What Silver Should I Buy?

If you are asking what silver to buy there are a few questions you should ask yourself first. Before making any decisions you should consider your goals.

What Are Your Goals?

What type and size of silver you decide to purchase will greatly impact you when it comes time to sell that silver. The problem with deciding what silver to purchase is that nobody is a prophet and the future is a mystery until the events unfold. What a person needs to decide before a worthless U.S. penny is spent is where will the silver be stored and what is the purpose of storing it.

During their currency reset recently Zimbabwe had to issue a 1 Trillion Dollar bill. It was still not enough to buy one cup of coffee… and this was AFTER they lopped of six of the zeros.

Old Fat Marine started storing silver before even understanding that the term stacking silver meant buying and holding silver personally. If you have visited my YouTube channel you will soon learn that I stack silver because I see the end of the dominance of the U.S. dollar on the world stage. For the purpose of discussion, we will visit stacking silver for a future that will be void of the current version of the U.S. dollar. The discussion will be about living in an economy that is in shambles as the great economic reset occurs. Most Americans do not realize that the U.S. dollar has re-set itself a few times already in history. Despite millions of people being wiped out….another reset has to happen to ensure the central planners (Bankers) stay in power. Here are their plans as discussed in a previous video: Click Here

The Great Reset?

What type of silver a person should purchase will need to be immediately available and portable enough to be hauled off. When I first started stacking silver I did not think I could afford much which says a lot about my finances. I hoped to gather enough before whatever happens…. happens. When I speak of a great reset I will not be shy. It is hard to wrap years of knowledge into one article. The one thing I suggest is that you start looking at what is going on in the world and don’t use the mainstream media for ANY information.

Prevoius Article: The Great Reset

It does not matter what you believe will happen because the future is coming either way. If I am wrong and the corruption continues beyond my lifetime then my children will be set for a much better future. I firmly understand that my silver will live beyond my life and that as long as I know how to quickly access that silver my world is safe. That is peace of mind because no matter what happens I will be able to use a piece of silver to buy a loaf of bread. Please do not invest in paper silver.

In Venezuela today the masses are using silver and gold to do business as their currency recently collapsed.

Did You Know The U.S. Dollar is a Fiat Currency? Watch This Video

Let’s talk about real physical silver in a world that the dollar has collapsed and before a new currency arrives on the scene. As the dollar collapses there will be a period of time that will involve nothing but hyperinflation. It will be characterized by only a few products available on the shelf. You know what I mean… as America becomes more socialist shortages will necessarily become chronic. Shortages are nothing more than the ineffectiveness of government bureaucracies being capable to control an economy. You can spin shortages anyway you want but they are ALL government policy-induced.

What Silver Should I Buy?

I have bought virtually all of my silver from Money Metals. Having counted 24 successful and hassle-free transactions over the last year I am a very happy customer, Sure I make a nickel or two on any sales but that is not the purpose of why this website or YouTube channel exists. I want to get the word out that preparation now can propel a person from barely surviving to wonderfully thriving. When the SHTF comes so many people will say I knew it was coming… and yet they will still have done nothing to prepare.

A small pile of silver rounds and a 10 ounce silver bar.  In a disorganized pile.
A small pile of unorganized 1-ounce silver rounds and a few 10-ounce silver bars.

My wife thinks I am always talking about gloom and doom and bad things coming. My V.A. counselor says I feel this way because of my PTSD. Either way, for whatever reason, I know that if the market moves like I believe it will (my opinion only) I will not only be better off than most everybody… but I potentially could have an even better lifestyle than I have had my entire life.

To truly understand and benefit from silver stacking you must not look at silver as a mere investment. Silver is way beyond that and one only has to look at silver’s 6,000+ year positive history. If you truly want to benefit from silver then this is how I suggest you acquire your silver. Let’s see what we are talking about.

Silver is Heavy

Having served in the U.S.M.C. with the infantry I have a hate-hate relationship with the idea of carrying things that are heavy. I vividly remember carrying a 50+ pound pack and also an assortment of heavy weapons everywhere I went. It may sound like a real macho thing to be able to do… but I understand reality. Carrying heavy things over long distances totally sucks. It is about as enjoyable as digging a hole with a shovel.

To provide a perspective of how small one gram of gold really is. This visual helped me understand what size of silver to buy.

Right now silver spot price is hovering around $25.00 an ounce. Doing simple math for every $10,000 in silver 25 pounds of metal will have to be moved. If you have never carried 25 pounds 25 miles in a day… then you do not understand the futility of it all. Do it one day? Try 3 days in a row and you will leave the silver in a hole somewhere hoping to maybe someday be able to come back.

If you believe that your world is so safe from ANYTHING happening in your geographical area that would require you to suddenly leave, then you are a fool. (Okay, that was harsh…) Maybe just a typical American living a life insulated from the untold harsh realities of world history? If you believe the U.S. dollar will ALWAYS be around in its current form then the rest of this information will merely be a waste of your time. If you are wondering what type of silver to buy I want you to realize that silver is heavy when the stack gets even moderately larger.

How Do I Start?

If you are looking at silver as a hedge against economic collapse then understand the difference between silver coins and silver rounds and silver bullion.

Silver Coins

Silver coins are generally referred to as coins having come from a sovereign mint. The most popular silver coin in the world is the U.S. Liberty Walking Dollar. There is a higher premium (cost over current spot price) to purchase a sovereign mint coin. Generally, I avoid paying more per ounce for a silver coin when I am solely interested in accumulating a quantity of silver. Sure I will receive more money when I sell them but I do not want to be haggling over what is actually a ‘perceived value.’ I like to look at silver spot price and that is AT LEAST what can be accepted to sell. The spot price is the spot price. The premium over spot to purchase a silver coin is never so clear-cut. I will not want to haggle over a perceived value.

Silver Rounds

Pile of silver coins and bars
1-ounce Silver rounds underneath 10-ounce silver bars are the sizes of silver I have determined best for me.

Silver rounds simply mean it is not from a sovereign mint. A silver round is produced by a private mint. The premiums of a silver round should always be less than for a silver coin. Many collectors spend more money on what they consider to be a collectible. A great example is a Disney Round. Because the name Disney is on the round people are willing to pay a higher premium. I collect generic silver rounds like the buffalo rounds because the premium over the spot is always less. I initially started buying on eBay but after a bunch of purchases, I realized I was paying too much. Also, I have come to fear counterfeit silver from eBay. When I order from Money Metals I know it will not be fake silver.

Silver Bullion

Simply explained bullion is just silver in a bar form. The bars come in many weights (1 ounce, 2 ounces, 5 ounces, 10 ounces, 100 ounces, and 1,000 ounces) and are NEVER from a sovereign mint. All bullion comes from private mints.

What Size Should I Buy?

I suggest starting off with simple and plain old 1-ounce silver rounds. As your quantity starts to grow start looking at silver bars. Avoid the 1,000-ounce bars because they will be too pricy to one day sell to the average Joe. Even if you could afford one you will not want one. 100-ounce bars or even kilo bars will be much easier to resell. But nothing will be easier to sell than one-ounce rounds and 10-ounce bars.

When I first started stacking I focused on 1-ounce generic silver rounds. After stacking a bunch of rounds I got into some 10-ounce bars. Over time I also accumulated some very small fractional silver pieces like grams and fractional ounces. This is to be used in every day barter situations. The dollar will one day go away… but the need for commerce never ends. No matter what… a few small fractionals can be used as money for smaller transactions. You would not want to use an ounce of gold to purchase a meal. An ounce of silver would be more than enough. In this situation, even 100-ounce bars of silver would be impractical.

My Reality of What Size Silver to Buy

As I sit here I am happy to have some silver stacked away. As I continue to prepare for the great re-set I know that I can’t keep stacking silver because of the physical limitations of carrying it by hand. I can no longer do it. Nor would I want to do it. I really do not think the need to evacuate will happen for me. Unfortunately, it would be either stupidity or blissful ignorance to not at least make some plans for what-ifs.

I know I am no longer that young Marine that crossed the deserts of North Africa with my Lance Corporals by foot. Knowing who I make it crystal clear I am no longer able to carry heavy things long distances. I know carrying $10,000 in silver is too much for me to haul off long distances. It has become a sobering fact for me to realize that moving silver is too much to do by hand. Sure I can stack it at home and it would be safe, but I fear the what-if moment of having to leave it behind. What silver I should buy needs to first be answered by can I physically be able to move it the long distance on foot if the need arose?

Stack Gold

I initially started stacking silver without having two worthless US nickels to rub together. It was not a matter of what size silver I should but as much as it was do I have enough money to buy any silver at all. I always said I could never afford to stack gold, hence the silver. Now I feel as if it is time for me to get more disciplined and start to gather some gold simply because of the weight issue. I previously have purchased a gram of gold and when it arrived I laughed at how small it was for the price. It was then that I realized that if I ever had to leave my local area I better have more than just silver to bug out with.

I have decided to become more disciplined in my purchases and wait a tad bit more to purchase gold fractionals. This way if the world ends and I have to leave… I will at least be able to take some real money with me and not just leave it behind because I cannot carry it away.

To show the weight difference between gold and silver. This visualization helps me understand value to weight ratio.

I am by no means rich, or wealthy, or a financial advisor. I am just a guy who is awake to what is happening to America. There is no pretense on my part of being a guru. I just know how thin the foundation of society really can be.

I remember stopping in a mud hut (North Africa) trying to buy 3 bottles of 7UP. The store was carved into a hillside and may have been there for 1,000 years by how it looked. I handed the shopkeeper a 5 dollar bill and he scoffed. He would not take it. Not being a conquesting Marine we finally decided to trade my Lance Corporal’s watch for the warm sodas. We bartered.

When the U.S. Dollar Is Not Accepted

I learned at that moment that if the dollar is not accepted we would have gone thirsty. Once the dollar dies a new currency will eventually pop up. It is between the collapse and the rebuild that must be survived. Will the rebuild last a day? A week? 3 Years? Who knows… but I do believe that if I had silver back at the mud-hut… my Lance Corporal would still have his watch. As a side note, he willingly traded the watch when the shopkeeper pointed to it. Maybe then I should have carried some silver but I was busy doing other things. Despite my love for silver, I acquiesce to the need to have gold. I hate paying higher premiums for the smaller fractional sizes but I stack to survive, and possibly even thrive if done correctly.

Do What You Want

Do what is best for you and then run with it. What silver I should buy is not necessarily relevant for you. BUT be aware of the weight issue. I have watched all of the YouTube gurus and the recurrent thesis is that you better do something. Stack silver to start and when you have too much to carry… (Not that hard really) then switch to gold. The important thing is to have both. Smaller silver and gold fractionals would help with day-to-day items while larger bullion would preserve long-term wealth.

If you have not watched my videos please do so and like them. The YouTube algorithm on this subject is brutal. If this subject does not get out by word of mouth… it will just not get out. So please check out the videos and like and subscribe if you understand what is being said.

I am not a financial advisor but if you call Money Metals and set up an account they will be able to walk you through it all. You can order online but I have always liked the FACT that when you call they are in America., and they actually answer the phone. You get to quickly speak with a real live human without punching in responses to a never-ending call system that really does not want you to speak to a person. If you decide to call tell them the “Old Fat Marine” sent you and you will receive a FREE 1/2 ounce of silver added to your order by Money Metals. To get the free silver you need to call (1-800-800-1865) if you don’t want FREE silver then just go to the Money Metals website directly.

Semper Fi…. Please Just Start……

What silver should I buy was not as important as starting. Once you hold real silver and gold in your hands you will understand. Then just run with it.

Buy Gold and Silver

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver