Currency Reset Will Require Silver

The Great Reset Will Require Silver

The looming currency reset is one of the many reasons why I stack silver. As we prepare for a global currency reset it must be realized that we do not know how it will begin and we sure do not know how long it will last. How the reset starts will set the path of events that will require silver and gold to survive and also thrive.

Would you need to survive three days, forty-three days, or longer? Looking ahead to having a plan of how long ‘the bad’ could last is essential to the plan.

A photo with a clock overlaid a calendar to symbolize weeks turning into months and years.
Composite of Wall Clock and Desk Calendar

Every situation will be different and owning real physical silver should be a factor in all plans. Being able to barter may mean survival in a worst-case scenario. The best-case scenario is you become wealthy when the value of silver is untethered from corruption.

When the reset comes you will still want bread to eat and being able to buy some would be possible anywhere in the world with a piece of .9999 silver.

The Reset. Will Be Scary

The best way to survive during the looming reset is to be prepared. Preparations help minimize the scary factor when the SHTF.

EVERYONE will be nervous during the first few days and you do not want to be at the stores getting toilet paper. You want to be home instead of worrying about wiping your butt.

I challenge you to go into your kitchen and look around. Determine what your life would be like if what you had on hand was all you would have for at least 30 days.

How hard would it be without water, food resupply, electricity, money, and of course no governmental police force at any level? If you weren’t nervous you would be a fool.

Shortages and More Shortages

Have you seen how empty grocery store shelves have become? Have you noticed entire sections of items empty at Walmart? What will you do if Walmart ran out of stuff and nothing more was coming anytime soon? Do you have any basic plans? What if a local, or a national, or a world problem was to arrive at your door?

Do you have the basics? Do you at least have an inexpensive solar charger for your cell phone? It is essential as your phone will be extremely useful even if the towers are down. There are so many tools you would want to use.

Do you have stored water? Canned goods? Will you be one of those getting shot stealing someone else’s food?

Nasty thought huh? How could you even think that? But guess what… Your future self is asking for help and you are not listening.

A roll of toilet paper with only a tiny strip left to wipe your butt.
When Walmart has no more toilet paper?

Black Swan Event

If a person sees and believes that the “everything bubble” exists (Rabbit Hole Detour) then it quickly becomes surreal. If you do not know what this bubble is you are unfortunately like most Americans. Mainstream America doesn’t have a clue of what is coming to a town near them.

Everyone Has Said The U.S. Dollar Will Crash

Virtually everyone has said the U.S.A. cannot keep printing money forever. The national consensus is the reset will happen sometime in the future… just not today.

The financial death of the U.S. dollar is inevitable. The dismantling of the U.S. dollar must be done because future history requires it. When the history of this millennium is written America will simply be a former world power that died as a result of messing with fiat currency.

America will be added to the list of 775 other fiat currency nations that have crashed and burned throughout history.

The U.S. dollar, being nothing but fiat, has a lifespan and that span is near its end. What will be used when the U.S. dollar is dead? The answer is simple. Gold for the wealthy and silver for the peasants. So they will at least be able to buy some cake.

The Looming Reset: Slow Drain Or Dramatic Crash?

The talking heads are all talking about ‘a reset’ of currency. The use of this word ‘reset’ is such a pretty word that sounds nice. ‘Reset’ is a cute word that everyone (who is paying attention) uses because nobody really knows how horrible it could become. Let’s visit that dark closet for a moment to see what nobody wants to say out loud. When this ‘reset‘ comes there will be civil unrest and that may require the ownership of physical silver. It will depend on how long the reset period lasts. It depends also on how it starts? As history has taught us there will be a return to a gold-backed currency. This will of course bring silver along for the ride.

Your World Not Mine

The old saying is that “You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.” Understand that your preparations are only for the benefit of you, and those you love.

If you become King Prepper and never use your preparations it’s okay. The collapse will be a present for your kids. Your stacked silver will become significantly more valuable as they mature into adults. Regardless of when, or what causes the collapse, the need for commerce will NEVER stop. People will still want to buy bread. People will become very hungry for basic foods when the U.S. dollar dies. The average citizen will have neither money (currency will be worthless) nor bread.

Those who prepare for the reset will be better off than those that do not prepare. The situation you prepare for will be the world you will end up in. It is that simple. It will be your world.

The Wealthy Will Retain Their Wealth

Do you think the current powerbrokers residing over this fiat mess will end up poor and homeless? Do you think the wealthy will be without bread? The wealthiest people in the world will retain their wealth while the masses go broke. What will happen is that even more wealth will be transferred from the masses to the wealthy. The wealthy will actually benefit from the market crash because they are already running in the opposite direction. It is already in motion.

Did you see all those people crying in China over Evergrande? They lost all their currency. (Not money… just their currency) (Rabbit Hole Detour) No matter what happens with the currency reset the wealthy will remain wealthy.

True Story

Many moons ago, In The Corps, I was watching a hill. We will leave it at that. I was given a map that located an artillery battery position. We were told that they only had three firing pins between them and were not to be considered a threat. This is not what the media was told during a briefing. The omissions of certain facts shaped the story. The omission of certain facts was the same as lying. The public is not being told the truth about the looming currency reset.

Stock photo of a typical artillery unit during the 20th Century


I always wondered about how it was known about the missing firing pins?

Information is ALWAYS given on a need-to-know basis. Unfortunately, the powerbrokers believe the cake-eating peasants do not need to know about the looming U.S. dollar death. If they were to become aware the whole shill game wouldn’t work for them.

To be able to transfer more wealth to the already wealthy is paramount to the fiat reset powerbrokers. In order for the truly wealthy to survive it has to be done. All of the bad debt, by design, will be dumped onto the masses.

When the inevitable collapse happens some poor scapegoat(s) will be imprisoned while the guilty jet off to their island. I bet you never heard of Kareem Serageldin? (Rabbit Hole Detour)

U.S. Dollar Reset Coming

When the U.S. dollar reset happens it most likely will be the result of some obscure event. It may be the Evergrande thing coming up, or not. If the Evergrande story evaporates from the news cycle there will be another event down the road. Today, tomorrow.. it will happen and it will happen quickly. Just like Mark Twain

I have ALWAYS been a history nut. I mean over the top. If you do not understand the term FIAT CURRENCY you need to stop right now and learn the meaning. Once you understand what FIAT CURRENCY means you understand your currency is worthless. EVERY nation in history that has used a fiat currency has failed. The ONE guarantee of a fiat currency is that it ALWAYS returns to its original value, which is zero.

Finances Are Key To Preparation

If you invest all your money in stocks today and the dollar crashes… you will be broke. When the currency resets there will be no jobs so how does anyone earn money to eat? How will your family fare? How would it all work out if it became a long-term disaster?

If you do not have physical gold and silver within quick access your current financial plan is inadequate. You need to store gold for wealth preservation and silver to be able to complete day-to-day transactions. Silver rounds and silver bars are a great way to barter as they are accepted worldwide.

Silver Is Cheap

My belief in silver is out of awe for what it has been in history. Silver is mentioned in the Bible, countless manuscripts, and even the U.S. Constitution. From clothing to medicine to solar panels, silver is literally everywhere. Silver is in all aspects of our lives and most people don’t give it a second thought. Once you see silver for what it is you can no longer unsee its value.

Today silver is worth LESS than half of what it cost 42 years ago. If you started a list of ANYTHING that costs less than half of what it did 42 years ago your list would only contain silver. (Rabbit Hole Detour) This currency reset has been moving forward for well over 100 years. The concept of a currency reset is simply a normal historical narrative for a fiat currency. The only difference is that for this one we get a ringside seat.

Inflation has slowly smoldered for the last 100+ years virtually nonstop. Currently, the U.S. dollar has lost 98% of its purchasing power. America is dying from the 1000 cuts of inflation and yet the value of silver has declined? It goes against logic. Everything we purchase has gotten more expensive over the decades. Everything but silver! This lack of logic is a much greater story than people realize.

Currency Reset Is Because The Dollar is Worthless

The history of ALL fiat currency was death through complete devaluation. When the fiat crashes and the currency reset hits the U.S. Dollar will be worthless. Currently, the U.S. dollar is tracking at the end of its life cycle. The history of silver should be a compass to your future. If the only thing ‘in your stash’ is the U.S. Dollar you will be broke. Ever hear of the Weimar Republic?

Silver is, and always will be a valued material. The world demand for silver is constantly outpacing world production. This looming shortage of silver is why the powers that be are loading up on it. (Gold also) They see what is coming down the tracks like a freight train.

Will you be on those tracks because you can’t buy a ticket, or will you hold silver and buy a ticket to be on the train?

Got Silver?

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver