YouTube Silver Stacking Viewers Guide

Guide to: YouTube and Silver

If you are like me then you get a great deal of information about silver from YouTube. If you classify yourself as a silver stacker then you most likely use YouTube. YouTube is one place to get actually truthful information. You may not get all the information on some aspects but overall the information that is not censored out is truthful. (On the topic of silver)

YouTube and silver are a match made in heaven. I want to give a quick listing of the YouTube channels I have been following as I lumber along the road of silver stacking. I will not opine whether a channel is good or bad. This list is intended to help Stackers get the YouTube Guide that has been sorely missing. All channels with a personal name as the title are listed alphabetically by the first name. (ie: Jerimah Babe will be listed alphabetically by 1st name = the letter ‘J’.


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In the comments please add the channels you use and like that pertain to silver. Let’s get the message out and beat the corrupt search algorithms once and for all. Here is my list and some comments. Please add at least one channel you like to see added to this article. Self-promotions are also welcome. Links and GENERIC channel descriptions are below.

Angry Prepper
A New York City Firefighter blows past the censorship of mainstream news channels and does a ‘conversational‘ type of video that discusses issues directly impacting New York and beyond. From vaccines to food prep… are all covered. The channel is all about getting out a message and is well worth the visit despite your geographical area. His passion shines through with a voice that is heavy with a New York accent. He has MANY valid points and he is someone with a valid message as he is on the front lines in the City of New York.

Arcadia Economics A very good channel to gather insight on silver in Mexico, and the world by Chris Marcus. His mission statement says it all about his channel.
To share what I would want a family member or friend to know about what’s coming next- before it’s too late.”

Epic Economist
This is a pessimist channel. I do not say this in a bad way because that apparently works for them as they get many views. Not providing any solutions to the problems we all know to exist this channel is very adept at presenting current and future world issues. Very entertaining channel to learn about what is going wrong with the world we currently are trudging through.

Economic Ninja
I really enjoy The Economic Ninja because it is easy to see his passion. He put out a video verbal challenge way back when saying to educate yourself and make your own decisions about ‘things‘. I did this and read The Creature From Jekyll Island. I never looked back. What I like best is his plan to buy ‘other people’s stuff‘. He is positive and upbeat and I look forward to seeing his video publication notifications pop up. He discusses more than just silver but it all makes sense to those that are paying attention. He is providing a unifying voice that is helping unite the movement that is currently sweeping the silver market. It is a first-person presentation type of channel.

George Gammon See Rebel Capitalist

Gregory Mannarino
This channel is so enjoyable because of my N.Y. background. I feel (by the N.Y. accent) that I am just sitting around having a bull session with him. He comes across as a no-nonsense guy that is tired of how the entire world is being led around by the bankers. He is passionate about what he is saying and what he sees coming in the not too distant future. He appears as a guest on many channels listed in this directory. If the world were to ever actually have a real news reporting channel about silver in the mainstream he would need to be a core member of that group. It is a first-person presentation type of channel.

jeremiah babe
A channel that is no-nonsense and in your face about what is going on. I do not agree with everything he says but that is what makes this whole machine of seeking information worth doing. He has valid points in what he says. He is not doing the channel to generate income which is quite visible when the passion of his conversation shines through. His channel is not a silver channel as it is more like a financial prepper channel. Of course, silver ends up in the conversation as anyone who preps will come across the need for precious metals. I would call him a realist prepper that is worth listening to as he makes very valued statements on what he sees happening in the world today. It is a first-person presentation type of channel.

I Allegedly
This channel always features Dan walking around somewhere in gorgeous Southern California holding a ‘conversation’ with the viewer. I enjoy his videos as his information is right on. He always stops and shows the beauty of his surroundings like birds and water and such. It is nice to sometimes take a step back and notice the things that really matter. Silver is great but you have to be alive to enjoy it. I was surprised by the large following his channel has because of his unorthodox presentation style. I guess that is because his message is very interesting most of the time. I wish he would fill out his YouTube channel bio so as to understand him even more.

When I first saw this channel I told my friends to look for that “Lynette Zang” lady. It was not until a few weeks in that I noticed the correct name is ITM Trading. My wife hates her voice but I love her message and her passion for the part silver and gold can play before, during, and after an SHTF event. This is a channel that you should check out for yourself as her information is only matched by her personally walking the talk. It is obvious to notice that she not only preaches the message of silver but lives it. What I mean is she sees silver as a tool. Like a shovel. Her level-headed approach to OVERALL preparation is worth watching. Some days she makes solo appearances while other days she works with a gentleman and does a question and answer session.

jeremiah babe
A channel that is no-nonsense and in your face about what is going on. I do not agree with everything he says but that is what makes this whole machine of seeking information worth doing. He has valid points in what he says. He is not doing the channel to generate income which is quite visible when the passion of his conversation shines through. His channel is not a silver channel as it is more like a financial prepper channel. Of course, silver ends up in the conversation as anyone who preps will come across the need for precious metals. I would call him a realist prepper that is worth listening to as he makes very valued statements on what he sees happening in the world today. It is a first-person presentation type of channel.

Liberty and Finance
A channel that prides itself (in my opinion) upon providing relevant information about gold and silver on a timely basis. Generally, there are interviews of ‘silver celebrities” that are quite knowledgeable in precious metals. The channel maintains a consistently rigid presentational approach with the message always being on point and relative. If a person has an interest in learning about silver this is a channel worth adding to your list of subscribed channels. It is a guest-driven type of channel. I just wish there were more camera angles than just close-up face shots. A channel that is worth visiting.

Lynette Zang See ITM Trading

Mike Maloney: Hidden Secrets of Money
This man gets special kudos as one of the pioneers of silver and gold investing in today’s world. The link above would be required viewing for any students. All 11 videos are chock full of elementary information that needs to be understood by someone looking to learn about silver and gold stacking. If you are interested in silver stacking this is a YouTube creator that you NEED to view. There is nothing as informing as this series of videos.

Old Fat Marine
A channel that tries to provide relevant and truthful information pertaining to stacking silver and gold. Some of the videos are long-winded but that is to drive the specific point home for a casual viewer. The channel covers all topics silver and provides conjecture as to future possible events as situations continue to unfold. A channel worth watching if you have the time. It is a first-person presentation with a video overlay type of channel.

Rafi Farber
Having watched Rafi for a while now I have to admit he has much more insight than one may first believe. The information is presented in fairly dry humor punctuated with the knowledge that is often insightful. I truly enjoyed his attempts to actually receive silver from the Comex. A good channel for information about more than jus6t silver.

Rebel Capitalist
This is the official George Gammon YouTube Channel. The first few episodes I saw were him using a plain ole’ dry erase board. I thought it was a tad bit hokey but I gave him a chance and was not disappointed. Whether there is a guest or he goes alone it is worth watching. If you want news, information, and ideas it is well worth watching. He discusses world and U.S. stories.

Silver 5150 Coming soon the evaluation is pending. TY! for contribution Charles!!!

Silver Joker Coming Soon the evaluation is pending. TY! for contribution Charles!!!

Silver Slayer
I like Silver Slayer because he can go off what someone might call the deep end. I say that with love and nothing else because of his dedicated passion for spreading the word of silver. Sometimes I do not agree with his premise and that is okay because that is what it is all about. The channel is a place to learn and gather some information discussed that may have slipped my news personal news cycle. I enjoy this channel. It is a first-person presentation type of channel.

Stoic Finance
This is a very formal channel with a flavor of being very knowledgeable on the subjects discussed. I feel (as an American) this channel provides a 20,000-foot view of what is impacting Europe. The channel provides great information and provides ramp room for personal research.

The Rich Dad Channel
I like this channel as Robert Kiyosaki knows his stuff. I began to notice two distinct types of videos. The good ones appear to have been professionally made. My only unhappiness with the channel is the disparate informational quality differences of the videos. There are those made that are great and informative and entertaining. Then there are those videos that pop up that look like my half-interested teenage son threw together. The level of quality is either top shelf or something that apparently was created to just throw content out. The channel is good but it takes time to narrow down the focus on silver and gold….. You just have to sift through the channel. Overall a good channel that provides information that is relevant and often interesting. The channel is well beyond silver and gold. It is like a philosophy of finance channel of sorts. I started watching this channel because I read his book years ago. (Rich Dad Poor Dad) It is a guest-driven type of channel.

Uneducated Economist
When I first saw this channel I was immediately interested because it was just some guy talking while sitting in a parked car. He offers a simple and plain analysis of what he sees in the world market. The interesting aspect of it all is that he gets it right more often than ANY of the major news outlets. If he started a news circuit with OAN this guy could possibly save the world from the looming economic collapse. And yet he is just a guy talking and sitting in his car. Maybe you should listen to round out your knowledge.

Wall Street Silver
Wall Street Silver shows me that I NEVER really want to be an Internet superstar. They have had to evolve and become more ‘corporate’ so as to be able to reach their current YouTube status. The beauty of Wall Street Silver on YouTube is that it shows dominance can still be achieved via the message despite the censorship. I am not a politically correct type of person and I admire them for the consistent portrayal of the truth coming out about silver. I watch every episode and enjoy all that I watch. You need to be on Wall Street Silver YouTube Channel if you stack silver. It is a guest-driven type of channel.

Yankee Stacking
This has been a longtime favorite and I have enjoyed all of his episodes. I think I enjoy the coin store owners commentary the most actually. The channel is good and enjoyable and covers various topics silver-related. A channel I enjoy visiting. It is not so much full of new information as much as it is like sitting down and having some coffee. An enjoyable channel that is worth viewing to stoke the flame of passion for silver. It is a first-person presentation channel with a coin store owner being the main guest. An interesting channel if you like the topic of silver and gold.

Please submit comments on those channels we can help spread the word about.

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