ANYONE Can Afford Silver

ANYONE Can Afford Silver

Literally, ANYONE can afford silver. I say this because what you do all comes down to what motivates you the most. Currently, the price of silver is $23.00 spot. In January of 1980, the price was just under $50.00 spot. Silver spot price today is really an insult to those that are watching the charade. What I know, rooted in history points to the greatest price movement in recorded history. The fall of the dollar is not going to be a tiny matter. When that fateful day is forever etched into history I do not want to have ANY regret that I could have done more to prepare. Most motivation is greater than most because I see what is coming as clear as a freight train.

The stages of a silver stacker.  For those that understand history this is so true... once they realize silver is real money and fiat is not.
The stages of a silver stacker. For those that understand history, this is so true…

What’s Your Motivation?

The reason you are stacking will be the deciding factor of how intense you embrace the overall concept of silver as an investment. My motivation to purchase silver is solely based upon my understanding of history as it is applied to look at future models. I am not motivated by fear. Not at all.

The reason I stack is for pure and simple greed. Most people equate the word greed and being bad. I disagree. My behavior is ethical in how I acquire the silver and the ‘greed’ I admit having is merely for a desire to be free.

I have spent many decades working to make other people wealthier while I earned a paycheck. There is no faulting those years because here I sit today with knowledge confirmed by history that what is coming will be epic and ANYONE can afford silver.

ANYONE Can Afford Silver

ANYONE can afford silver if they have the ability to understand that once the true value of silver is released the masses will forever be regretting the historical price movements that I feel are unavoidable. Actually, I would not be surprised to see silver get pounded even lower. Most interested observers would expect nothing less than another massive drop in silver spot price to wipe out short-sellers. Maybe into the teens.

I could care less. I am so confident in what is coming with silver that the more I can accumulate the better off I will be when the spring snaps. The motivation I have is akin to insider knowledge because history never lies. History is speaking to us and less than 1/2 of 1 percent of the population in America is listening.

The following ideas are what I have done to raise money to purchase silver because I am not a wealthy person. I claw and scratch for every cent I have and I do not want to look back and regret I could have done more. By no means is this an all-inclusive list. If you want it bad enough you will figure out what works for you. ANYONE can afford silver.

Sold A Car

A photo of a red 2015 red Mini-Cooper Roadster convertible. ANYONE can afford silver
This was a fun car to drive but the silver purchased from the sale will end up being a path to a lot more fun. ANYONE can afford silver

I sold the car my wife drove. It worked out well because since I lost my job in August of 2021 we just stayed home most of the time. With the sale of the car, I was able to pay off bills and make a decent purchase of silver.

Cars are selling at premium prices today. Can you do without one of the vehicles you own? What about a jet-ski? A camper? Whatever it may be it is not something that needs to be gone forever. You are merely parking your depreciating asset into a holding pen called silver. Whatever you sold… just buy back a better one. ANYONE can afford silver.

Sell Old Jewelry

I took a small box full of old rings and necklaces into a pawnshop. Their offer to purchase was a joke. I then took it to my local coin store (L.C.S.) and was able to do a very nice swap for some bars and rounds. I was happy with the shiny I was able to walk out with and my stack grew yet again. ANYONE can afford silver.

Unexpected Income

This may sound like I am sitting home collecting checks as portrayed in that movie “The Secret” I am sorry to report that is not what I am speaking about. An example is that I forgot I was eligible for a class-action lawsuit I applied for. Top Class Actions is a great website to stay up on class action news stories. Through their website, I received a few small settlements with one being at $135 bucks. I forget I even submitted my information. Now it is silver.

Maybe you have a side hustle? Before I was an Old Fat Marine I was a slim and trim health coach that was doing quite well. I am going to get back into that for the main reason of being able to get more silver while using it simultaneously get healthier through weight loss. If I get five bucks it does not go into the wallet. It goes into silver… not bills or pocket change. ANYONE can afford silver.

Side Hustle

Do a side hustle. No profit has been made on my website or YouTube channel. Many hours perfecting and learning it has taken to merely be here now. This website and the matching YouTube channel are really something I enjoy doing… money or not. I know that persistence it will pay off as long as I keep plodding forward. This side hustle is keeping me interested in life because sometimes life gets in the way of living. My side hustle is what it is. What is your side hustle? What is it? Then go do it. If you do not get it done then your want is not deep-rooted enough. How deep is your belief that the silver price will move upwards in an epic way? Act on that belief.

My side hustle is not a website. It is not YouTube. My side hustle is silver because I love the history of silver and the direction it is pointing to now.

History Speaks, The Wind Listens

A black and white photo of a very old phone.  It is a phone that you hold a cone like device to your ear.  ANYONE can afford silver
Why not just look for history to repeat itself? History is calling and most are not answering.

Every fiber of my being directs me to silver. History is beckoning and I feel as if too many people are about to be wiped out financially. Yet these very same people only hear the wind today. It is impossible to save everybody. Even Jesus can’t do that…..

My point is that if you know the price of silver was going to hit prices that will be Biblical… wouldn’t you do whatever you had to do to just make accumulation happen? Instead of complaining, get started. There is no website or video channel that can make you follow through with your intentions. Nothing will be enough to give you the energy to make things happen. It has to be something that is within.

I Choose To Listen

The average person will choose to go to work tomorrow. The average person will choose to not educate themselves about money. Currency is NOT money. If you DO NOT understand this statement then you CAN NOT possibly understand my level of motivation. This is because you have not studied history. I do not say this arrogantly I say it as a simple statement of truth.

What I mean by educating is to learn what history will teach us about money. Whether you study the subject for thirty minutes or thirty hours the conclusions will be the same. The only difference in answers discovered will be your resolve to prepare.

If you listen to history the ‘secret’ of silver easily will be revealed. I see it clearly and will do whatever I ethically can do to position myself for maximum personal benefit. Remember my greed? The great financial reset is not something I fear because I am preparing to the best of my ability. I expect to be rewarded quite well when the fateful day comes.

Your Choice

Whatever you do will be based upon your belief in what is coming. I disagree with diversification beyond mining stocks as I see the gains in silver as being unmatched… except established mining stocks or select exploration companies. With a few royalty stocks thrown in. I am not here to convince you. I am not a financial advisor, I am just a guy that is tired of losing the game of the dollar. Inflation has robbed me for decades. I am pissed and just trying to figure it out like everyone else. This website and the video channel are not profitable. Maybe someday, but not today. I really just want to get the word out that ANYONE can afford silver.

A meme.  A hungry and filthy kid is holding two silver pieces and the meme says.. "Maybe I can't eat it but it sure will buy me a nice meal."  ANYONE can afford silver
Silver can be used as money anywhere in the world. ANYONE can afford silver

You’ve Been Warned

ANYONE can afford silver. Mostly EVERYONE will ignore the prelude to the silver price run-up. I do not know when it will happen or what the stimulating event will be.

Why do you care? Be thrilled you just know it is coming.

I just know that when that day comes I will not have an ounce of regret that I could have bought more silver. If you agree that day is inevitable also… then what the hell are you looking out here on the Internet for an answer? 🙂

Get going. Make a plan. No regret. The event is not on our schedule.

Don’t look back.

One ounce will be better than no ounce. Two would be better than one… and so on. One step at a time. One ounce at a time. Remember the video of a few weeks ago about the Navy Seals? This wait we are now enduring today is merely the long flight to our destination.

It will be your reality so make it what you want it to be. Tick Tock…

Semper Fi!

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver