Crypto Will go to ZERO

Crypto Will Go To Zero

Crypto will go to zero once the Great Reset happens in the financial sector. If you have viewed some of the videos presented by this channel you are also questioning the tactics of the Federal Reserve and world banks in general. There are many instances in world history that show that the government’s path taken was personally directed by the owners of the world’s largest banks. The money that these bankers control is more than a lot. You inherently know these bankers have a lot of the money… but in reality, they have ALL of the money. The central planners that are guiding so many events now in the world are beyond wealthy and it has become all about power and control. Crypto will necessarily go to zero because the powers that be will mandate it by law as it goes against EVERYTHING that gives a government power. This was done to gold in 1933 in the U.S.A. through a law that made it illegal to own gold for American citizens. (the USA seizes gold 1933)

a placard type of a drawing that has the statement "let me issue and control a nation's currency and I care not who makes the laws."  Rothschild
It has even been said out loud and nobody listens. Crypto will go to zero so they do not lose control.

The Federal Government Has Lost Control

In America today it is no longer the government telling the banks what to do. This is because the employees of the banks have woven their way into control of the government. The White House is nothing more than a revolving door of appointees that are in place merely to advance the objectives of those that truly are pulling the strings. The Federal Government is essentially nothing but one big corporation that exists to perpetuate those that control the money supply. It is the bankers that determine where and when U.S. bombs should be dropped. That is how deep the banks control policy and world direction. Crypto will go to zero so the order can be maintained at a higher level. At a world level.

History of War

It is with sadness to report that for well over 200 years the world banking system dominated by the infamous Rothschild’s was all about power and control. They still hold that power today. (Rothschild) One only has to read the history of the Rothschild dynasty to quickly stumble across instance after instance of the thirst for power. This was essentially the beginning of the modern-day fractional banking system. (If you do not know the meaning of Fractional Reserve Banking you are behind the power curve big time.) A side tidbit is that the Rothschild family has more money than Bill Gates, Jess Bezos, and Elon Musk COMBINED. Yet you never, if ever, hear about them.

The early bankers of history wanted more from war than to just make money. They wanted political favors for the use of their money. These favors easily snowballed into staggering wealth. That type of arrangement is where the Rothchild family’s power originated from. That power exists to this day. The Rothschilds historically financed BOTH sides of wars at the same time for well over 200 years. They held no allegiance to any world government or power. For those that like history the Rothschilds were a key player in the destruction of Napoleon Bonapart. It is also now an easily provable fact that the ship Lusitania was sent to its destruction knowingly with the hope Germany would sink it. All for the financial gain of JP Morgan and ALL of the world bankers.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild

Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.”

Above is a famous quote that rings true today in all parts of the world. Crypto will go to zero and the Rothschild family will be the cause. Because of this thirst for power and control, there is no way that this power will be given up by the bankers. Any cryptocurrency that is in existence would be a DIRECT affront to the sovereignty of any nation. It is only a matter of time before some event causes the enactment of laws that eliminates the competition to the central banking system. A blatantly overlooked fact of the Federal Reserve is that they are a financial system banking MONOPOLY. The same America that prides itself on breaking up monopolies and not allowing monopolies to exist is essentially nothing more than one big world banking monopoly itself.

Final Demise of Crypto

We all speak of a great reset that is on the event horizon. What I see is a reset that will be unlike any that history has witnessed. We think of a financial reset as a major event but in the recorded events of history, it is quite common. The difference in the upcoming reset will be the largeness of scale. It necessarily must be simultaneously worldwide. The powers that be will use these upcoming events to consolidate their power. In this process, they will issue a new world currency.

In short the fiat currency we currently call the U.S. dollar has to die in its current form. America will somehow void out the national debt by decree and the World Bank will step in to save the day. When they step in they will be the recipients of the largest transfer of wealth in human history. With their S.D.R. currency already being in existence they will merely reboot the world economy. America will go from being a nation with a fiat paper currency to a nation with a fiat digital currency. Bitcoin and ANY crypto would be a direct threat and therefore must not be allowed to exist after the transition.

Crypto will go to zero because the powers that control the flow of world currency will not give up that power to crypto.

As I close this out I invite you to look at Executive Order 13818. With all that is going on in the world, it is a very relevant sidenote when placed against the backdrop of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial. Whatever side wins this upcoming and epic financial battle the events are being unspun as we speak. For the bankers to seize control of the world, the monetary system needs to be seized. That seizure is already rolling out as demonstrated by the collapse of numerous national currencies that are happening as you read this. The seizure of all the money in cryptos is inevitable so the powers remain in power. Crypto is a threat to their existence and total dominant control.

Crypto Will Go To Zero

Crypto will go to zero because the powers that currently control the bank want to maintain control. One day people will wake up and access to their “crypto money” will be denied. You will have no recourse and nobody but you will care. Crypto will go to zero because the powers that be will not allow its existence and all of that “money” will be seized under some flag and that will be that. Crypto will go to zero as the U.S.A. shifts from a fiat paper currency to a fiat digital currency. When the shift happens all debt will be erased and the fiat charade begins anew.

The death of crypto going to worthless will be a sidenote like the 1,197 people that lost their lives on the Lusitania when Winston Churchill set up and allowed the sinking to happen. Crypto will go to zero as The United States of America institutes its own digital currency. After all… the current bankers just want to grow and expand their power and control. Crypto is merely in the way.

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