Math Formula To Calculate Future Silver Price

Math Formula To Calculate Future Silver Price

Having listened to the talking heads about the future price of silver I am not impressed. Not one will stick their neck out with a number on the future of silver and a target price. I have heard future prices as low as $30.00. Once I even heard a person mention $1,000 an ounce. The reason I say this is because I believe there is a math formula to calculate the future silver price.

A white board in a classroom saying a math formula to calculate the future silver price being $333 per ounce.  Using the math formula to calculate the future silver price of 15 to 1.
Using a math formula to calculate the future silver price I guess silver will hit AT LEAST $333.00 dollars per ounce in the near future.

Nobody will say out loud what they believe the future price of silver will hit because nobody really knows. At least get your thoughts into a reality that is provable through history, and of course math. The history of silver pricing can always be found in its past.

Silver Pricing History

Arrogantly people existing today maintain an idea that humans that lived thousands of years were not that intelligent. Most individuals today ignore history and yet history has always been a window to see the future. It is very easy to map out silver’s future based solely on its track record in history. Silver has the coveted spot as the first form of money as civilizations were formed. The first evidence of silver mining dates back to 3000 B.C., in Turkey and Greece. The first metal used as a currency was silver, more than 4,000 years ago.

A photograph of the ruins in Rome.  Coliseum and across the street.  Using the math formula to calculate the future silver price of 15 to 1 would put USA in line with Ancient Rome.
The future price of silver hinges upon the facts we learn merely by looking back at history.

Silver utility and value really took off when Europeans landed on the New World in 1492. Spanish conquerors discovered South America was home to rich veins of silver and silver ore. They mined that wealth enthusiastically. Since early human history silver has never looked back on its value.. Looking into 6,000 years of history of silver and applying a simple math formula to calculate the future silver price.

The Gold To Silver Ratio

Assuming you already understand the gold to silver ratio we will start from there. Looking back in time we can see a math formula to calculate the future silver price. If you are not familiar with this ratio here are the links:

Video: Silver To Gold Ratio
Written Article: The Silver To Gold Ratio

A photo of 1 gram of gold and 3.5 ounces of silver both having a value of $60.00.  It shows the silver to gold ratio is so wide and unrealistic today.  Using the math formula to calculate the future silver price of 15 to 1.
The current gold to silver ratio explains the massive and corrupt gold to silver ratio.

The silver to gold ratio has been around all of human history. There are centuries of the ratio settling between ten and twenty to one. Most of our understanding of this historical relationship puts gold at about 10 to 20 times the value of silver. This held true until the creation, and manipulation, of the current Federal Reserve Central System which, was created in 1913. Currently, the gold to silver ratio is at 80.25. The current ratio is unrealistic but then few people really pay any attention to the lessons of history.

Look At Gold To Forecast Silver

The silver spot price is as volatile as a hand grenade. Silver stackers today commonly endure wide silver pricing swings. In America today the gold to silver ratio is ignored. Nobody cares about history. History is ignored.

For the purpose of understanding the math formula to calculate the future silver price, let’s look at America’s history. After all, the ratio IS IN the United States Constitution. The founding fathers adopted a 15 to 1 ratio because of the history experienced up until their time. This ratio only became distorted after the creation of the second Central Bank of The United States was founded. (Historical list of ratio the founding Fathers used: Click Here)

Most people will easily put a price on where they expect the price of gold to hit. This is simply because the cost of gold has ALWAYS been much less volatile than silver. Individuals blurt out their gold price prediction but then shy away from putting a thoughtful number on silver.

Gold Drivers

We have to understand what drives the price of gold. Then we then simply extrapolate that understanding into the math formula used to calculate the future silver price. The two main drivers behind the demand for gold are greed and fear The death of all fiat and the current and gloomy economic outlook causes the investing herds to migrate their wealth to gold. Once citizens feel the fear of the dollar’s collapse… the herd will make a massive move to precious metals. But then it will be too late.

The inexplicable way in which central bankers are trying to print their way to prosperity is mind-boggling. If prosperity actually came from merely printing money, why don’t they just print a million dollars for each of us?

a photo of a lady in Dubai standing in front of four VERY expensive sport cars made out of gold.  Using the math formula to calculate the future silver price of 15 to 1 the value of these cars is tremendous.
What REALLY drives the gold prices in the world today?

I have not seen a million bucks… have you?

Silver Price Perediction

What do you think the value of gold will be in the future?

Everyone knows that time waits for no one. History seems so slow as it is being lived. We fail to realize that time is always the same. Long gone humans lived each moment as we do. Time is moving at the same pace today.

It is kind of like watching a Seal Team 6 movie. What they do not show the audience is the seal team sitting on a slow C-130 for twenty hours. You see them get on the plane, or they do not even do that. They magically appear on the other side of the world in full combat gear. They exclude the 20-hour flight because it is boring as shit. That flight is analogous to watching the history of gold and silver pricing. It is boring and does not hold the attention of the average dyslexic citizen. Yet it is clear to see in history the future shine of silver.

Rick Rule

Of all the talking heads I love to listen to Rick Rule. Not just because he appears very learned but because of the way he phrases his statements. I consider his opinion to be one of the most tempered and valued. In one of his interviews, he said he sees the demand for gold doubling or tripling. Do not confuse this with the price. He stated demand for gold will triple in the future of this current precious metals bull market.

If demand for gold is tripled by the drivers mentioned earlier it is easy to forecast a major increase. Silver is the explosive step-kid of gold. The math formula to calculate the future silver price is merely based upon gold. SIlver will revert to a ratio that is more in line with history. The shiny metals will win and now I feel as if I am on that boring and long and always ignored extra-long C-130 ride.

Silver Prediction Using Math

When I plug numbers into the silver to gold ratio I can easily project the value of gold. I see at least $5,000 an ounce. That would squarely place silver at $333 an ounce when the historical 15 to 1 is plugged in. That is my projection. I base $333 upon the history of the gold to silver ratio. After all, it has been around for 6,000+ years. I personally believe $333 is a conservative number and anticipate $5,000 an ounce for gold is minimal. I would not be surprised if it touches $10,000 an ounce. After all the banksters aren’t accumulating all their silver and gold for a minor move. The banksters plan on sweeping up the wealth of the world during the reset. Precious metals are how they will ‘launder’ the transaction. The citizen peasants of today can easily gather their crumbs before the reset.

Gold Will Hit At Least $5,000 and Ounce

The looming collapse of ALL world fiat currencies is coming. It will be much more of a shit show than most expect. The sad truth is that when the financial crash comes there will be no recovery during most people’s lifetimes. The other end of the financial collapse will reveal a world, unlike the past 100+ years. The history of silver will step into the present and reclaim a ratio somewhere near 15 to 1. This ratio ensures massive profits for the banksters. Why wouldn’t they as they will control the gold reserves at a level never seen before in history? Remember the banksters control the sovereign reserves as well. If you doubt this you should be informed that Napolean himself was taken down by the banks. The banksters merely cut his funding and backed his enemies. It happened… whether you believe it or not… it happened.

a close-up photograph of a U.S. gold dollar.  Using the math formula to calculate the future silver price of 15 to 1 the value of a gold ounce dictates silver pricing.
Math Formula To Calculate The Future Silver Price easily sees gold at $5,000 an ounce.

Where the price of gold is going makes it easier to project the future price of silver. I feel gold will easily hit $5,000 an ounce. This means the value of silver will reset to a minimum of $333 an ounce. I feel as if I am being VERY conservative with the destruction

Use the chart below and see what you think. Leave a comment on where you think silver goes when compared to the historical gold to silver ratio? You have my opinion… what is yours? Check out the chart below and Semper Fi!

GOLD      15 TO 1              GOLD     15 to 1
$1800      $120                $2900      $193
$1900      $126                $3000      $200
$2000      $133                $4000      $266
$2100      $140                $5000      $333 
$2200      $146                $6000      $400 
$2500      $166                $7000      $466
$2600      $173                $8000      $533
$2700      $180                $9000      $600
$2800      $186                $10000     $666

What Is Your Projection?

Using the above information your opinion is GREATLY requested as to what you think silver will hit based upon the historical gold to silver ratio.

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Essential Reading For Stacking Silver