Diversified Silver Portfolio?

Diversified Silver Portfolio?

I keep hearing that I should have a diversified portfolio and silver should only be a small part. When I constantly hear this from the talking heads I know they are really not speaking to me. Here is why I DO NOT diversify outside of silver with the exception of mining stocks. As discussed in previous articles and videos. I will not rehash the reasoning behind these stocks which are the only ventures I take outside of silver. I disagree with having a diversified silver portfolio and here is MY reason.

four men standing with briefcases.
Having a diversified silver portfolio is not always possible for the working class.

I Have Time To Buy Silver

I first started purchasing silver when I realized the incredible opportunity that sits right in front of us. Buying silver initially I believed I would not have enough time to stack a meaningful amount. I was thinking the market would collapse ‘soon‘ and I would miss any major opportunity. My first order was for a mere two ounces, but that was all I could afford. Since that fateful day of holding an ounce of silver in my hand, I have sought to gather as much as possible. I can use the time to scratch out enough fiat currency to accumulate more and more.

Money For Stacking

Since I have to scratch and claw for every dollar to purchase silver I merely do not have money, or faith to purchase stocks. (Outside of silver oriented stocks) The stocks I do purchase fit my budget of little cash.

I sold my wife’s car before she passed and that was my largest single purchase of silver. Other than that I have stacked a few ounces here and some more there. A quick trip into the Local Coin Store (LCS) and a few more to the pile. I have stopped eating out, also driving minimally to save on fuel. I keep the home thermostat lower. I do not drink beer anymore. I do not smoke cigarettes. My point is that I KNOW I have been doing everything I could because I see what is coming.

The Day of Silver

Having a diversified silver portfolio would mean I invested in what? I see everything coming to a crash unseen before in human history. The last historical event of this magnitude goes back to the times of The Roman Empire. I see the markets collapsing and people getting screwed out of their life’s earnings. The banks do not care about you and the government sure as heck cares nothing at all.

man walking up getting ready to turn off an alarm clock.
When silver has its day you will wish you had more silver. You will wish you did NOT have a diversified silver portfolio.

I hear all the talking heads tell me to diversify and I ask… With what? Should I purchase banking stocks when I know the collapse will wipe them out? I could not even begin to unwrap all of the information uncovered over the last few years about The Fed. I could not begin to sway your opinion unless you do your research.

Diversified Silver Portfolio

I always have been part of the class that has said I do not have the money to purchase investments as the kids needed food and the wife wanted electricity.

The demands of life have forced me to barely be able to stack silver. Since I am a student of history I know the ultimate demise of ALL fiat currency in human history. The amount of financial ammunition I possess is very limited. I do not have the ability to diversify anything as I barely have been able to stack silver. Even if I could I doubt I would venture beyond gold and this is only for weight considerations.

Why Diversify?

There is a common theme with all YouTube talking heads a common them the market is getting ready to transfer the largest amount of money in human history.. why would you not buy anything but silver and gold? If silver hits just $100 an ounce I am set for years. If it hits $300 an ounce I am set for life.

How High Will Silver Go?

The one thing nobody will agree to is stating a solid price as to where silver goes when it is unleashed from the current manipulation. I have heard $1,000 an ounce and other amounts all over the pricing spectrum. No matter what happens history shows me that the end of our current financial system is ready to break. Silver will breakout and when it does I will hold no regrets for not having done more.

A ladder climbing high into the clouds with a bright light at the top wich is the center of our solar system.
diversified silver portfolio or allow a massive gain when silver has its day in a free market… which ALWAYS comes as history has proven to us the last 6,000 years.

Everyone I speak with has a person they know that has spoken to them about stacking silver. You have heard it all before and yet you struggle to pull the trigger and place an order. It is not like you are buying anything actually. You are just pulling off of the metaphoric financial road. The dollar is currently guaranteed to be worth less tomorrow due to inflation. While I have my money parked in silver it avoids the oncoming freight train that will wipe the masses out financially.

I Do Not Diversify

I do not diversify my portfolio because I believe that much in the destruction that is coming. This is what history is telling us. My history-loving background shows the unavoidable path to the oncoming financial destruction.

The sad part is the powers that be know destruction is coming and are more than happy to allow your financial future to be destroyed for their benefit. They do not care about you or me. Doubt this? Then you do not know ancient history nor do you know recent history.

Do Not Have Stack Envy

As I hear talking heads say I should have a diversified silver portfolio I ask myself how? You do not know my financial reality. I am like many people barely having enough to keep the lights on in my home. I will not state how much silver I have because that is irrelevant to ANYONE but myself. How much money other people have is irrelevant also because they NEVER give it away. Do not read some Reddit Forum and get jealous because someone has a massive stack as it means nothing to your reality. It has no impact on my life and not in your life either.

A photo of the federal reserve with a lightning bolt hitting its roof.
The Federal Reserve does not care about the masses at all. They are only concerned with maintaining their wealth.

I have been a contractor and worked in many homes that were beyond my budget. I have learned that no matter what there will always be someone with more. Jealousy or dejection is an emotion best left at the door. When the crash comes if you do not hold silver you too will be left at the door.

Please do your own research! I implore you. I strongly suggest you read the book “The Creature From Jekyll Island” It could awaken you to what is really happening. Do your research. If you do not prepare yourself and your family you will remember this article and be pissed off you were too busy working to make any real money.

Do your research. Your future self will thank you.

Buy Gold and Silver

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver