World War I Was Started With a Lie

World War I was Started With a Lie

Copy of the New York Times newspaper with headline of the sinking of the Lusitania. World War One was started with a lie.
The sinking of the Lusitania happened… just not the way the American public was told it sank.

World War One was started with a lie. The situation was organized and used as an instigator to authorize the United States of America to enter the Great War. This is not meant to say anything negative about the vast numbers of soldiers and sailors and citizens that served. Quite the opposite. This article is intended to reveal how the Federal Reserve has been involved in ALL conflicts since its charter in 1913. Let’s reveal what we know about how World War I was started with a lie.

German Aggression

In the early part of the 20th-century war raged between Britain and Germany. American citizens did not want anything to do with the war and sat on the sidelines happily. Initially, the United States watched from the sidelines and the population was content to do so.

Without the will of the people, the United States could not support military involvement in Europe, and it would not be possible. On August 14th, 1914 President Woodrow Wilson formally proclaimed the neutrality of the U.S.A. For President Woodrow Wilson to remain in power, he had to oblige this current mindset of the population. Unless he could somehow sway that opinion of the people to one of wanting war.

Early February 1915 Germany announced unrestricted submarine warfare against all ships that entered into the warzone around Britain. In March of 1915, the Germans sunk the U.S. merchant vessel, William P. Frye. America was outraged and Germany issued a formal apology. The United States protested but did nothing.

Soon the Lusitania would be in the German sights but it was not without warning. The news outlets of the time proclaimed over and over the warning of being on a ship being used to ship munitions to Britain. Germany stated that transporting munitions made a nation no longer neutral. The U.S.A. officially denied shipping armaments and then lied about the entire event after the sinking. The U.S.A. continually proclaimed total innocence and total denial of shipping munitions to Britain. The sinking of the Lusitania became the catalyst to get the American people to WANT to go to war.

The battle cry became Remember the Lusitania” as the citizens signed up to go fight the patriotic war.

War IS Money

World War One was started with a lie. 
 A war bonds photo depicting renderings of artillery pieces (m114?) and a soldier silhouette looking through a pair of binoculars.
War Bonds were used when the governments of the world had not yet learned to just print money. Britain finally paid off their WW1 debt in 2006.

The first thing America has to do to go to war is to create a situation. It has to be one that angers the population and causes them to want to go to war. Without public support, any war effort would sputter and be ineffective. Once the people of a nation emotionally want to go to war then the business of war begins. This is when the elites of society prosper. The bankers prospered much more than any of the poor soldiers that met their fate facedown in the mud. The bankers and their children rarely put on a uniform and marched off to war. War was not for the intellectual class.

When a nation incites war it immediately has the need for more money to pay for the equipment and training. In order to see the true beneficiaries of war one only has to look at the Federal Reserve. The founding of The Federal Reserve in 1913 was when deficit spending started its ascent to today’s dizzying amount. It must be remembered that during World War I there was still gold in the calculation of the U.S. dollar. The year after the Federal Reserve took power the world began the abandonment of gold as a standard. The years of 1870 to 1914 have been proclaimed to be “The Most Perfect One Ever Created.” referring to the use of the gold standard. It is interesting to note that within their first year in existence the Federal reserve was able to begin the crash of the U.S. dollar.

Time to Make Money

In order for the U.S.A. businesses to get involved in the war, the people had to want war. The sinking of the Lusitania was just such a tool for the elites to use to rally the population. This is the same technique used in virtually every war America has been involved in. Future articles and videos will point out these moments in time.

The business of war is VERY profitable for the Federal Reserve. Although war is profitable for all winning economies the Federal Reserve has a special seat at the table of wealth. To this day the only thing the Fed has to do is print the ‘money’. Since American money is ‘fiat’ it is made out of nothing. The owners of the Federal Reserve print worthless currency and then charge the people a fee to use it. The taxpayers also have to settle up with the federal government once a year to ensure the Fed is getting their cut. What the owners of the Fed do not seize in taxation is taken through inflation.

War CREATES a lot of money.

The Sinking of the Lusitania

World War One was started with a lie.  A drawing of the sinking of the Lusitania with lifeboats full of people watching the sinking ship.
Artist rendering of the sinking of the Lusitania.

During 1914 Americans wanted peace while Britain and Germany were killing each other’s citizens by the thousands. America was neutral and as such the bankers in America were sitting on the sidelines.

America declared it was going to remain neutral and was not choosing sides. The U.S.A. publically stated they would not ship any military equipment to the warring nations of either side. It was also said it would not enter the war and the people of the U.S.A. were happy with that. The U.S.A. was going to remain and act neutral.

When the Lusitania sailed in early May of 1915 Germany took out notices in the public newspapers. These notices stated that if a cargo ship had war materials bond for Britain it would be sunk. When the American citizens boarded the ship they were reassured by their government that they were on a safe ship. When the Germans sank the Lusitania it began a public outcry of anger. The administration capitalized on this and confirmed it did not carry any military equipment.

After the sinking the same mantra was parroted across the nation, and the world. America assumed the role of being an innocent bystander throughout it all. As the German submarines started to sink more ships more Americans began to perish. Americans were being told by their leaders that they were not shipping arms and they would be safe. It can even be debated that those that were killed were acceptable losses for the cause. The bankers just needed to change the mood of the people. Nameless and faceless deaths were meaningless to them. It is rumored that Alfred Vanderbilt was on the Lusitania so as to rid the family of his disruptive behavior.

World War One was started with a lie.  A copy of a notice the German government p[laced in American newspapers warning on the dangers of being on a ship filled with war cargo.
Germany warned Americans about the dangers of NOT being neutral. All the while the American government assured the public the ship contained no war supplies bound for Britain.

It has since been determined that there were about 173 tons of war munitions were in the cargo hold of the Lusitania.

America Enters WW I

World War One was started with a lie for America and that lie began with the sinking of the Lusitania. This discussion is not meant to cast doubt on any issue other than the FACT that the American people were lied to in order to anger them. The anger had to be great enough to want the public to ‘buy in‘. There is NO discussion here other than the issue of the lie as to why America entered the war.

Immerse yourself into the time mentality of a young patriotic 17-year-old boy. Drinking all the propaganda of his time. The radio and newspapers spouted stories of innocence and glory. ALL the public war sentiment shifted with time as the government messaging claimed innocence. Public opinion turned from separatism to wanting ‘payback’. Young men volunteered patriotically to sacrifice their life for the cause.

Public sentiment was manipulated by the propaganda machine that spewed out American innocence and how the ship carried no weapons and that we needed to be outraged. Soon the public was outraged and the money that was spent (deficit spending) reached a never before seen amount. The Federal Reserve owners were making money hand over fist.

The wealth gained by the owners of the Federal Reserve was beyond belief and unfortunately (for them) the war ended.

The Debt of War

World War One was started with a lie. The owners of the Federal Reserve profited greatly in money and power. A little-known fact is that the money-making enterprise called World War I only recently ended.

Britain made its final loan payment for World War I on 31 December 2006.

For those that get to stay home, war is a great thing. The money flows freely to those that provide the financing. War is an event that benefits the OWNERS of the Federal Reserve. This benefit is much more than most people realize. When you strip away the marching bands and patriotic flags the truth is plain to see. World War One started for the United States of America with a lie intentionally spread to inflame the American public. War is money and WWI was the beginning of a pattern that continues to this day.


The business of America is making money. The ability to make weapons is called the industrial-military complex. This is a very lucrative business for a wide swathe of corporations. The amount of currency exchanged today for weapons is staggering. More money is spent on weapons today than ever in human history. America leads the corporate charge more than any other nation.. by far. The realization is that unless the public authorizes it the war will not happen on the scale intended.

a patriotic poster telling men to enlist and remember the sinking of the Lusitania.
Joining to go fight the war was considered a great and patriotic thing to do. Young men from all over the world joined up to sacrifice their life is necessary.

To get the sentiment of the people behind a war effort there has to be anger among the people. For the politicians to take action legally the public was lied to about the sinking of Lusitania. There was a major propaganda effort. This effort denied the truth and spread the lie. The events surrounding the story were a lie by omission and intention. The truth was withheld while politicians threw gas on the flames. Anger was achieved.

World War One Was Started With a Lie

No statement is being made here about WW I other than the initial involvement of the U.S. was based on a lie. Through the manipulation of the story, the sinking of the Lusitania angered the people of America. It angered them enough to WANT to go fight. The narrative was told it was a great and patriotic war. The young men wanted to go fight. 116,516 American personnel went to their death willingly in World War I.

Mission accomplished.

This was not going to be the last time war was to be used to benefit The Fed owners.

It was soon realized the only problem was that the war eventually ended. This was remedied by WW II.

This article is part 2 of a series. It is written here and also on YouTube. (Video Link)

Click the following link to read part one on this website. The Media Lies

Click the following link to watch episode one. The Silver lie

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