Survival Silver

Survival Silver? What the Heck is Survival Silver?

a man standing with an open umbrella looking at a bad lightening storm.  Survival silver.
Silver: What started off as merely an investment has turned into a life-changing experience of understanding and preparation for the entire economic situation developing today. Survival silver.

When I first heard about silver I felt as if I could make a nice financial profit by accumulating some. So… I started stacking silver. I scraped together about $80.00 for a couple of ounces and started. If this were to be considered a mere investment I thus far would have made another miserable financial investment. The accumulation of silver has become an obsession based on greed but grounded in the tragic reality my stack could end up being survival silver.

Survival Silver

Stacking survival silver for me is something that is disconnected from current market realities. The future price predictions for silver do not make sense to someone looking for logic to explain the decades-long consistently low silver price. Although I stack to earn a profit I am hoping to be able to prosper when the masses of America are suffering.

I do not say this because I am a heartless bastard. Quite the contrary. This entire website and YouTube channel is nothing more than an attempt to get the word out. Because of mainstream news outlets, the public has been conditioned to think of the reason for survival silver as a wild conspiracy. Survival silver is EXACTLY what its name specifies.

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Inflation is Transitory….. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

A comparison of what a 10 buck gold coin bought in 1932 and what a 10 buck bill is worth.  There is little value left to steal through inflation.  Survival silver.
A vivid illustration showing why everyone needs Survival silver as the dollar reaches the end of its natural life span.

I have said from day #1 that inflation was here to stay and accelerate all along the way. The U.S.A. lies about the real numbers, and pretty much everyone knows it. If you disagree with this then you most likely do not realize that the C.P.I. no longer includes energy and food costs. I hope you will heed this statement and stack some survival silver.

Inflation is not going to stop. It is not going to slow down. It will speed up exponentially as the days wear on into weeks and months. Eventually, the U.S. dollar will be worth virtually nothing. It is not a secret as this has happened 775 times already in human history.

The Crash Is Planned

There is no crystal ball in saying the dollar is about to crash. There are only the hard and solid claims of history once again about to repeat itself. The elite bankers know this and they do not care. Despite what the opaque on the wall may say at the fed they ultimately only will take care of themselves. When the dollar dies live on 4K screens all over the world it will be too late to find a piece of silver.

The wealthy will have scooped up the supply. JP Morgan reportedly has over 1.2 BILLION ounces of physical silver. JP Morgan literally determines the spot price of silver throughout the world. When the planned crash occurs they will be the largest single benefactor from that death.

You Can’t Eat Silver

A dirty young girl dressed in rags trying to eat silver but caption says she can use silver to buy food.  Survival silver.
A portrait of a poor beggar child with a piece of bread in her hands. Please check for more.

Please do not be a dumbass and say that you shouldn’t stack silver because you can’t eat silver. When the dollar inflates away you would not be able to eat that either. The difference is that people will take my silver and you can just keep your dollar.

Types of Survival Silver

I suggest you stack a mixture of sizes. A 100-ounce bar will be hard to sell once the spot price of silver takes off. At a mere $100.00 an ounce it would be hard to use if a single bar is valued at over $10,000. I stack all sizes of silver up to 10 ounces. The smallest pieces I hold are 1 gram and 1/10th of an ounce. I consider these to truly be survival silver. This will be what I consider to be truly survival silver because the face value more closely matches a survival situation.

Get Started

If I do not need survival silver then I will just change the name to investment silver and sell it for an awesome profit. If some stretch of reality happens and the dollar continues to chug along…. my grandkids will benefit.

Somebody will need it and that someone will be a person, or people that matter to me. If you do not start, you will never be better prepared. When the collapse of the dollar happens, and it will… what will you have to buy food? In Zimbabwe, at the height of their economic collapse 3 eggs cost $600 TRILLION Zimbabwe dollars. I ain’t making that number up!

If you ate the $600 TRILLION dollars you still would be worse off than me. My 4/10th of an ounce of silver. I just bought lunch…. you are still eating paper because you were worried about not wanting to eat silver.

My question is that why are we expected to provide for the people who heed not the warning…? Just asking?

Buy Gold and Silver

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver