True Value of Silver

What is the True Value of Silver?

I have been following silver coins virtually all of my life. At least since the very late 1960s as I used to walk up to the bank regularly for rolled coins. I wanted to get wheat back pennies and silver coins simply by checking the rolled coins swapped for cash. I did not know that I grew up in a not-so-nice area.

I never guessed the true value of silver growing up in this home many decades ago.
This photo was taken years after I had grown up and family moved away. I lost my coin collection there…

There was as a kid and Charley who was a heroin addict. He and his friends axed a hole through the roof of our attached home and took virtually everything. Even the humble coin collection of a young prepubescent boy. I was devastated to see it all gone except the large penny my older brother gifted me. That penny managed to survive the robbery because I had it out admiring it. I never got anything back from the robbery. I loved coin collecting as a child and yet I had no clue of the true value of silver.

How to Determine The True Value of Silver

Not too long ago I became interested in silver stacking because my wife bought a couple of ounces on eBay. I have listened to all of the current online YouTube talking heads. I love listening to Economic Ninja, and a smattering of individuals that are preparing the best they know for the coming reset. I subscribe to the theory that what is coming is going to wake up the ‘woke population‘.

Silver has been with humans since the beginning of time. Remember that in the Bible Jesus was sold for 30 pieces of silver? Did you realize he was crucified 4 days after challenging the bankers themselves by flipping over their merchant’s tables? Silver has been around long before the human race even existed. Silver has literally has been woven itself into human history. Our future will be no different.

The true value of silver will depend upon the needs of the person that is holding it in their possession. For one person that need could be a piece of food for survival. For another it could be merely a nice financial gain to buy a sports car. This need for the silver will vary greatly person by person. The true value of silver will always go beyond and deeper than what is currently visible.

A roll of toilet paper pictured next to 2.6 million bolívars, its price and the equivalent of $0.40 as of August 16, in Caracas, Venezuela.
A roll of toilet paper pictured next to 2.6 million bolívars, its price and the equivalent of $0.40 as of August 16, in Caracas, Venezuela. In December of the same year (2021) it dropped to 1 VEF = 0.00000216339 USD… and this was after yet another lopping off of zeros. The true value of silver depends on the world in which you currently occupy. The true value of silver will be based on the need at the moment of sale.

Forget the Dollar

The very difficult task of forgetting about the dollar is a must when understanding the true value of silver. The dollar has an ever-decreasing value assigned to it through inflation. As inflation takes off the amount needed to purchase even the everyday basics become a challenge. I will make the bold statement that the dollar today is literally a worthless metric for silver valuation.

Silver is THE ONLY ITEM IN THE WORLD THAT IS CURRENTLY LESS THAN HALF THE PRICE IT WAS IN JANUARY OF 1980. With inflation reaching historic highs the dollar valuation of silver is a busted and broken metric. This article will not go into why the silver price is so low because that is no longer a secret. There are enough talking heads blowing the lid off that can of beans. Anyone who follows precious metals knows what is going on. To understand the true value of silver you need to forget about the dollar. It is no longer a valid metric for the evaluation of the true value of silver.

Value of Silver Jewelry

Although not as monetarily viable as silver bullion… silver jewelry it is still an excellent way to hold on to a real asset in times of need. In Venezuela today, desperate citizens are using pieces of their gold and silver jewelry to purchase everyday essential items. Gold was the favorite of fleeing Jews in World War II because it is much lighter to carry away. In fact, the German gutted many corpses searching the victims for swallowed gold. Yes, the Germans had fellow prisoners cut open victims searching for any valuables that might have been swallowed. The value of silver and gold jewelry must have been pretty high since it was being swallowed as a way to be able to retain it in their possession. The true value of silver depends on the moment you are seeking its use.

the true value of silver goes back to even before the roman empire.
Roman Denarius. The Roman Empire collapsed only AFTER it went off their monetary system being fully backed by gold and silver.

If a person is wearing a gold chain today for decoration that same gold chain would be personally much more valuable in a world that has gone to shit. Carrying away jewelry is as ancient as ancient gets for humans. The value of the jewelry depends upon the need.

The Value of Silver Coins, Round and Bars

To the novice observer, they do not understand the difference between coins, rounds, and bullion. In short, coins are minted by a GOVERNMENT mint. Rounds are similar to coins in appearance and weight but are minted by non-governmental privately owned mints. Bullion has a varied definition but for simplicity let’s just say bullion is non-governmental privately minted bars.

The value of the silver will be based on how bad the economy has become. If the economy takes a complete nose dive silver will once again step in to allow the daily exchange of goods to happen. The advantage of silver rounds, coins, and bullion is that unlike jewelry the value of silver coins and rounds is easily discernible by weight and purity. As it is stamped quite visibly on virtual all specimens of minted silver, and gold. Jewelry will work but just not as easy as rounds, coins, and bullion.

End of Everything or a Mild Economic Reset?

The true value of silver will only be revealed when the Great Economic Reset occurs. If it is the total destruction of the U.S. dollar then life will be very bleak. This is because there will be no monetary system in force to acquire things like toilet paper. In history, this is the time that cigarettes and liquor, and precious metals become currency. There are many, many examples of these alternate financial systems that pop up filling in the void until a new currency rises to power.

When hyper inflation hits the cost of even the basics becomes out of reach for the average citizen. If hyper inflation were to hit America the above loaf of bread could set you back a few trillion dollars. Some say hyper inflation has already began.

Gold is a way to store wealth as it would be foolish to use an ounce of gold to buy a loaf of bread. Silver can and would be used to exist in a world void of a national currency. It is the period of time from the crash to rebuild that is the difficult time for citizens to survive. Without a means to purchase food because the currency has died does not stop citizens from being hungry. Food and all ‘things’ are still going to be needed. The real question is how will you be able to purchase them without a viable U.S. dollar? What will fill the void for use as money?

The True Value of Silver?

The true value of silver has yet to be revealed. It will only be visible as the impending collapse of the dollar happens. If it does not happen in my life then my kids will have a better life. It is not “IF” the dollar dies, it is only a matter of when. This is an easy-to-see phenomenon when placed against the prism of the history of the last 6,000 years.

The true value of silver will only be revealed upon the death of the dollar because the dollar is what is currently killing the price of silver. This deception campaign can only last for so long and when the end happens the aftermath will be of epic human proportion. The true value of silver will be revealed as it may be the financial savior of those that are currently paying attention. The current price of silver is $22.55 an ounce. It was $50.00 in January of 1980.

The world is being deceived by the bankers as to what the true value of silver really should be. You will either be a victim of the collapse or you will prosper from the collapse. I would rather forsake the artificial gains now being generated in the stock market for a future with silver in my control. Yes, I cannot eat silver but it will ALWAYS buy a loaf of bread or a can of spam.

Got Silver?

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver