Silver Made Me Sorry I Was A Marine?

Silver Made Me Sorry I Was A Marine?

A united states marine MANNING A 50 CALIBER machine gun WHILE LOOKING THROUGH BINOCULARS.  Beirut, 1983
Silver made me sorry I served as a Marine
What war or conflict were you involved in? Who do you know that died for a banker? Silver made me sorry I served as a Marine. Public photo from Beirut, 1983.

Silver made me sorry I served as a Marine which causes me great emotional conflict. I have always been proud that I served as a U.S. Marine but now it is more for being a personal accomplishment.

I am still proud of the history of The Corps, but I am disheartened by what the mission has become, and always was. The ultimate goal for each conflict the U.S.A. was involved in has been nothing more than bankers profiting more money, more power of control. Having ALWAYS loved history my disappointment and dejection became true when I studied the history of silver.

Through the lessons I have learned about silver, through history, I have been faced with sad truths. The U.S. military is nothing more than a mercenary force for the bankers and their goals. The people that die and the lives ruined… serve are nothing more than a footnote. Do not take this for being unpatriotic, it is actually quite the opposite. I love America, but not what I know it is has become.

No Fault On Those That Served

Marines with 1st Battalion, 24th Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division, prepare ammunition for the M240B machine gun for a live fire. Silver made me sorry I served as a Marine
Marines with 1st Battalion, 24th Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division, prepare ammunition for the M240B machine gun for live fire. Silver made me sorry I served as a Marine, but I still hold pride and that will never change… if that can even make sense to you?

I do not want anyone to feel as if I am slighting the service, the bravery, and the actions of all the service members that have served. I am sorry I served as a Marine because I have seen the lies that have caused America to get into wars and conflicts. Semper Fi! to all my fellow Marines and service members. I stand with you because of the fact that warriors really do not defend a flag. Warriors defend the lives of the men they stand shoulder to shoulder. That is why I am proud to have served…

All Wars Started With A Lie

There are two videos and two articles previously posted. They show how U.S. involvement in military action has repeatedly been started with a lie. An easily provable lie if a person spent ten minutes researching. But people ignore history.

Articles: Vietnam Was Started With a Lie
WW1 Was Started With A Lie)

Videos: Vietnam Was Started With a Lie
WW1 Was Started With A Lie)

I will not re-hash these conflicts as history easily proves that the U.S. involvement in these conflicts was totally manipulated. The goal to incite the citizens of America to WANT to go to war was accomplished. Once this manipulation occurred it was much easier for the bankers to generate profit and consolidate power on both sides of the conflict. The banksters have habitually provided monetary support to both sides, at the same time.

A poster from early 1900's depicting how important it was for citizens to remember the sinking of the Lusitania and they needed to join military and fight.  Silver made me sorry I served as a Marine
WW1: The bankers used the premeditated sinking as a great patriotic cause to entice young men to go and die for the bank’s profits. Silver made me sorry I served as a Marine, but God I LOVE The Corps and what it REALLY stands for.

Profit has always been wrapped in red, white, and blue. Manipulated through conflicts instigated, or truths that were simply ignored. The public as a whole really does not think critically and acts emotionally.

History does not lie to those that study it through an unfiltered lens.

Bankers Have Backed Our Enemies

Silver made me sorry I served as a Marine because of the numerous instances that sound so conspiratorial when spoken out loud. One kernel of truth easily taken from the pile of facts is the Soviet Union was a complete financial calculation created by JP Morgan. America wrote the history of the world since they won the battles. The history they wrote is not entirely true. The history we grew up with has been by a simple omission of facts, mixed in with some truths.

Truths Told…

In 1917 Lenin overthrew the current revolution that had just overthrown the government. The new government Lenin overthrew was trying to form a free nation for the first time in their geographical history. In the dead of night after the 1st revolution was over, Lenin stormed into government buildings to overthrow the new provisional government.

Our history neglects to report it was all done with financing by JP Morgan. History fails to mention the citizens who were NOT allowed to own firearms were conquered by only a few men of Lenin that were armed. A few men with guns basically If you doubt this then you surely will not believe most of the vehicles used in the Vietnam conflict and also the Korean conflict by the communists were funded by JP Morgan.

Banker Never Lose

The Libor scandal is yet another example of how bankers openly commit crimes that the peasant citizens would go to jail for.  They do not even try to hide it anymore.  Silver made me sorry I served as a Marine because the truth is coming out.
The Libor scandal is yet another example of how bankers openly commit crimes that the peasant citizens would go to jail for. They do not even try to hide it anymore. Silver made me sorry I served as a Marine because the truth is coming out.

Silver made me sorry I served as a Marine because by researching silver the naive blinders I was given as a young student were removed. I was never told that the bankers have financed BOTH sides of the conflicts while racking in massive profits. All the while people died fighting for some concocted patriotic conflict. Since the bankers financially backed both sides of conflicts they repeatedly not only financially profited but reeled in more and more power and control over the centuries. Yes, I did say centuries. Ever hear of the Rothchilds? They really do exist and have existed influencing governments for centuries.

I Am Sorry I Served As A Marine

I have noticed that all U.S. conflicts were initiated during major economic troubles. War saved the economy again and again. I will not rehash it but events and provide a brief overview.

a war bonds poster from ww1.  it depicts "war bonds feed the guns" Silver made me sorry I served as a Marine
WWI was over money and profits. JP Morgan did not want to lose his investment in Britain.

War of 1812:
All of the issues that propelled America into this conflict erroneously state that one issue was the impressment of the U.S. sailors. This is a half-truth as the problem was solved and no longer an issue. Although the British did this… there were no longer doing it when America joined the war. I will not go into other reasons here.

World War I:
The sinking of the Lusitania was preplanned and organized by politicians on both sides of the ocean. U.S. citizens… women and children were sent to their death because they were considered to be expendable. JP Morgan could not risk losing their investment with the government of Britain as they were being economically choked by German submarines. JP Morgan knew if Germany won the war the banks would lose the massive loans they provided Brittain. The bankers needed the U.S.A. to get involved… so they killed some Americans on a big boat to anger the peasants. How else would they get the peasants to die for their cause?

The initial US troops stepping off a landing craft.  This marks the first landing in Vietnam for US troops.The Libor scandal is yet another example of how bankers openly commit crimes that the peasant citizens would go to jail for.  They do not even try to hide it anymore.  Silver made me sorry I served as a Marine because the truth is coming out.
The initial US troops stepping off a landing craft. This marks the first landing in Vietnam for US troops. Silver made me sorry I served as a Marine because the truth is coming out.

Vietnam Conflict:
The event that propelled the U.S.A. into Vietnam simply did not happen. The 2nd Gulf of Tonkin incident was totally fabricated by the government. If you doubt this as fact then you need to remove the blinders you have been issued.

I have not discussed World War II or 9-11 yet because of my time constraints. Sadly though… I have seen the evidence for those conflicts… but have not had the time yet to edify my findings. But rest assured… the bankers were there too… every step of the way.

Silver and The Marine Corps

Silver made me sorry I served as a Marine dancing to the music of the bankers. Once I realized the bankers run our government I realized I was just a paid mercenary. I have zero regrets about my personal accomplishments while in The Corps. I have nothing but love for those that have served with me, before me and after me.

It is just that learning about the lies of silver has opened my eyes to see that this current economic situation will end up wrapped in a body bag by our patriotic youth defending some cause. I am sad because that cause has been revealed to be nothing more than an agenda set by the bankers to ensure more profits.

Ukraine Is Next

Sitting here as an Old Fat Marine I am waiting for the news that Russia has invaded Ukraine. The U.S.A. will rattle its saber and it will be wrapped into the flag. I would not be surprised if it will be the cause of the Great Reset?

Next Presentation

Ukraine will be the next article and the next video. Silver made me sorry I served as a Marine because the mission Marines are sent off to fight is all about money and world control. It happened in the past, as it has been proven again and again. Why would you think the future will be any different?

a map depicting Russia and Ukraine.  Silver made me sorry I served as a Marine
What will happen next? It may be part of the great reset we all know is coming.

Please subscribe and come back for my next piece on why I think Ukraine could quite possibly be the ignition for The Great Reset as early as February of 2022. This saddens me because the next mission where Marines will violently die and be maimed shall again be for the profits and power of the world bankers. More families will be destroyed and fancy funerals will take place. But the bankers can afford it as they are the ones making the big bucks. Ukraine is next…..

See you really soon… Semper Fi!

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