The Media Lies About Silver

The Media Lies About Silver

The media lies about silver. The media lies about many things and I do not care what side of the political aisle you sit. Americans better take notice of what is going on in the silver world. The relatively tiny world silver market is a mini version of the larger game going on.

A Pinocchio depiction of his long nose for telling a lie.   Another example of the media lies about silver
The media lies so often that lying about silver and gold should come as no surprise at all to those that are paying attention.

The entire financial game in America is rigged against the common person trying to get ahead. The sooner you accept this kernel of truth the better chance you will have for your financial survival. The media and the political arena are now one and the same and the script we are fed daily is like a reality television show. How does any of this matter to silver… well read on as it gets deep.

Controling The Narrative

The world lives on its news cycles. When I say the media lies about silver it is often a lie by omission. If the powers that be want a story to go viral then that is the story the entire media will focus their attention upon. It is not always what they show on your screen because it has evolved well beyond that. Many times it is by what they do not show us.

If we look at recent history you will remember that when Trump was President the news cycles pumped out Russia, Russia, Russia 24 hours a day. It was non-stop. It never ended and yet it ALL turned out to be a fabricated story. No arrests. No indictments. Nothing. Then the story just vanished. POOF! It was gone. Yet when Hunter Biden was discovered to be in a high-paying position in Ukraine, the story was like listening to crickets. The media simply did not report on the story. The story just went away. It was buried. He that controls the microphone controls the narrative.

I Am Not a Democrat or a Republican

As I wrote the above words I could hear some readers screaming that I am all about Trump, or I am against the Democrats. This could not be further from the truth. I do not care about the political party any of the members of government belong. What is going on in America is a slow descent into a socialist nation, purely for the benefit of the few. The lies of the media about silver and virtually everything else we see on TV is totally orchestrated.

A depiction of a elephant and a donkey politically dressed playing a game of tug of war.
It no longer matters what party we vote for. Freedom is sold away one dollar at a time.

The danger to America is at the very foundation of its existence. This foundation has been in slow decay since 1913. It all began when the meeting at Jeckyl Island by the wealthiest bankers in America. Until you read the book “The Creature From Jeckyl Island” for yourself you cannot form an opinion of any substance.

The book changed my life.

We Are Americans

The opinion that I offer here of the media lies about silver is not one of being political. It is from the perspective of being an American citizen. I feel as if it no longer matters what political party I belong to because all politicians are working for the same cause. The cause I speak of is not anything political. It is entirely based upon greed. Politicians at every level of government in America are out to just gather personal wealth.

The top net worth of some members of Congress is well over $100 million dollars. It does not matter if the politician is a Democrat or a Republican. The main political cause they all seek is money and power, and the retention of both as they gather more. The level of wealth these Americans live in is beyond the average American’s dreams.

What we see on our news screens every day is entertainment and nothing more. For example… The ongoing crisis of the raising of the debt ceiling. I have no doubt it will end up in a late-night agreement for the betterment of us all. Yet the drama is currently unfolding on the ‘news’ yet again. The Romans called it “Bread and Circuses” but it really is just plain thievery and has little to do with more than personal greed.

Federal Reserve is Not Federal

The Federal Reserve is Not Federal and it has no reserves. These two facts are indisputable. Even the media lies about silver will soon be no longer able to be concealed.

You see the talking heads of the Fed standing next to whoever is filling in for the President at the time, but it is all simply props and theater. The Federal Reserve IS a privately owned bank and BY LAW we, the citizens, are not allowed to know the identities of the bank’s owners. The Fed is NOT accountable to anyone’s power or branch of government. They ARE the ultimate power. If you doubt this then check it out for yourself and maybe you will get ticked off also.

A photo of the Federal Reserve building with a cloud and lightening above it.   Another example of the media lies about silver
The Federal Reserve is NOT federal and has NO reserves. The owners of the Federal reserve are unknown to this day.

The other thing is that the VALUE of what is on reserve at the Fed is literally ZERO. There is nothing there anymore to back up the money. There is no gold and no silver anywhere to be found. Nobody has ever seen the U.S. gold reserves since President Eisenhower’s administration!

The currency in your wallet is NOT money. Currency is paper and that is all the Federal Reserve has on hand. Truly worthless paper. There is nothing held on reserve but the promise to print more currency and pass it off as money. If you or I did this we would end up in prison for counterfeiting and writing bad checks.

What Does This Have To Do With Silver?

Let’s look at the price of a simple 6.5-ounce bottle of Coca-Cola. From 1886 until 1959 the price to purchase a bottle of this beverage cost five cents. It stayed that price throughout World War I and II. For 73 years if you wanted a bottle of Coke it cost a nickel. There was virtually no inflation at all and yet today Americans accept inflation as an economic fact. Inflation is not Republican. Inflation is not Democrat. Inflation is the single most valuable tool to those owners of the Federal Reserve Bank. You remember them they are the ones you are not permitted to know their identities.

The Federal Reserve has to have inflation to survive. Inflation is part of the DNA of the Fed. Without inflation, the entire monetary system would collapse in upon itself. Don’t take my word for it, do your research. Without long-term inflation, the U.S. dollar would collapse.

The main reason silver and gold prices have been depressed is that every time the value of silver and gold increases the ‘value’ of the U.S. dollar gets tarnished a bit more. In order for the U.S. dollar to survive the value of gold and silver has to be depressed. This is because people run to these metals when the fear of a financial crash is near. Why would the government of The United States of America state the value of gold held on reserve is valued at $42.22 an ounce? The official value of gold is $42.22 an ounce, by law. It is done by decree with the stroke of a pen.

Understanding the Lie of the Offical U.S. Silver to Gold Ratio

A high definition photograph of a U.S. silver dollar behind a U.S. gold dollar.
If you do not understand the history of the silver to gold ratio then the only thing you see is a meaningless number.

If you have not checked out the video on the official U.S. silver to the gold ratio you are really missing out on some key information. (Watch Video) When the Federal Reserve Chairman answered Ron Pauls’s question about gold I was dumbfounded. Understanding the history of the silver to gold ratio is essential. Without understanding this history people only see the number.

The Fed Controls the Narrative and Lies About Silver

The Federal Reserve has controlled the government for decades. This is done by the way the media lies about much more than just silver to the public. The powers that control the Federal Reserve also control the mainstream media. Scream at me through your screen but it cannot be denied that inflation is a hidden tax that benefits only those that are truly wealthy. The entire Treasury and the Federal Reserve have become nothing more than a system to keep the wealthy… wealthy. You really need to check out the video series ‘Hidden Secrets of Money’, Episode. Especially episode #4. You will quickly see how many lies we are fed about owning silver.

The Media lies For The Fed about Silver and Gold

We have been duped into thinking gold is little more than a novelty, and it is not real money. Despite silver being the oldest form of currency humans ever used, it has become nothing more than a fashionable necklace today. Like a very slow drain, the importance of precious metals from American money has been devastating. That bottle of coke did not get more expensive over 70 plus years. When the price did finally increase it was not that the soda was worth more. The value of the dollar had decreased. In fact, the U.S. dollar has lost 98% of its purchasing power. This is because of inflation. Inflation only benefits the truly wealthy and they are the same organizations that set up the Federal Reserve back in 1913.

A photo from 1930's Weimar Republic showing young children playing with a pile of German worthless currency.  The photo is in black and white and the pile of cash is almost at tall as the 7 years old children.   Another example of the media lies about silver
The Federal Reserve is not the first organization in history to lie about its currency. If we do not understand history we are doomed to repeat it.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 established the Federal Reserve System as the central bank of the United States to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system.

In essence, the founders of the Federal Reserve felt that they knew better than everyone. They did not take into account that at least 775 nations in history failed spectacularly because of using fiat currency. 100% of all fiat currencies failed in human history. The job of the Fed today is to keep the people content while their money is being taken from them willingly, and by law.

The Fed Hates Precious Metals

The Federal Reserve hates precious metals. The media lies about silver and gold because if they were forced to be on a standard they would not be able to just print money into existence. The decay of all the major nations in history began when they started clipping the silver. (Ever notice those serrated rims on silver coins?) When governments started diluting the amount of gold or silver in their coins they were able to mint more coins for less cost. This dilution of the value of the coins benefited the rulers in the same way it benefits the rulers of The Fed today. The only difference is that today the numbers are much larger.

The masses have been hoodwinked and do not give silver a second look at being actual money. Despite over 5,900 years of success with silver, the six bankers at Jekyll Island knew better. They set up a ‘better‘ system and they did it for the benefit of humanity?

Silver and gold are what is now referred to as ‘analog money’ because they cannot be tracked by the government. The government won’t say this out loud because they want to perpetuate the media lies of silver to keep the price depressed.


The government has stated that America is going to a digital currency. We are being told (narrative) that it will shake up the banks and help low-income people all the while strengthing the power of the U.S. dollar. Once again the citizens are being lied to.

It is inevitable for the Fed to roll out a FedCoin because it will give them more power and much more control. They will even tell you one day you don’t have to do your taxes anymore. They will have all the info so they will just send you a bill. It will all be for your convenience. Initially, the public will be lied to. They will be told the FedCoin and paper money will both always be accepted. They already know that one day ALL paper and coin money be phased out… for the people’s benefit.

a rendition of a U.S. 1 trillion dollar coin.
Okay… so it is not a picture of FedCoin… it is a rendition of the “minting” a trillion dollar coin and depositing it as money!!! You can’t make this up!!

Remember when President Reagan said we are only one generation away from losing our freedom? Americans today accept the Fed as being federal. They accept inflation as ‘normal’. They accept corruption as being rampant in all levels of government. The people don’t question it when leaders just do not follow the laws the citizens are forced to obey. Citizens accept a two-tiered justice system that benefits the person with the most currency. Citizens have accepted the media lies and silver should be no exception.

The Great Reset?

I believe we are living during one of the greatest events to ever happen in human history. It really is not a secret that the American dollar is a fiat currency and that eventually, ALL fiat currencies collapse. As stated by Voltaire over 300 years ago.

“Fiat currency always eventually returns to its intrinsic value–zero.”

The question of the dollar collapsing is not if, but when. All fiat currencies have a life cycle. As history repeats itself it appears the current version of the U.S. dollar is reaching the end of its lifespan. I am not some gloom and doom prepper. Quite the contrary I see what is coming to be the greatest transfer of wealth in human history to ever happen. Many call it the great reset. Others refer to it as the “everything bubble”. What I call it is opportunity. I am thinking like a banker.

I am not thinking about the narrative the bankers are saying about the current economy. You see while the media lies to us about silver they keep acquiring it.

The Silver Leash

Right now as I tap away on my keyboard I have never been so happy to see the price of silver dump even more. The lies the media are telling about silver are still working and I am taking advantage the best I can about acquiring more silver. This price drop is all a part of the great reset that is coming. It would not surprise me to see some doomed reset come with the rollout of FedCoin.

Whatever happens, the leash government has kept on the price of silver is about to be cut. It does not matter the outcome because silver is literally going to take off in value. Right now silver is barely in the news. Despite an eight-year industry-wide silver shortage and countless new uses of silver, the price for an ounce of silver is half the cost it was back in 1980.

A melting clock face on a shelf that symbolizes time slowing down.   Another example of the media lies about silver
Waiting to find another item that is currently half the cost of what it was for the exact same thing in 1980?

Name any other item you can think of that is half the cost it was in 1980?

I’ll wait.

Silver Is a Horrible Investment

Publically speaking, silver is currently a horrible investment right now. Despite all of the new uses of silver being discovered, and chronic worldwide silver shortages the media still portrays silver as a horrible investment. That is the narrative.

I believe silver is destined to quite possibly be the first element to be removed from the periodical table. It may take a while unless Elon Musk lassos a comet? (Rabbit Hole Detour) I say this because I have been watching and listening to what the bankers are not saying. We all know the media lies and why would silver be an exception?

While all the banks are selling a future of prosperity they are quietly gathering up silver and gold at prices that will one day look quite nostalgic. It is even rumored that JP Morgan has accumulated over 1 billion ounces. Yea… JP Morgan himself was at the infamous Jekyll Island meeting. You don’t buy silver while we buy a billion ounces of the stuff.

The Media Lies About Silver

The media lies and they tell the lies of those that control the levers of power. I see what they very are doing with silver. It is time to jump on with both feet while the herd is running in the opposite direction. I believe that one day we will look back on the price of silver today as unbelievably cheap. When the price of silver takes off I just hope that have had enough time to position myself to greatly benefit from the price jump.

I am thinking like a politician. I want to make money. Since we know the media lies and that our government is nothing but a bunch of legal crooks… silver is an obvious way out of it all. If I am right my world changes for the better. If I am wrong I still do not lose. I will have a pile of valuable silver. I have 6,000 years of unquestionable history to back up this plan. The other plan is to trust in our leaders and politicians, and bankers as they print the currency away to nothing.

The Media lies about virtually everything. When they are not lying outright they lie by ommission. It is now world wide.

Once again, call it the great reset. Call it what you want… but when it happens the people that will lose out will be the simple everyday Americans that were told a lie. The lie of working hard all the while our life’s money is being quietly drained to benefit the bankers. Doubt that? Look what happened in China to ALL of the citizens that lost everything in the Evergrande collapse?

The Media Lies About Silver

It’s worldwide……

Watch this article on YouTube

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver