Silver Price When Russia Invades Ukraine

Silver Price When Russia Invades Ukraine

The US embassy in Moscow says ambassador John Sullivan is returning to Washington for what it called consultations. It's another sign of rising tensions conn...  The silver price when Russia invades Ukraine will be impacted but not immediately.
The US embassy in Moscow says ambassador John Sullivan is returning to Washington for what it called consultations. It’s another sign of rising tensions conn… The silver price when Russia invades Ukraine will be impacted but not immediately.

The silver price when Russia invades Ukraine is going to be one crazy world to live in. There are so many possible outcomes but I love to look at history to see what could come in the future. The future of silver, the U.S. dollar, oil, and NATO may all be colliding in the very near future. The Great financial reset needs an excuse for it to happen so the bankers and politician bankers can swoop in with the solution.

War Is Profitable

War is profitable for those that do not participate. Without rehashing previous videos and articles we will start with the conclusions reached previously. Every U.S.military conflict since 1812 has been started with a lie. Don’t scoff at this if you have not read the articles or have watched the videos. Because if you do you are merely following their plan.

We all know that not only the U.S. economy is in trouble but also the entire world is floundering in debt. In the past, the simple solution is to just come up with some reason to distract the population. Through monetarily profitable military action bankers gain so much more than money. They gain power and control which enables the money to just keep coming.

Since we already know banks financially back both sides of a conflict I see the upcoming events in Ukraine are lining up for a possible doozy. Knowing that conflict is very profitable bankers have little reason to avoid it. War is profitable for the bankers. Ukraine is a possible great flashpoint for the opening salvo of the great reset.

Nato and Ukraine

The very foundation of NATO could be rocked if they do not want to give up Russian oil.   The silver price when Russia invades Ukraine would reach levels never before seen.
The very foundation of NATO could be rocked if they do not want to give up Russian oil. The silver price when Russia invades Ukraine would reach levels never before seen.

If Russia invades Ukraine the USA will be in the middle. This is why Biden is sending thousands of service members over there. He says they are not there to fight…. just like we were told about Vietnam…

My concern is that NATO will not hold up and could quite possibly collapse. Not from the attack, but from the refusal to fight Russia. If Russia invaded Ukraine and NATO responded that means that many citizens in the NATO nations will have no heating oil. Russia would just shut off their supply. With everything else, the allied nations are individually better off NOT joining in.

What could Biden do? Fight the war alone? Defend a people that do not want to defend themselves? The collapse of NATO would be such a massive blow to America that the shockwaves will be felt for the rest of this century. The loss of prestige will hasten the looming collapse. We are speaking about the cessation of the very fiber of America once the dollar is toppled. It will happen fast and will be just like a domino

Also, NATO is not too happy because when Trump was President he ended the gravy train and now the NATO members are having to pay their fair share. America is no longer running NATO as if it were a charity and many nations do not like to have to pay for their own defense. If NATO were to collapse and there started a shooting match…. it would not be good.

Politics Aside

The silver price when Russia invades Ukraine may not be what you want to see in your daily reality.  What many people fail to realize is that if Russia invades Ukrain and NATO collapses, or if it is just a shooting war… the reality we know is over.  If silver hit $1,000 an ounce because the dollar died…. it will not be a pretty picture.  It will not matter if you are a Republican or a Democrat.  

The Reason Is Irrelevant

Regardless of the reason there will be a conflict.  The conflict will distract the population as done so many times in history before.  But this time it may be different.  Very, Very different.

cartoon.  Bankers pulling the strings of the generals of the USA.
The banking families have been running the show for centuries. Is it time for the bankers to move on up the ladder by destroying the lives of millions? The silver price when Russia invades Ukraine would reach levels never before seen but hardly any citizens own any…

The Great Reset

Since we already understand The Federal Reserve is actually a foreign entity (previous video and article) it becomes easy to see how profitable the destruction of the U.S. dollar will be for them.

Since the goal is to have an international currency there only needs to be one event left to make that happen. The U.S. dollar has to die. In order for the World Bankers to benefit they first had to create the problem. With the death of the dollar, they will mainstream an international currency that can swoop in to become the new world reserve currency. The currency already exists. The currency is already in circulation. It is called S.D.R. (Special Drawing Rights Explained)

Kill the Dollar, Kill the National Debt

Once the dollar is dead the bankers will have made a clean getaway. It will be the largest transfer of wealth in history and it is straight into their pockets. The debt left from decades of pork budgets will finally land at the door. The death of the dollar will be finalized by wiping out the national debt that the world has been burdened with. Essentially they are going to just reboot the financial system. Since the Fed is the same banksters as on the World Bank it merely is a line item on a centuries-long ledger.

GroundHog Day

The kicker of this unbelievable tale is when the bankers execute the ailing U.S. dollar they will merely start the process over again. It will just be with a different fiat currency. The misery and destruction in the world as we know it will be brutal. But like in war the ones that suffer will be the people. The wealthy 1% will actually gain more wealth and more power. It is historically inevitable.

The Time Gap

a melted clock.  It is made to look this way.  It looked like it is dripping of a shelf.
The time gap between civilization and anarchy back to civilization is my concern.

The period of time I am concerned with is the upcoming hyperinflation cycle. That will signal the beginning of the currency void. The time between the dying dollar and the implementation of the new fiat currency. This is the period of time where silver will be valuable, as will a pound of coffee and butter. But I digress…

Break Out the Flags

I am not a prophet and I cannot see the future. We can clearly see the past if we look. It is not a stretch to think the world is getting ready to make more money for the bankers, I mean go to war.

The perfect storm is approaching and it is not a pretty one. Silver may be much more than a good investment. If silver does what many hope it will do the world may be forever scarred with another period of conflict.

Be careful what you wish for.

Silver Price When Russia Invades Ukraine

a close up of a Trump 1 ounce silver round. The silver price when Russia invades Ukraine
When the price of silver takes off it will be impossible to even buy some. The silver price when Russia invades Ukraine can also bring scary times.

War is coming. Will it be Ukraine? Possibly. Maybe it will be a small nuke bomb in some debt-laden city that would be cheaper to simply eliminate? I do not know the future but it would not surprise me at all to see the Great financial reset be triggered by the collapse of NATO, once US impudence is visible.

Invasion Can’t Wait

Just like in WWII. The original date scheduled was June 5th, 1941. Bad weather forced postponement till the next day. The dilemma General Eisenhower faced was he either had to launch the invasion on the 6th or just stand down. Just like in Russia today, the troops that are loaded to go cannot be spring-ready if they wait around too long. If there is an invasion it will only occur when Moscow has the needed numbers. If there is an invasion it will be sooner than later, just like Eisenhower.

I hope I am wrong. I live in a military town. I swear I was never that young because the Marines I see daily look like children to me. I worry for them as they would easily be sacrificed for the political and banking cause.

Damn, I’m getting old….. Semper Fi!

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