The Financial Reset is Coming

The Financial Reset is Coming

Let’s talk about how the financial reset is coming and why stacking silver is vital right now. This article is part of a series showing that America has entered all military conflicts during the 1900s with a lie. This lie has always been instigated by the federal government. Per our previous articles, we discussed how America became involved in World War I and also Vietnam. (Matching videos on YouTube)

The prism of history reveals that the needed financial reset will be a controlled meltdown of the Federal Reserve as it morphs into its next evolution. The Federal Reserve will be terminated and the same secret owners of the Federal Reserve will be the owners of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

Federal Reserve Building.  The great reset is coming and the Federal Reserve will be the main cause.
The Federal Reserve is a private monopoly. Most Americans will not believe this to be true.. but it does not change the fact.

We will continue the discussion here as to why these events make it imperative to stack silver. Focusing mainly on The Federal Reserve we will look at some startling truths about it all.

Understanding the Federal Reserve

Let’s look at some indisputable facts about The Federal Reserve. To fully understand who and what The Federal Reserve is should be a question every American asks. The validity of the statements below is truthful and factual. There is no gray space of doubt that can question the statements below. If you disagree it is strongly suggested you do research and leave a comment.

This discussion will assume you understand and realize the following facts;

  • Federal Reserve is a privately owned bank or group of banks.
  • Americans are not permited to know who these banks, or owners identities are.
  • The Federal Reserve has NEVER been audited.
  • Nobody has seen the U.S.A. gold reserve since 1953.
  • The banks that make up the Federal Reserve are the largest banks in the world.
  • The largest banks in the world are multinational banks., which by default, means that the Federal Reserve has member banks that are owned by foreign entities to some degree.
  • WW1 and Vietnam were both started because of a lie told to the American people by the government.
Marines on top of tank being evacuated in Vietnam.  The great financial reset is coming.
America has gone to war repeatedly for the sole purpose of increasing profit and power.

Future Crises

The realization that the Federal reserve must have non-USA citizens involved in the money management of America is startling. Since ALL large banks are multinational it is not a leap to realize that the unknown bankers pulling the strings are no longer interested in America first. They are only interested in continuing the fiat scam as long as possible. The fiat scam is an entirely different topic but is vital you understand what fiat currency means.

The bankers that make up the Federal Reserve by default are the same banks within the IMF and the World Bank. The banks within any of these organizations have to be large enough to exist within their universe. Since the mere existence of the Federal Reserve creates a de facto monopoly the hidden owners are all the same people. (Yes, The Federal Reserve IS a monopoly owned by secret owners.) By leaning upon our history it is not hard to foresee some event occurring that will hasten the bankers to consolidate power and control through the creation of a world currency.

There will be a MASSIVE international monetary crisis and the World Bank and IMF will swoop in and save the day with the world currency that has already been created. Yes, The World Bank has already been creating its currency for the world. This is not a conspiratorial tale as it is in plain sight for all to see.

Special Drawing Rights (SDR)

It is not a far leap to think there is a looming economic crash that will devastate the world economy. The crash will have to be epic to take down the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency. Take your pick of reasons for the collapse to happen. Covid. Supply chain. Depression. Recession. Inflation. Crop Shortages. Fuel shortages. Race war. Election dispute. Whatever happens, it will be the biggest crash in human history and will be devastating to all but the unprepared. Special Drawing Rights or SDRs will become mainstream in some sort of salvation sort of way.

The SDR is a currency that has been on the world stage since 1969. On August 2nd of 2021, the IMF suddenly distributed 456 Billion SDRs which is the largest amount in its history. The IMF is gaining traction with this currency. What backs these SDRs is irrelevant because it will merely be a restart for the fiat system the world is currently buried under. This reset is what is needed to get out from under the debt and start anew.

It is common knowledge the U.S. dollar has inflated away almost all of its value since the creation of the Federal Reserve. The dollar has become nothing more than a token world reserve currency. The entire world is experiencing a debt problem and the crash will occur as all fiat currencies in human history have.

BOOM! Goes the Event

Somehow, someway a situation will be created that will upend the world economy and the world’s population will rush for handouts to merely survive. The crash necessarily has to be that devastating. When it happens the IMF will rush in and will use their currency with the promise to make things better.

Photo of Gulf of Tonkin press conference in 1964 was a lie as the great reset that is coming will be a lie also.
The Gulf of Tonkin incident on August 4th, 1964 was an entirely fabricated event. it was a lie and yet propelled America to escalate Vietnam involvement.

A great financial reset is coming. It has to happen so the current bankers do not lose control when the world debt market implodes. The framework has been set in motion for the situation to happen and the rest will be history. Yet another example of creating the problem merely to be able to provide the solution. And profiting in money, power, and control in the process. This has been done repeatedly throughout American history.

America Lies

America has been proven to lie to its citizens to achieve the goals of those that pull the levers of power and control. This reset is what the leaders of the banks will need to propel them into a position of total control and authority.

Imagine how much control will be gained when EVERY transaction in the world is nothing more than a profit for the bankers? Every sale, every time? If this sounds too sci-fi for you then maybe you do not realize the private owners of the Fed currently make a profit on every dollar, every time one is created… They get a percentage payment for interest every thirty days… it’s essentially wrapped up in the national debt.

Silver Stacking Salvation

Whatever happens, stacking silver will be salvation. Hopefully, you see how undervalued silver currently is, and has been. Worst case scenario is that you will be able to use it to purchase food if the collapse is as devastating as possibly necessary to achieve the goal of world banking control. This is currently going on in nations today living through fiat currency collapses. (Venezuela) (Zimbabwe)

The best-case scenario is you will have a great investment that is transparent to the government because it will be the only analog wealth left, along with gold. This is due to the announcement in October 2020 that there will be a digital currency for the U.S.A. The current low price is unsustainable for the current world hunger for silver. If you look at silver intelligently all the long-term benefits of stacking are apparent. It is inevitable for the value of silver to increase exponentially. Your kids and grandkids will be rich if this does not happen in our lifetime if the current system can even last that long.

The Reset is Coming

Somehow, someway… a situation will be created that will upend the world economy, and all the world’s citizens will rush for handouts to merely survive. The IMF will appear on the scene and introduce their new currency with the promise to make your life better. They will be there to “help you…”

A great financial reset is coming. It has to happen for the powerful banking forces to continue their financial monopoly on the world stage. This reset is what the leaders of the banks will need to propel them into a position of total control and authority when the natural life-cycle of the existing fiat currency ends. War really does not fit these needs any longer as the banker’s ownership is worldwide. The end goal will be that when the dust settles from the impending financial collapse they will be in control and the world salvation ‘government‘. An economic collapse seems to be the better scenario to be used. Either way, your welfare is trivial at best to them.

Conspiracy Theory?

If you are thinking this is all a conspiracy theory I ask you if you ever thought the government would mandate you must receive a vaccination to board an airplane? The vaccine is the next article as this is yet another profit scam brought on by the people much more powerful than even the President of The United States of America. Why do you think the vaccination is FREE to anyone who asks? FREE….. Corporations are merely laundering money for the mega-wealthy as all the vaccination providers get about $89.00 for each and every shot.

Imagine how much control will be gained when EVERY transaction in the world is nothing more than a profit for the bankers? Every sale…

The great financial reset is coming…. how ready are you?

Semper Fi!

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Essential Reading For Stacking Silver