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Silver Stack Size Will One Day Not Matter

Hearses Do Not Have Luggage Racks

Having been a silver stacker a few years now I have, oddly enough, realized that without your health…. a person truly has nothing. Ultimately the size of your stack means nothing.

A pivotal moment in my life was when I was with my spouse of twenty two years as she passed away. As she was passing away our eyes connected and in that instant… in that moment… I feel as if I gained a perspective of what makes life…. life.

In that moment I fully understood what my Dad said years ago, whenever we saw a funeral procession. He would say “there is no such thing as a hearse with a luggage rack”. I fully did not understand statement this until the moment my wife left. When she was gone from that room I realized that so much of our life is static. And despite that static being nothing but annoying…. we tend to keep turning up the volume.

No More Flags

A saying I now use to fully encapsulate the feeling is that I no longer carry flags. What this means is that I no longer visit mainstream media in anyway at all. I stopped watching the news shows and instead I seek out certain YouTube Channels and a multitude of other media. Public news that covers matters are no longer relevant to my blood pressure.

In short, I have stepped away from the media because everything you read is basically bullshit. I can no longer allow my stress level to become elevated by how corrupt our government has become. I have realized that if Skittles wants to celebrate gay black transgender people…. God bless them because since I disagree… I will no longer buy their product. It is that simple.

The company that I disagree with just does not get my dollar. I do not need to get myself agitated by some so-called news-article that help form my opinion.

I Am Fat

A perfect example is how Americans have accepted being fat. If I call someone fat… I am the one that is rude and mean and all that… so I will just call myself as being a fat person. I do not like it. I hate the label and I know that being overweight is a bad thing for someone. I know that being obese will slowly rob me of my quality of life as well as years of my life. I know all of these things and yet I still remained overweight. As do the masses. I am still a fat person so do not get ahead of yourself on sending some some inflammatory remark. But be warned… even if you did… I wouldn’t care. I am fat and I no longer carry flags.

Knowledge Is Power

I feel this way about not carrying flags because of having gained knowledge. It is through knowledge that it became easy for me to understand. A simple example of this is that young children should not be allowed to mutilate their bodies. It is really common sense. I realized this after self-education of facts and not feelings. Hearses do not have feeling compartments either.

I applied this need of knowledge theory to why I was fat. I did my research and I determined what was the reason I was over 100 pounds overweight. Being fat is my fault because I was not holding myself accountable to the realization for being overweight in the first place. I would always look in the mirror and see unhappiness and yet the reason was always not revealed within that very same mirror. It was because of my work, or my kids wanting it….. I had to teach myself what the reason for my being obese in the first place.

It’s ALL Wrong

Everything my father was taught about and ate to be healthy… was wrong. I will not get into the food pyramid and how bad it really is for a person to follow. What I will say is that it was not until I learned what made me healthy and what made me fat is actually a concept that lives beyond candy and vegetables.

It was not until I latched onto a program that explained to me the questions I had lingering. I tried every DIET you could think of, or read about. It was not until I realized that I needed to learn to eat to live and not live to eat.

It’s ALL Social

A simple question I have for you is how much of your life is centered around eating? Make a list of food events and non-food events you attend and you will may be shocked by the final tally. I soon understood that I was living to eat and no longer was I using food as something to live life.

More Knowledge

As my questions mounted I learned about how EVERYTHING I do either adds, or removes the fat encasing my body. I learned that sleep and stress cannot be counted out of my fat equation. My sleep hygiene was a mess and it never occurred to me that it also is part of the obesity problem.

How does stress figure in? I gained thirty pounds after my wife passed. Seemingly it was all in my belly. Once I learned that stress deposits nothing but belly fat my jaw dropped. This knowledge was all the result of my quest for truth. To learn. I realized I had to stop placing excuses for obesity as they are only what we say when we do not understand the reason why. I had to learn knowledge before I could move beyond being a person on a perpetual diet.


A couple of weeks ago I went to Atlanta be around a group of people that I have not been in touch with for years. I was welcomed like the prodigal son and my realization of health being precious was regained. Show me your five closest friends and I will show you your future. I had to make a fairly radical change to be able to shed 15 pounds in the last two weeks.

Enough said about peer pressure and excuses? Ultimately I am responsible for what I eat, or do not eat. It is really a choice and I choose health over being fat. I will admit it is too difficult for me to abstain from eating bread on table delivered by your server fresh with honey butter. I find it easier to just excuse myself for a season while I reboot my body and one day I will eat bread again… but on my terms as I am just learning how to live life again.

It Different This Time

I have been on a zillion diets and each and everyone of them failed. I even tried Sensa.…. and that was total nonsense 100%. All diets fail ultimately as we cannot live on a diet forever. This time my weight loss will be not only finished to completion…. but will also be permanent. I can say this time will be different because of the knowledge I am gaining as to how all things intersect to a person’s health. I now focus on drinking water for health… not weight loss. Sleeping eight hours daily is not lazy, it is what I do because it is what my body physically needs. If you believe you are fine with less hours.. that is great because that is part of the flag you are carrying in your life. If you are happy, so am I.

I have lost 15.2 pounds in two weeks. I am settling into fat-burn as the biggest loss of weight so far has been inflammation. Mostly everybody refers to this initial weight loss as water weight. It is more accurately inflammation and that is what is so deadly. Constant bodily inflammation does not yield good long-term results for your health.

The Future

Nobody really knows what the future holds…. but by me sticking to my new daily way of living an enjoyable life…. I predict the weight will now merely be a by-product of becoming a healthier person. I had to stop seeking a diet and focus on what makes me happier and then pursue it with knowledge.

Hopefully, this report can motivate one person to understand that your true power must be from within. Since I have understood this my mental state has started to shift in a way that favors me. Knowledge is power and the only thing we all need to do is learn the habits that contribute to our well being and overall health. It is our daily HABITS!

Although these are the lowest performing articles I publish I will continue to do them weekly. If you are that one person I can help or inspire I am beyond happy. This weight loss \ health thing is not easy but you do not have to do it alone!

Semper Fidelis!

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Essential Reading For Stacking Silver