Silver Price Per Ounce

Silver Price per Ounce

The silver price per ounce and where it will be in 2022 and beyond is a question everyone seems to be asking these days. Having spoken to many people about investing in silver I have had all the reactions one would expect. The discussion results have been like a shotgun blast with all of the varied results. Some say I am crazy while others dismiss me as a tin hat kind of guy. The future silver price per ounce is one subject none of the YouTube celebrities are really not willing to declare. I can tell you unequivocally where the silver price per ounce is going. I am not afraid to tell you at all.

Nobody has a crystal ball and nobody is willing to risk their reputation by making a recording that puts a date on the value of silver in the future. Everyone today simply speaks in vague sweeping number ranges with no definitive answers visible. Except for me, and I have no fear of being wrong so I can put it down in writing as to what I believe the price of silver will be in the future.

A stop watch pointing to "Time for Truth".
The silver price per ounce in the future is not really important to me because of what ‘future’ I know is coming.

What Will Silver Price Be in 2023?

I really do not care what the silver price will be in 2023. There are no sleepless nights when I worry about what the price of silver will be in 2025. I have absolutely zero fear that buying silver is a bad investment because of a widely known, but often overlooked fact. My only fear is about the future price of silver being sabotaged is by asteroid mining.

Asteroid Mining?

Sounds crazy but asteroid mining is in our future and one day it will happen. I do not worry about this happening in the time I have left to walk this planet. You shouldn’t get disillusioned about this space mining sci-fi soon-to-be fact either. If someone is willing to go into space to get silver, then my silver will not lose any of its value at all. With all that is going on in the world, I find trying to determine the future price for silver to be quite meaningless. The only question is will you have done enough? One day you will nostalgically look at $25 an ounce silver and wish you had done more.

Insider Silver Pricing Information

Many years ago I used to be a licensed stockbroker. I remember thinking how awesome it would be knowing in advance the direction a stock is about to take. I remember thinking the amount of money that could be made is literally limitless. The sad part is that if someone were to use insider information it is illegal and you could go to prison. Unless you are a politician or bankster high in the hierarchy of the Federal Reserve. All of those many instances of insider trading by Congress and The Fed are nothing more than your imagination. Don’t look over there… watch this bachelor pass out some roses on mindless television. Ignore the man behind the curtain…

A dictionary open to the definition of "insider trading" definition.
The laws of America are not for the mega-wealthy. Remember Martha Stewart? She was not part of the mega-wealthy club. She went to prison for what The federal Reserves bankers get away with. And you thought she was mega-wealthy…. lol….. no comparison!

I never really did well trying to figure out what stocks would go up and I even dabbled with stock options and commodities like wheat and oats. I never ended up on the winning end of a trade. I think I was too emotional and looking for a quick buck. I grew tired of gambling in the stock market because I did not have insider information and mostly did not make money overall. I was a mere peasant like just about everyone. After watching Damien Lewis on the T.V. Show Billions… I realized getting out of stocks was a good thing. Today I have information that the price of silver is going to go up. I just do not know when. When it happens really does not matter. I will still need money when that day rolls around.

The Future Price of Silver

We all have insider information about what the future price of silver will be. The average person looking at silver for an investment gets bored and ignores history. Most everyone today wants to make a quick buck and move on. The average person today does not look at history and the lessons it presents to us on the proverbial silver platter.

You would have to live on an asteroid to believe anything but an upward move in the price of silver. To see the future of silver one only has to turn around to see a bright and shiny history that spans all of humanity. In fact, you would have to be one of the many that say “I hate history” to be unaware of what is happening. Me? I love history and have been learning as much as I could my entire life. I am just like everyone else, but I have always loved history. Oddly though I have always peered at old photographs to see beyond the main subject of the photo. It is what I have always done since my youth.

History IS Right In Front Of Us

A moment in time frozen. I love to notice the little things. I wonder what the lady on the left is looking at?

When I see old World War I & II photos and videos colorized I become mesmerized. When I see those mundane and boring background objects and people in old photos I am sucked in. I almost feel like a peeping Tom of sorts. My point is that my passion is history. I love military history. Now that I understand how entwined the American military has been with politics and banksters…. my passion has gone into overdrive. If you HAVE NOT read the book The Creature From Jekyll Island go start it today. For me, this book opened up an entire section of American history that is easily provable to be true. The history in the books today has been spoon-fed. America wrote history as it won the wars…

Video: Vietnam Was Started With a Lie

How can I wrap all of my years of loving history into a decisive and impelling article telling you that the price of silver is due to self-correct in a big way?

Price of Silver WILL Explode

I am NOT a financial advisor. I am only stating what I believe to be true based upon my decades of passionately reading about history. Seeing the past and understanding the 6,000 years of silver history is mind-blowing to me. Humanity does not have a replacement for silver. Humanity does not have enough silver. The world is wanting more green energy and this type of energy creation does not exist without silver.

The silver price per ounce is meaningless to me because I am willing to be patient while waiting for history to appear right before our eyeballs. I feel like I have some insider information as I believe it is inevitable for the silver price per ounce to soar. For me it is not a matter of if… it is just a matter as to when. My only fear is that when it happens I will be looking back and regret not taking full advantage of what I know is coming.

Stop asking when the silver price per ounce will explode and just be happy knowing it will happen. History is not ambiguous about it happening at all. Actually, if you study history you will learn to be patient because you literally will have insider information… you just have to do some research to understand it.

Video: The Media Lies About Silver

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Essential Reading For Stacking Silver