Vietnam Was Started With a Lie

Vietnam Was Started With A Lie

The intent of this article is a circuitous path to why you should be stacking silver and gold as much as you possibly can. There is no longer any debate the 58,000 Americans that died in Vietnam only began after the public was lied to. It was not just a simple lie but was a total distortion of the truth. Understanding that the entire pretext to enter into Vietnam one starts to notice a pattern. That pattern is what we want to look at today. This pattern is why we all need to stacking silver.

This is part 3 of this series that shows how the Federal Reserve profits off war. There is also a corresponding video for each article. All relevant links will be at the bottom of this article.

Black and white photo of Defense Secretary Robert McNamara using a pointer to locate where the alleged incident took place. Dated 1965.
Secretary of Defense McNamara giving a press conference explaining how the U.s. Navy was attacked by the North Vietnamese. This was a totally fabricated event. The 2nd attack never happened.

The Vietnam War, for United States involvement, was started over a lie. It is easy to reveal through ten minutes of research that the Vietnam conflict began over a lie. Not just a lie, but a fabricated story. I suggest you look it up for yourself and try to disprove what I am about to say.

On August 2, 1964, the U.S. destroyer Maddox, was claimed to have been approached by three North Vietnamese Navy torpedo boats of the 135th Torpedo Squadron. The North Vietnamese boats attacked with torpedoes and machine gunfire. One U.S. aircraft was damaged, three North Vietnamese torpedo boats were damaged, and four North Vietnamese sailors were killed, with six more wounded. There were no U.S. casualties. Maddox was “unscathed except for a single bullet hole from a Vietnamese machine gun round”.

It is plausible that this incident may have happened but this alleged attack on August 2, 1964, went completely unanswered by the U.S.A. America did nothing.

2nd Incident Was a Lie

An entirely made-up incident was supposed to have happened in the Gulf of Tonkin two days later on August 4th, 1964. It is common knowledge today for historians to agree this incident did not happen and the entire story was made up. There are different theories or excuses as to why the mistake had been made but none of them seem as plausible. Especially when it is stated that the escalation continued even after it was acknowledged to be an error. Once a person sees the pattern emerge it cannot be unseen.

The 2nd ‘incident’ led to The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution which authorized President Lyndon Johnson to “take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression” by the communist government of North Vietnam. It was passed on August 7, 1964, by the U.S. Congress after an alleged attack on two U.S. naval destroyers stationed off the coast of Vietnam.

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution effectively launched America’s full-scale involvement in the Vietnam War.

A black and white photograph of U.S. Marines offloading from a ramped troop transport onto the beaches of Vietnam in early Vietnam involvement.
Once the story of the Gulf of Tonkin was told it began years of troop and equipment escalation. The lie of the Gulf of Tonkin never became an issue.

The second incident did not happen and yet this was the ‘crisis’ that propelled the U.S.A. into a war simply for the goal to profit financially.

America Went To War

Almost 60 years ago America once again called on its military to come and fight to save the world from Vietnam. The sad truth is just like WWI the Vietnam War was started (for the U.S.A.) over a lie. Just like the sinking of the Lusitania America needed a legal path to be able to send off its warriors to fight and die on foreign soil. The 2nd incident did not happen and there has never been ANY truthful reason for America’s involvement.

Stop and think of the importance of this startling truth that America made the story up. Because of an entirely fabricated story, the lives of countless human beings were maimed and killed. Lives were disrupted and families destroyed.

The sad part is that the truth is plain to see when you look at the incident and yet nobody cares. The average American shrugs their shoulders and feels like it is just ancient history. This is the same reason Americans do not care about WWI either. It was a long time ago and… I have to go to work…. and can’t be bothered.

Somethings Not Right

There is an uneasy calm overtaking the world right now. For those that are watching it is easy to see the world just ain’t right. Something is amiss and we are all being lied to by those that are supposed to be protecting us. As we watch ‘news‘ reports and listen to the propaganda we see that the truth is not being shown to America.

The monthly reports like the Consumer Price Report and the unemployment report are nothing but manipulated statistics. The items that are excluded (like food) and so many other handpicked items are shaped to make the monthly report seem good to the average Joe or Jane on the street.

Americans generally accept their media is a lie and that the government is full of crap on pretty much everything.

What Does the Future Hold?

Looking at the past it is easy to see what is coming to a town near you very soon. I fully expect there will be some incident that will be used to inflame the people of America enough to want to go to war. It would not surprise me to see anything happen because the Federal Reserve needs war to survive through the rough economic times.

World War I found America in a deep recession but the war ended all of that. In World War II (future article) the world also was in deep financial trouble called the Great Depression. The war ended that problem. We can use this model used by the Federal Reserve in every conflict America has been involved in since the founding of the Federal Reserve back in 1913.

A photo of a homemade 32 ounce tumbler with USMC letters and a decal of a helicopter that appears to be hovering over a stack of silver coins that is placed in front of the tumbler.
Advice to fellow Jarheads…. Stack Silver. Do not let the powers that be screw you over. Protect and then thrive…. Stack silver…

I see America heading towards a great war with some nation or power in the name of ‘payback.’ Just like WWI, WWII, Vietnam, and 9-11.

Conspiracy Theorist Nonsense

I have received a great deal of flack and heat from stating the reason for America’s entry into the war was over money. Before you click off this article I hope you do some thinking for yourself. Do not just lean on what you think you know because it has all been a lie. I say this as someone who served as a United States Marine. I say this with nothing but love, and respect for all my brothers and sisters that serve and have served.

America’s military is so strong because they have the best toys. If the public knew how advanced the military weapons are they would hide their personal guns a bit better. The power of America is unrivaled.

I want you to look at the historical pattern. There is no debate that the American public was lied to in order to rally them to revenge the sinking of the Lusitania. There is no lie that the American public was lied to in order to fire up the war industry for Vietnam also.

The Federal Reserve Prospers

The Federal Reserve is privately owned and the citizens of America are forbidden by law to know who these owners are. The leaders of the Federal Reserve are nothing more than bankers behind the scenes profiting tremendously by lending money to fund each and every dollar in circulation today.

The majority of Americans do not acknowledge, nor want to accept the truth of this situation. I have actually had people dismiss the idea the Federal Reserve is a privately-owned bank. The idea of the Federal Reserve NOT being federal has been dismissed more than once, yet it is a fact. This is why I ask others to just do their research and find there is only one truth.

When America goes to war the first thing that is needed is money to buy the toys. Of course, since America is a nation of laws… this happens only AFTER the people rally to go to war. Once Americans are incited to fight is when the anonymous bankers prosper.

A color photo of wounded American troops being transported away on what appears to be on the sides of a tank.
The Vietnam War cost America 150 Billion Dollars. 58,000 killed, 300,00 maimed. The bankers made a huge profit though. Social Security is a scam too.

Total Scam

The sole job of the Federal Reserve is to print currency. There is no gold, silver, or anything that props up the value of the U.S. dollar except the promise of printing more currency. This is the national debt. Each and every month the unknown banking institutions are paid a large chunk of cash for the privilege of printing worthless paper currency. When the debt comes due more paper is printed which causes inflation. This inflation is what takes away the rest of the prosperity for the vanishing middle class.

The truth is that the entire system is a scam and historically speaking it is time for it to end. All fiat currencies fail. At least 775 nations have collapsed doing exactly what the Federal Reserve is doing to America today. All Americans are working to do nothing more than maintaining the standard of living of those few people with mega wealth. The rich and powerful people that own islands. The mega-wealthy. Not you…, not me.

We all see the empty vault of the Social Security program but cannot see the empty vault at the Fed.

Federal Government Does Not Care About You

A photograph of a U.S.M.C. Drill Instructor screaming in the face of a recruit.
Why would you expect the government to care any more about you today than when you were a recruit?

The Federal Reserve does not care about you. They do not care whether you are sick, poor, or tired. The failed social security program should be enough for Americans to want a change… but sadly not a peep. All of the money you and I paid into the ‘lockbox’ of Social Security is gone. If I would have earned just 1% interest on my money I would be a millionaire today. Hopefully, I will be able to get something back before I die. But I can rest easy knowing if I died today my family would get $225.00. At least to buy a few flowers for me as the average cost to bury a body is about $9,000. Do not have the false hope your government cares because they do not.

Our nation has been coerced into war over and over again. War is nothing more than a tool for the elites to prosper. Today we are allies with our enemies of the past. New enemies will appear soon and I want to awaken Americans before it happens.

History is Coming

What I see coming is very visible when looked at through the prism of history. Empires come and go through time. Our times on Earth are but a moment and soon the world bankers that control the Federal reserve will be asking the citizens of the world to sacrifice their lives for the cause.

Whether it be the sinking of a ship, the raiding of a harbor, collapsed buildings, or a small nuclear detonation in an American city there will be a call to action. This time I feel safe to say that the coming crisis will be created to set up the mega-wealthy to prosper even more in power and control.

Review of Facts

Fact: The owners of the banks that make up the Federal Reserve is not known by ANY American citizens but a very select few individuals. It is the most exclusive club in the world.

Fact: The Federal Reserve is NOT Federal at all.

Fact: It is forbidden by law to reveal the owners of the Federal Reserve.

Fact: The banks that make up the Federal Reserve are the largest banks in the world.

Fact: The largest banks in the world are multinational banks.

Fact: By default of the previous fact the U.S.A. is run by multinational banks. The citizens are not allowed to know the identities of who they are.

Fact: The Federal Reserve has never been audited.

Fact: Nobody has seen the gold in Fort Knox since President Eisenhower

Fact: World War I was started with a lie for America.

Fact: The Vietnam War started with a lie for America.

Vietnam War Lie? Silver? WTH?

Vietnam was nothing more than another conflict instigated by America and used as a product from which the banks could prosper in money and power and control. The Gulf of Tonkin was a fabricated incident and was nothing special overall when compared to other events in history.

Artist's rendition of a $1 TRILLION DOLLAR coin.
This is an artist’s rendition of a $1 TRILLION DOLLAR coin. It was to be made in platinum and stored as a cash asset. As with all currency, it had nothing backing the trillion-dollar claim other than the promise to make more. All with a handsome profit for the bankers.

Today Covid is the enemy created as the economies of the world reach the end of their currencies’ natural life cycles. If you understand the definition of a fiat currency you are ahead of most Americans. Once fiat is understood the future coming is pretty scary. History is happening before our eyes and the masses are watching television.

I strongly suggest stacking silver because there will soon be a world crisis of some sort that will be used to propel the world to rush to the IMF for salvation and walla! they become the new world reserve currency as all the other national currencies have collapsed.

Do you not realize the world’s largest banks that run the Federal Reserve are also involved in the International Monetary Fund? I stack silver because I believe the bankers have grown larger than the Federal Reserve and they are getting ready to go out on their own. When the SDRs are the worldwide currency of salvations they will have total control.

Federal Reserve or IMF?

I am not here trying to convince you the Vietnam War started with a lie. I fully understand that most readers have already clicked off this article because it is nothing but a conspiracy. I am here to encourage you to do your own research beyond a quick 29 second Google search.

Stack silver because the reset is coming. It does not matter what the trigger will be because this one will be different. This crisis will be the mother of all crises. At this moment silver is priced at $23.33 an ounce. If you dismiss that price I hope you remember it because one day it may prove to be your biggest financial regret ever.

Vietnam Was Started With a Lie

Vietnam was started over a lie. World War I was started with a lie. What makes you think this time will be any different? It is time to realize we live in a great country but the bankers that are running it now are not doing anything in the best interests of the citizens.

Stack silver and prepare for what is coming. Many people can feel it in their bones and sense it in the air. Don’t ignore your dread.

Semper Fi

Vault Silver

(Article link to WWI article)
(Link to WWI Video)

Link to Vietnam Video (This article)

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver