Federal Reserve Is No Longer American

Federal Reserve Is No Longer American

Before we discuss why The Federal Reserve Is no longer American let’s make sure we all know the back story of The Federal Reserve. Let’s establish the known facts of The Federal Reserve.

A photo of The Federal Reserve building in Washington D.C. with the words "Fed Facts" in red letters.
Most have no knowledge of what The Federal Reserve is and how they work. The Federal Reserve Is no longer American and this is a scary and undiscussed fact.

Facts of The Federal Reserve

When most Americans are asked about The Federal Reserve the response is total ignorance. After a second or two of pondering on what they know about The Fed most admit they know nothing. This is not a criticism, it is merely the truth. You can test this yourself, and I challenge you to do it.

The Federal Reserve is NOT Federal
There is nothing federal about the Federal Reserve. Researching the banks that make up The Fed the information is circuitous at best. There is not one tiny bit of information available as to what individual banks make up the Federal Reserve. When we discuss why The Federal Reserve is no longer American this is a key point. Digging deeper into this discussion and reading the legal documentation of what the Federal Reserve is, the answer gets even murkier.

Ownership Is Secret
Americans do not know what banks make up The Federal Reserve. It is a system that has been formulated to obfuscate the definition. They intentionally use ‘big’ words to confuse. The words they use in news conferences are words you never heard or used until they did. The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis says…
“The Federal Reserve Banks are not a part of the federal government, but they exist because of an act of Congress…”
When asked whether The Fed is public or private the answer is deflected by saying…”The answer is both. While the Board of Governors is an independent government agency, the Federal Reserve Banks are set up like private corporations.”

Federal Reserve Has No Reserve
There is no money backing ANY of the currency The Federal Reserve prints. No gold and zero silver. There is ONLY the promise that they will print more paper currency from nothing. Then the bankers will charge interest to use that newly digitalized fiat currency. The dollar essentially holds the same value as monopoly money. The ONLY reason there is any value left in the dollar is that people perceive it to be worth something. The U.S. dollar has no intrinsic value at all. It has been inflated away.

An old man with fingers to his lips motioning ... "SSSSHHH"
The real owners of The Fed are a secret…….

Secret Banks of The Fed

Since we are not permitted to know which banks make up The Federal Reserve banking monopoly we must make a simple and basic assumption.  In order for a bank to be included in the Fed circle, it would have to be a very large bank.  It would be very safe to assume the banks are the world’s largest. You would NEVER find a small local entity to be a member.

What nobody says out loud is that a quick search of the top U.S. banks reveals nothing but multi-national corporate banks. The top of the list is JP Morgan… by far. It would be safe to say they are a key player within the Fed.

Each and every month the citizens of America provide interest payments for the “money” the Federal Reserve magically creates out of nothing. Since ALL U.S. currency is debt the privately owned banks of the Fed receive these interest payments.

This is the national debt. Every dollar in circulation today (Yes, every) is essentially owed to the shareholders of The secret Federal Reserve banks on a monthly basis.

Americans unwittingly, and by design, are simply providing financial lifestyles to the banksters that the average peasant couldn’t fathom. It is all built-in by design to be confusing.

The Federal Reserve Is No longer American

A made in America sign with the words stamped "NOT" across it.
The Federal Reserve Is no longer American.

The Federal Reserve Is no longer American because the banks that make up the Fed must be, by default, the largest banks. All of the larger banks today are multinational corporations because they need to be in order to exist in the world today. The Federal Reserve is nothing more than a large multinational company that profits from everything dollar. Every dollar printed (or digital) is a loan from these secret banks to the American taxpayer. Every dollar must be accounted for through an interest payment to the secret banks.

The banks then provide income to their shareholders through stock dividends.

Since all major banks, today are multinational the country is now controlled by people and powers that have more of an interest in ALL investments. If something hurts the U.S.A. but helps the bankers more elsewhere… “screw America”. It is all about the benjamins and making sure the banksters stay wealthy all the while accumulating more power and control. This all figures into The Great Reset that we all know is coming.

The next time you see a politician vote for something that makes ZERO sense in the real world…. it is because the Federal Reserve Is no longer American and the bankers stacked the deck for the win. Remember the game monopoly… you only win AFTER you wipe everyone else out. The Federal Reserve IS the ultimate monopoly and The Federal Reserve Is no longer American.

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