflation, the U.S.A. has been bleeding slowly since 1913. Do you remember the old saying “a death by 1,000 cuts”? Americans accept inflation as something natural. Inflation is not natural and The Fed never even mentions this tidbit of gloom.

Waking Up To Their Lie

The truth about inflation being transitory is that today your U.S. dollar is worth less than it was the day you worked to earn it. The power brokers do not want us to look into the history books and notice the dollar has already become virtually worthless. Just look how much more ‘stuff’ one cent purchased 75 years ago. Today the one-cent piece is tossed to the parking lot floor because it truly is worthless. People do not even bother to bend over and pick it up. The U.S. 1 cent piece currently looks and feels like an accessory for a toy cash register from my childhood.

A Bottle of Coke?

Until the Fed came along a bottle of Coke cost a nickel for a full 75 years! It only had to raise its price because the Federal Reserve came into existence. Main Steam Internet will say it was because of their contract. That is again not the truth.

Americans are awakening to the fact that their wealth has been stolen away from them by the very existence of The Fed. Americans are starting to realize that The Federal Reserve is the largest Ponzi scheme in human history. If ANY citizen did what the Federal Reserve does (on any given day) they would be roommates with Bernie Madoff.

The ‘inflation is transitory’ statement is a total lie in the face of history. The American people are awakening.

“I Don’t Believe You!”

The citizens no longer believe their leaders are out to help the country. The masses are now awake to the self-centered financial gains the individual politician repeatedly take.

Many people feel that politicians are all crooks. If you want to point out one or two that are not…. good for you. Keep draining the pacific ocean with your thimble. Americans have awoken and realized the people in charge of America are drunk with power and corruption based solely on wealth.

The forces that are the rudder of America today are too far gone for the monetary system to change from within. The leadership of America is now corporate America and they are some evil and greedy people. The average American citizen is starting to stand up and say “I don’t believe you” to the leaders.

Let’s look at some of the lies we were told over the years…

Short History of Lies

  • Social Security: A total lie from start to end. There is no lockbox…. shall we go on?
  • The Gulf of Tonkin Incident: A totally fabricated lie and it ended up… in well… The Vietnam War!
  • The 2020 Presidential Election was fair and proper.
  • President Biden is healthy and cognitive.
  • Gold and silver are priced to fair market value.
  • Gold and silver should not be considered money. (Rabit Hole Detour)

Have you noticed the leaders are not listening to the people anymore? For anyone that is paying attention, it is obvious and merely highlights the rampant corruption of the monetary system of The United States of America. I am not talking about taking down America I am suggesting it is time to “END THE FED”. A controlled takedown, which will never happen from within.

The entire Federal Reserve financial system has been built on lies. These lies date all the way back to before December 23, 1913. (Rabbit Hole Detour) Americans are now awakening to the fact that the ENTIRE financial framework of America is now a house of cards. This house of cards can collapse when all of the needed ingredients coalesce into shape. Inflation being transitory is quite possibly the biggest lie ever?

Why Today?

What is different today versus the rampant inflation of the 1970s is that The Federal Reserve is now out of tools. The Fed never had many tools to use and this post offers a super simplistic explanation. The Fed mainly messes with interest rates. It is the best ‘tool’ they have available. As the 20th century trickled by they were forced to keep lowering rates simply to stay in business. As they get closer to the end of currency lifetime it always ends in what we are now witnessing. Just look back at the United States Federal Funds Rate in the 1980s. (Rabbit Hole Detour) Today the Fed is stuck in a bad situation.

If the Fed raises rates the stock market will collapse. If they do not raise the rates inflation will spin upward and out of control like so many other nations have experienced over the last 8,000 years. America is nothing special when the current fiat dollar is compared through the prism of history.

Since the Fed is literally out of tools Jerome has had his crossed fingers behind his back hoping for the best. The powers that be understand that we are in the death spiral of the dollar. The citizens of America have been lied to for over a century. The Fed is not going to stop now. We are being lied about everything all the way to the literal bank. Remember being told gold is not money?

Because The Fed is out of tools the inflation (rate) is quite possibly rated to go hyper. The sad truth is that only 1/10th of 1% of American citizens hold precious metals today. This is because we never really knew that inflation does NOT have to exist at all!!!

Look The Other Way

Quick…look over here while we do this over there. Look over there… tit’s a virus!. America evacuates Afghanistan and the Middle East is on fire again. Trump is a Russian agent. Another mass shooting over there! Look, look…. while we quietly meet over here to discuss how we will mold the issues to make you want to give away your freedoms.

No, Inflation is NOT transitory. Whatever the prices go up to they will NEVER go back down to what they were. The 1 cent coin you held as a child is no longer worth the metal it is made out of. Which is the root of the ENTIRE problem. Our coins, our money, is no longer worth what it is made out of. It says it all.

World leaders looking up into the sky while President Trump is the only one looking in the opposite direction.
It is not what politicians say that is important, it is what they are not saying while doing. That is what is important.

I am not a finacial advisor. It’s just me. I am a former Marine you passed by yesterday. My life has become detached from society because everyone thinks I am a loon. I have been laughed at repeatedly. I tried to explain true money in a crisis and the NEED to stack food and silver.


The masses of America are sleeping and do not know what turmoil is coming. Our leaders are telling us to NOT buy silver and gold while they purchase ton after literal ton of the stuff. By my estimates, J.P. Morgan Bank has amassed about 1 billion ounces in the last decade?

Save Yourself, Save Your Family

If my warning bell is wrong??…. oops? Then I have a pile of food extra that is tasty and some precious metals stacked away. My grandkids will be rich because it is not a matter of IF the financial collapse of the U.S. dollar comes. It is a matter of WHEN.

Precious metals have held value for thousands of years and are accepted anywhere in the world at any time of day or night. You want these metals in your possession. I am tired of just surviving. It is time to prepare to thrive. to thrive. Watch what the wealthy are doing and follow them. Keep buying silver as the price drops. I hope I have enough time to be where I need to be before it happens.

Starting the process to unwind from the upcoming collapse of the American dollar should be everyone’s priority sooner than later. This opportunity will only last until it is gone and it will go away in the blink of an eye. Which is why I Stack silver and you should too.

I will continue to add to my silver stack because inflation is NOT transitory and The American government is nothing more than the cash cow for the world. (I bet you already knew this?) The death of this cash cow will be like rats jumping off a sinking ship.

BUY SILVER before it is too late!

Silver and Gold at your doorstep! SilverGoldBull

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver