Crypto Will Be Outlawed

Crypto Will Be Outlawed

Crypto will be outlawed in the United States if not the world. The powers that run it all are determined to change the face of America. This is not something I say, but something I hear the politicians tell us almost daily. Our current sitting Vice-president has said it over and over. The mainstream media shows us daily how we need to behave to be ‘good Americans’ but more importantly good World Citizens. Just look at the demographics of virtually any mainstream popular television show.

Kamala Harris Vice President wants to change America for the better.  In this quest, Crypto will be outlawed.
Kamala Harris Vice President wants to change America for the better. In this quest, Crypto will be outlawed.

Virtually every show on TV today has a homosexual couple. There are interracial couples. There are black television shows. The father character within the show is usually played by a dumb and incompetent man that acts like a buffoon.

But I am not here to discuss the takeover of American media I am here today to show you why crypto will be outlawed. What it all comes down to are the powers that be want to distract us while they finish their plan of the complete destruction of the U.S. economy. But this has to be controlled destruction because when it is over the Central Bankers want to have even more power, more control, and even more wealth. Crypto is a direct challenge to that end of total world control through the financial systems.

Money Is Power

We all know that money IS power and this is why Crypto will be outlawed. In America, as well as the world, the wealthy live in a world of completely different laws. A two-second Google search reveals many instances. (Wealthy Have Different Laws) Money is power and true power is determined by how much money a person has. The more money the more power a person holds.

The power I speak of is beyond having a few million dollars in the bank. Actually, a few billion does not really compare either. Donald Trump supposedly has about ten billion dollars and he is not even in the same league of power. The wealth I speak of is beyond the comprehension of virtually the entire world. The Rothchild’s have more money than Bezos, Gates, and Musk combined, and yet YOU never hear about them. The amount of money these people have is something that is valued in power. They control and influence the governments of the world. Money is the source of the mega-wealthy power that sets them apart from you and me.

Governments Will Ban Crypto

One of the solemn powers of a government is its ability to control the money supply of the said country. Crypto will be outlawed so the powerful can maintain their power. If crypto is permitted to thrive it will be in direct contrast to what gives a nation its power. For the survival of those individuals that pull the levers of power, crypto is a threat to power and especially sovereignty. In order for the government to maintain absolute control over its population, the government has to control the money supply. To maintain control over the new currency crypto necessarily must die. Yes, there will be a NEW currency because the great reset IS coming.

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The Great Reset

You can scoff at the idea of a looming financial reset but it is coming. For anyone that has been paying attention, it is easy to see inflation has robbed the taxpayers over the last 100 years. (The Great Reset) There is nothing left of the U.S. dollar to continue the inflation which is necessary for the U.S.A. to survive. Since the national debt is insurmountable the Central planners need to dispose of it there will have to be a reboot of sorts. The easiest way for the current banksters and wealthy individuals to survive is to create the controlled meltdown and manage it. Crypto will be outlawed in this cycle of management.

The 3rd ending of the movie of "Don't Look Up".  If you wait for ALL ending credits you will see he is left holding the bag.  This is not a coincidence as this is what symbolizes what is coming for those naïve enough to not be paying attention to the Great Reset which is INEVITABLE.  Crypto will be outlawed.
The 3rd ending of the movie of “Don’t Look Up”. If you wait for ALL ending credits you will see he is left holding the bag. This is not a coincidence as this is what symbolizes what is coming for those naive enough to not be paying attention to the Great Reset which is INEVITABLE.

The Great Reset has to happen and when it does the vast majority of the world’s population will be left holding the bag. The powers that be DO NOT care about you. They do not care whether you live or die. Everything that is going on in America is part of a sinister plan. The powers that be want to stay in power, and they want more power.

When the Great Reset happens the powers that run the Federal Reserve will then be running the World bank. It is during these tumultuous times that crypto must die. On the other side of the reset, those that retain and gain power will simply ban crypt because it usurps their ability to control the masses.

Yes, I Am Crazy

Sure you think I am a whack-job and that is alright with me. If you have crypto you really just need to ask yourself one simple question? Why would a government (bankers) allow a way for the peasants to do commerce that they do not get a cut from? The entire premise of crypto goes against the sovereign power of a government. Although a government technically will not be crypto it will be a digital currency. Just as China banned BitCoin the U.S.A. also will come up with some way to do away with it also.

I was also considered a looney when I said that getting a vaccination will become mandatory. Again when I said one day we will be required to have a vaccine to be permitted to fly. I was considered conspiratorial when I mentioned that companies would fire a person if no vax. I was the crazy one when I said food will be in shortage and now we accept barren shelves as ‘normal’.

Yes, I am crazy but then what is not these days? Get rid of your crypto. Stock up on food and what you need to survive because when it hits you will only have what you bring to the table. The United States Government is run by the banks and they do not want to have any challenges to their sovereignty. Crypto must be wiped out because it is a challenge to that power.

The Future of Crypto Will Be Illegal

I will boldly state out loud that the banksters first want to take the position of all the money in the crypto market before it is shut down. Once the value of Bitcoin is slowly taken away is when the banning will take place. I believe that it will continue to drop slowly and all at once. I see Bitcoin below 4k easily. But not before the banksters take all of the value, just like they do through the hidden tax of inflation on your already worthless currency.

Lady standing on train tracks looking ahead at an empty track.
The freight train is coming. Where will you be when it gets here? On it, or will step out of the way? Crypto will be outlawed.

The future of crypto as we know it is dead. When that happens everyone will run to silver and gold and then it will be too late. All the silver will be gone as JP Morgan banksters have manipulated and accumulated well over 1.2 Billion ounces of silver. Yup… Crypto will be outlawed in the United States if not the world. just get off the tracks because the freight train is coming and if you do not get out of the way… you will get wiped out. You just need to step off the tracks the U.S. dollar is currently taking. Get your silver and gold sooner than later because if you wait too long there will be none on the market to buy as the price shoots beyond… well beyond the current reality.

Check out this article in video format on the YouTube Channel.

Buy Gold and Silver

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver