Silver Mining Stocks

Silver Mining Stocks

A traffic light with a green light.
The signals to purchase some silver mining stocks are visible. We just need to know what could be the great movers when silver soars.

If you have had any contact with reality lately you would see a future of silver mining stocks that is very bright. Just like leaving a boatload of silver on the bottom of the ocean for 300 years… silver never loses its luster in the course of human history.

The history of silver points to an amazing shift in the world financial system, which will lead to gold prices soaring to never before levels. Since silver is the “people’s money” it is all I have been able to stack as I am not wealthy. It IS called the “peoples money” for a reason.

Once the price per ounce of gold takes off… silver is like the red-headed step kid and benefits in kind. During these times of looming worldwide currency collapses many people fail to notice silver mining stocks.

Silver To Gold Ratio

Silver mining stocks are making a profit even though precious metals pricing is not mimicking the raging worldwide inflation.

The Constitution of The United States of America requires the exchange rate from silver to gold to be 15 ounces. Today it hovers currently at 80 ounces of silver being needed to purchase 1 ounce of gold. This fact shows how out of touch with the reality of the valuation of silver is in the market today. I will not get into the corruption as that has been discussed in depth repeatedly.

It is within this silver lie that the mining industry operates profitably at the artificially low spot price of silver today. Once the Great Reset comes the gold to silver ratio will be reset. It will again be more in line with what it has been in all of human history. There are 6,000 years of proven history with silver. Whereas The Federal Reserve has less than 110 years. In fact, this is the 3rd U.S. Federal Bank as the first 2 failed from inflation. But that too is another subject entirely.

Link To Video: Understanding the U.S. Gold To Silver Ratio

You Know Silver Is Undervalued

If you breathe and if you have read about silver you innately understand how undervalued silver really is today. Silver mining stocks need to be a portion of that belief to benefit the most from what is coming. Inflation is raging and silver just keeps getting less expensive? Really?

A sign that says... "Start here and go anywhere."
With the knowledge of knowing that silver mining stocks will soar we should also examine silver mining companies.

You already UNDERSTAND the price of silver is going to one day soar in value. We both have no doubt of this as you made it this far into this discussion I hope to form. You just KNOW silver will soar in value. History shows us that it will happen.

My biggest fear is I will miss what will be the largest transfer of wealth in all of human history. Since we both KNOW that silver is undervalued we have information that can be life-changing for the better if we act upon the information.

Since knowledge of silver mining stocks can’t be technically illegal the next best thing is to keep the masses in the dark about ANYTHING of value being attached to gold and also silver. Silver mining stocks are included in this campaign of deception by the mainstream media. The banksters control it all. You know the mainstream media is a controlled entity. By default, ANY information the mainstream media provides about silver is not true.

But you do KNOW this already and that is why you are still here….?

Internal Article Link: What is the True Value of Silver

Buy Mining Stocks?

If silver mining stocks can make a profit at a spot of $25.00 then at $300.00+ the mines would be obscenely profitable. I have found that I want to learn about and locate some killer mining stocks.

This is where the public comes in. This is where we can all band together and understand the fundamentals of EACH of the silver mining stocks. Since cash is a finite resource for all but the bankers and politicians I have to be prudent before it happens as we only may get one shot at this.

"A meme showing a quote from 1914 by the Rothchild family stating "Let us control the money of a country and we do not care who makes the laws."
The Federal Reserve was started in 1913. I just want to go in the direction the banksters are going. I no longer want to carry a flag… I just want to not be wiped out in the coming reset…. and it is coming. Silver mining stocks may provide another means of survival.

Through my history of trying to pick great silver mining stocks, I basically have 3 types of mining stocks. The main requirement of mine is to be no further than Mexico, or Canada if outside the legal jurisdiction of The United States.

Types of Mining Stocks

There are established silver mining stocks and then there are the junior miners and then mining exploration stocks, and even mining royalty stocks. There is currently not enough conversation in the silver world about the profit potential of the right silver stock purchase. If we believe so strongly in a silver price increase picking these stock winners should not be too difficult. A looming increase in the spot price of silver is embedded into our knowledge. I want to also use this knowledge in the stock market.

Silver Mining Stock Picks

For the established sector in silver mining stocks, I have purchased shares in First Majestic. (AG) This is really a no-brainer for anyone but since I do not have tons of cash to purchase this stock my share quantity will never really be that substantial for the growth I seek. Yes, I have some of AG and I will always have it in the portfolio.

For exploration stocks I really like Nevada King Gold Corp (NKGFF) There are solid fundamentals behind this company and since the price per share is VERY affordable the upside could be epic. If you have a weak stomach for volatility you may want to pass on this one. When silver pricing goes up this is one company that could eclipse your physical silver profitability. But with the possible gain is a greater risk of your capital. I like this risk because I can afford a large enough quantity of shares to be meaningful.

One stock I added to my minnow size silver mining stocks portfolio is American Pacific Mining Corporation USGDF. Since the cost per share is currently affordable for me to accumulate a meaningful amount of shares I like it. I have seen many talking heads speak of this pick and I liked what I saw so I purchased some myself.

Royalty Stocks

I can’t forget to mention mining royalty stocks. There is so much profit potential behind a royalty stock that it eclipses the profit potential of stacking silver alone. I really like Nova Royalty Corp. (NOVRF) It currently has a fairly low entry price which means even I could accumulate a meaningful quantity. The profit potential of this stock could be Biblical if the stars aline. I also like how copper can figure into this choice.

Help Me Help You Help Me Help You

We can all help us all gain knowledge of silver mining stocks. It could be a win-win for all if done correctly.

The purpose of this article is to get some conversation going on this important subject of silver mining stocks. Please do not just comment with a shotgun blast of stock pick names and symbols. Anyone could get that information by a quick Google search. Just provide a comment on one.. maybe two picks and WHY you think it will be a winner.

Although I love stacking silver, and will continue to do so… I see something possible in the right stock picks that could create generational wealth when most wealth is going to be stolen for generations.

Please comment and reply and PLEASE do NOT just rattle off some names…. let’s spread the word which would benefit all of us…… Prefer to email?

You can also find a video version of this article.

Semper Fi!

Buy Gold and Silver

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver