Silver Spot Price Is an Insult

Silver Spot Price Is An Insult

The current silver spot price is really much more than an insult. The public has quietly been given the raw end of inflation for over 100 years. The only difference is that today inflation is out of control and guess what happens to the working public?

Today is 26 January 2022 and the current silver spot price is an insult for anyone that is paying attention. Inflation is raging all over the world and yet the silver spot price continues to flounder and goes lower. Prices for virtually all commodities have jumped by many percentage points rather quickly, but not silver. We all know the U.S. the governmental manipulation of the CPI is little more than propaganda to conceal the truth of much higher inflation numbers. Just add in energy and food to realize what citizens really are dealing with. Seeing the spot price for silver get continually hammered lower really shows there is something else going on that influences the spot price for silver.

Other Metal Commodity Prices Have Soared

a photo of a colorful chart symbolizing the stock market taking off in value.
Everything has gone up in price, but not silver. It defies economics and just keeps dropping in price.

Coffee prices have soared to their highest price in over ten years. Aluminum has experienced more than a 136% price increase just last year alone. In 1992 steel was a mere $36.00 per ton. Prior to the pandemic, steel traded between $500 to $800 per ton. In 1980 gold was trading for $615.00 per ounce and now it hovers around $1,800 per ounce.

Understand The NEED For Inflation For The Fed To Exist

Commodity prices have continually inflated since the inception of The Federal Reserve. Since January 1980 almost all metals have increased greatly in dollar cost. The dollar has been ravaged by inflation since the creation of The Federal Reserve. Inflation is a necessary by-product of the existence of The Federal Reserve. This is the subtle and covert method the ruling class uses to take your money with no arguments. The American public accepts inflation as something “normal“. Sadly the public does not study nor understand history. The individual American is clueless as to how inflation has robbed them during their entire life.

Except SIlver

The current spot price for silver is an insult because it proves the American people just do not pay attention anymore. Why does not anyone see that virtually the only commodity that has not experienced ANY inflation is silver? The current spot price for silver is less than half it was in January of 1980.

5 ten ounce silver bullion bars with a big red x across the photo.
Inflation has caused the pricde of virtually everything to increase of the last 42 years….. except silver.

We could blame the Hunt Brothers for the all-time high, but they really were amateurs. Once silver hit almost $50.00 the AMERICAN government stepped in. They blatantly artificially suppressed the price of silver by manipulating the laws involved with the buying and selling of silver. The government essentially used the legal system to squash what the JP Morgan does almost daily today.

Whatever, or however it is explained the price of silver is LESS THAN HALF of what it was over 42 years ago. Name something else in this category?

Current Spot Price For Silver Is An Insult

For anyone that is paying attention the current spot price for silver is an insult because it just does not make sense. The demand for industrial silver has been almost vertical. The world has been running deficits in silver production for over 8 years and running. The new green laws implanted by California and America in general do not take into account there is not enough silver produced in a year to meet the new requirements. Electric vehicles need silver or they won’t be manufactured. Same thing for solar panels. California requires new homes to have solar panels which is an average of 8 ounces per structure. Where is all the silver going to come from?

The current spot price for silver is an insult because it assumes that we should accept the silver market pricing is merely different. Or preferabbly that you do not notice it at all.

This is nonsense because it simply does not make sense as the use for silver has taken off as more and more uses for the metal are revealed. (101 uses for silver) The industrial need for silver has produced an almost decade-wide shortage (by year) the price continues to inexorably decline.

Cost Of Good Rocketed 238.35% Since 1980

The dollar has had an average inflation rate that caused it to lose value since the beginning of The Federal Reserve. Between 1980 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 238.35%. Yet the price of silver dropped by over 50% and has held firm at this low price defying the rest of the items in the world.

Industry Accept the Low Spot Price

The world accepts this low silver spot price because it is for their financial benefit. When silver no longer has its price artificially suppressed the cost of goods will be in the hyperinflation range. Most citizens do not have a clue to how many uses silver has today. In fact, the list of uses for silver continues to expand. The bankers that control the U.S. Government know this and want to keep the price of silver suppressed all the while they accumulate massive stockpiles of the shiny.

It is a proven fact JP Morgan owns the largest stockpile of silver in the world. Despite their own forecasts of the price going to drop… the banksters keep stacking it. The quantity they hold makes the Hunt Brothers look like the mere amateurs they were. It is reported they hold well over 1.2 billion ounces in their vaults.

This artificially suppressed price will continue until the Great Reset happens. Which is being planned by the bankers of the world. This means JP Morgan will be the largest benefactor in the world for holding silver when the price is unleashed.

The current spot price for silver is an insult and the Joker Comic character on the shown silver round is a visual as to the joke is on the people.
The joke of the Federal Reserve is being played out upon the lives of all Americans as inflation just steals away their prosperity.

Current Spot Price For Silver Is An Insult

The current spot price for silver is an insult because for someone that is looking will see the glaring exclusion from inflation silver has maintained over the last 42 years. When the SHTF event happens the leash will be severed and silver will reset. The stock holders will be left totally abandoned while the banks shine with their newly priced silver bullion already stockpiled on reserve.

I see it as clear as day. You too should be anrgy and insulted. If you are not… you really do not understand the level of destruction that is coming to the U.S. dollar.

Buy Gold and Silver

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver