15 FEBRUARY 2022: D-14

15 FEBRUARY 2022: D-14

A thermometer measuring the levels of your attitude, from Poor to Great, reflecting the different steps you rise past to get to your top state of positivity
A thermometer measuring the levels of your attitude, from Poor to Great, reflecting the different steps you rise past to get to your top state of positivity

Today is 15 Feb 2022 and it has been a tough day. It has been a tough few days actually. I miss Sue. There is no way around it. I feel a pain that is as real as a knife wound. After 23 years together her sudden departure has changed a great many perspectives in my life. Today is 14 days from what I refer to as D-Day. Yea, I know it is a military thing… but hey… guess what?

I have made the pledge to start drinking more water as I get closer to the day where I am making a you-turn with the direction of my health. In my last entry, I promised to drink more water as I was not drinking any at all. I have accomplished that small goal on the way to my much larger goal.

I Am Going To Lose Over 100 Pounds

a sign stating " and a mistake repeated more than once is a decision."

I am going to lose 100 pounds and sadly this is not my first go-around with the 100 pounds. I can’t speak about the program on my website and that’s cool. I am not here to sell you a program. I am writing this stuff daily to help me. As I write this stuff I know I can’t be alone in this situation. How many others feel like me? I don’t give a shit about dieting, I just want to feel better by being healthier. That simply requires weight loss.

Do not be decided by many articles and videos about being a silver stacker. That is merely another portion of this website. It talks about stacking silver, as that is also important to my life. As it would be in most lives if people knew what was going on. My point of mentioning this is that this blog is me being in my 6th decade and still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I can’t wait for the journey. It is almost like being 17 again. My whole life is ahead of me. Literally… it is the same as so many years ago and yet I lost sight of it. I STILL have my whole life ahead of me, as that never changes.

Although I will not discuss the actual program I will track my journey all along the way. I am using this website as a place where I can be held accountable by people I do not know, and they really do not know me. Kind of weird but that is the way it is I guess?

Today I want to move beyond merely drinking more water and place a daily number on that goal. Today is a good day.

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver