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I Can’t Lose Weight!

My Body Won’t Lose Weight

Having helped over 400+ people try to manage themselves to a healthy weight has shown me insights that many, if not all, dieters have about losing weight. The one thing I see in common is that virtually everyone who sets out to lose weight have tried repeatedly and failed. Everyone looks to find “a diet” that will work for them without the realization that a diet will only momentarily work, if it works at all.

After the diet is over virtually everyone gains all the lost weight back again. In most cases more weight is gained back than lost. When I hear a healthy person say they just cannot lose weight…. I actually hear they merely need to be instructed on what it takes to lose weight.

I have to thank one and all for the positive comments and emails I have received. My goal with this article is NOT to chastise for being fat. I use the “f” word intentionally because I am in the fat club. For me, being able to admit that fact is part of my recovery. The truth of the matter is that if a person is disease free weight loss would not be an issue when the correct mentality is applied.

Nazi Concentration Camps

This may be weird to say but have you ever seen that old black and white video of the group of Nazi concentration camp survivors that were obese? You know the one video where the Allied soldiers were shocked to see one after another fat holocaust survivor walk out of their prison camp?

Of course you never saw it because it never happened. This is because of the basic facts of biology that if a person does not get food…. they will lose weight. It is that simple.

I would never suggest a person live on a diet like this… but it proves the point of calories in and calories out. With that point proven… let’s look at what we can do to lose weight in a sensible way that does not require misery and grief. This is a journey. One day at a time. Knowledge in and fat out.

It’s THE Insulin Baby!

What I have learned is one simple statement that says it all, when discussing weight loss and obesity. It is all about insulin. If you can master this you will lose weight. The trick is to do it in a healthy way.

A crucial understanding is that if your body is producing insulin you are storing fat. If your body is not producing insulin you are burning fat.

Stop There

Understand what I mean when I say “if your body is producing insulin you are storing fat. If your body is not producing insulin you are burning fat.”

I am going to leave it there for now because figuring this weight loss thing out is not a once and done idea. It is a mental process that must start somewhere with information that is grounded in reality. Everything else is static and I want that to sink in for a day or so before we rip away the excuse of “I can’t lose weight.”

Semper Fi!

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