I Am Tired of Silver

I am tired of silver. Seeing the price just keep getting pounded down day after day knowing that the market is being manipulated has rely grown on my patience. The entire world sees it. Our government not only knows about it but authorizes it. This is because today the government and business are actually the same entity today. I am tired of silver because once again I am currently on the losing end of the proposition. Ever since I jumped in with both feet the price of silver just keeps going down despite everything else in the world is experiencing double-digit inflation. Sometimes I wonder if the entire silver squeeze thing is nothing but a con job?

A very young baby with a facial expression of disgust.
I am tired of silver being manipulated for so long….. and virtually it is legal.

Banksters and Politicians Are The Same

A quick Google search shows that the current presidential cabinet members are nothing more than a corporate revolving money door program for the banksters. The United States Government has become nothing more than one big (epically big) corrupt organization that benefits the elite few of society. The politicians really do not represent the people anymore. I just read an article that the House Speaker isn’t worth “hundreds” of millions….. only a paltry 60 or so million. Poor Speaker…..

It does not take long to see all of the patterns once you read the book “The Creature From Jekyll Island” The United States Government is as corrupt as the day is long. Having served in The Marines I now feel like I was duped. I now realize I was nothing more than a mercenary on call to protect the fortunes of the banksters. Politicians may call the shots but those suits have long been filled by the banksters.

I Tired of Silver

I am growing very tired of silver being manipulated by the corruption that permeates the entire political culture like mold on a damp wall. Despite being tired of silver does not mean that I am ready to give up. Quite the contrary. Having always been a student of history I look at what is happening to the price of silver as a double-edged sword.

Read ABout: The True Value of Silver

An historical silver price chart with the word 'sucks' stamped on it.
Silver is part of the big con.

While I am tired of the pricing manipulation I am quietly hoping for some more time to be able to collect enough silver to be meaningful in my future life. I feel as if EVERYTHING I have done in my life has been sabotaged by the entire system in which we live. Any hope of prosperity was sucked away by the staggering lifetime of inflation I have experienced. The purchasing power of the dollar…. my money…. your money has been quietly and efficiently taken from us while we were ‘patriotically‘ doing our duty. Working a job. Working a career. Military service… We, as Americans have been fools. We have allowed the greatest nation in human history to devolve into nothing but one big corrupt cabal. Silver is no exception. The one thing about silver is the manipulation of pricing is evident.

The Future IS In The Past

Most people today dismiss me because they think I am nothing more than a conspiracy nut. It is amazing how the truth is now considered a conspiracy. The ENTIRE world financial system is going to collapse as EVERY SINGLE Fiat currency has crashed before in history. Over 775 nations have collapsed with more being added almost yearly. I grow tired of silver being manipulated and yet I grow more and more resolved to gather more. Not out of greed, like the banksters, but out of survival. Looking at America through the prism of history the looming collapse is clearly in focus… if you are watching for it.

The signs are there yet greed holds my blood brothers to keep their money in the market. Their entire lives ‘ efforts are out there and they will be taken ruthlessly when the reset comes. We are really just considered peasants without pitchforks. They are going to be financially wiped out because they truly believe silver and gold are nothing more than craziness. This is my family and I can’t convince them!!! I may be tired of silver but my stack continues to grow as my personal resolve relentlessly increases.

Sara Connor: There’s a storm coming….

I feel like Sara Connor in the movie ‘Terminator‘. She knew there was a storm coming and most did not listen…

May I please have another sir?

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver