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Stock Play First Majestic Silver (AG)

I, the author of this article, am not a financial advisor. What you are about to see and hear is merely what goes on in my head as far as what is going on in the silver world. When I say ‘silver world’ I am also including mining operations in North America. What you are about to see is simply what I have done. It is strongly encouraged you do your own research and make your own decisions.

Understand Silver

Before we get going you need to realize that investing in mining companies has wild price swings up and down. First Majestic Silver is no exception and may well be the poster boy for volatility. This volatility needs to be something you can absorb into your emotions. What is going on will not happen overnight, until one day that it does. When the day comes and silver seeks orbit the mining stocks will be dragged right along with the price. You must understand that a 50% loss, or more is possible until that day arrives. What I am proposing is to merely preposition yourself now and be ready to ride the wave to the top. But, unfortunately nobody knows when this will happen so the waiting game continues.

First Majestic Silver

Do your due diligence on First Majestic Silver and also look at the call option December 19th of 2025. At the time this was written that day is 864 days away. Most people shy away from options because they believe they are too risky. This is not true when purchasing a call-option. The only risk is the premium you put up to purchase the call option.

Do you believe that sIlver will see a great price increase within the next 2.5 years?

I would be shocked if the Federal Reserve could hold this mess together that long. For me…. the waiting game has begun and now patience and stock positions are in my future.

19 December 2025 $10 Strike Price

I would not bet the farm on this one, like I did with Bunker Hill Mining Corp. and their mine in Kellogg, Idaho. {BHLL} For me this will be a small play just to see where my hunch goes. I have spent decades making predictions on different aspects of stocks and nations policy toward their financial markets and economy overall.

Right now the premium is about a buck per contract with each contract controlling 100 shares of First Majestic common stock. The total contract currently cost about $100.

So… for by entering into a legal agreement with the NY stock Exchange I can now “call away” (call option) 100 shares (per contract) at $10.00 a share until 19 December 2025. For me that is long enough away for this little investment to pay for a nice vacation somewhere… anywhere I desire to go.

Don’t Be Afraid of Options

Having a fear of options is merely because you do not fully understand them. Yes, they are risky BUT only if you write, or sell options. Which I WOULD NEVER do… as that is what brings unpredictable risks. Since we are only discussing the PURCHASING of options the only money I risked is the $500 I spent PURCHASING five contracts for about $500. That is the MOST money I could lose and then only if I leave it there until the expiration date.

When the price of silver takes off… and the banks collapse… when the smoke clears I will be going on what I consider a free vacation. Yes… I will also bring my girlfriend.

Don’t be afraid of options and don’t avoid them because of that fear. You will need an account that sells options. I know E*TRADE does this and it is EASY to be approved for a level-2 options trading account. This is the level account I use and the only risk of loss I face is the premium I spent to purchase the right to buy First Majestic stock @ $10 a share for the next 2.5 years.

Check this out before the rest of the world sees what I see.

Semper Fidelis!

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Essential Reading For Stacking Silver