Silver Stacker: “Are You A Moron?”

Silver Stacker: “Are You A Moron?”

An older man gesturing to be quiet with his finger to his mouth gesturing sssshhhhh.
Speak quietly… they are silver stacking morons……

Today I was speaking with an older man and my description of him being a moron maybe a bit too strong? People have told me that I sometimes do not have a filter and maybe I need to work on that? If you are a silver stacker you may easily agree that speaking to someone about silver can be as frustrating as debating a doorknob. No matter what information you present to demonstrate the validity of silver and it is dismissed. This is why I silently murmur to myself you must be a moron. I also believe he was thinking the same thing about me. Silver stacker, are you a moron?

The Creature From Jekyll Island

It is hard to believe that the truth is so far from reality that people simply think what is coming is impossible. If a person were to simply read the book The Creature From Jekyll Island they may still have time to save themselves from the Great Reset.

There are numerous FACTS that come to light in the book The Creature From Jekyll Island and despite it being a matter of record the facts are ignored. I spoke with a younger man the other day who was in his mid to late twenties. During our discussion, I mentioned the Federal Reserve is a private bank. I received rolling eyes and I was considered as an out-there conspiracy silver stacking moron.

The older man I spoke with today said he is leaving his money in stocks because “the market always comes back”. When I mentioned the looming death of the dollar he said the fed would never allow that. He looked at me as if my being a silver stacker I was a moron.

The Dollar Will NEVER Die

a rendering of a man flexing his muscles with silver and gold coins are in place of his bulging muscles.  Silver Stacker Moron
Unfortunately, there is no gold or silver to reinforce any remaining claims that the U.S. dollar has any remaining value. The dollar today does not exist until the debt of that dollar is born.

When I tried to discuss inflation he said the Fed will just raise the interest rate to 10 or 15 percent. When I attempted to calmly say that cannot happen he dismissed me as a silver stacker moron. The conversation was over and I feel as if we both felt the other person was a moron.

To believe the dollar will never leave the world stage is about as uninformed as an opinion could possibly be. My frustration level peaked as I realized some people just do not want to listen. I feel as if the good guys may have lost the battle and the black hats are ready to begin the distribution of their world currency. But that was another article and another video.

No Longer Will I Try To Prove

I am not a Bible thumper but I think silver and the economy and the impending crash will be Biblical. People like the man I spoke with today will be wiped out and that saddens me. I have realized in my quest to spread the word there are those that cannot be saved.

From here on out I simply want to drop information like bread crumbs. For those that are hungry, ALL the information is available merely by leaving mainstream news outlets. It is all propaganda and I cannot possibly compete with that. I will no longer try to prove anything to anyone about silver. I will merely provide information that may get them to want to do some research.

This website and YouTube channel may be small but I take pride in having a video that has been banned in China. It was banned because the message of the video was that The Gulf of Tonkin attack on the U.S. Navy was fabricated by the U.S.A. The entire reason the U.S.A. invaded Vietnam was made up, which is what the video was about. But that too is also another video. Why the heck was it banned in Vatican City too? I guess Walter Cronkite is too controversial? Give me a break…

Walter Cronkite giving a briefing on The Gulf of Tonkin incident.

A person can ignore the 100% historical failure rate of all 775+ nations that have had total fiat collapse. A simple example is the ancient Roman Empire. At the height of Roman times, the empire split into two nations. One of those nations essentially used fiat. The other did not. The portion of the Roman Empire that kept pure money flourished for another 1,000 years longer before they too did the same thing and collapsed their system also. I wonder how many Romans were considered Silver stacker morons?

Johnny Appleseed or Silver Stacker Moron?

If you are a true stacker then you understand that what we speak of is going to be one of the most epic of epic world events. What is coming will send shock waves through history for the next 100 years at least. We are about to witness the largest financial event in human history.

A meme.  Depicts 4 stages of stacking.  Silver Stacker Moron
The 4 stages of a stacker.

When I first started to realize silver is money and fiat is trash I freaked out. Now I am more like Johnny Appleseed and sprinkling info and moving forward. I was so afraid the reset would happen any day and I went on a silver buying binge with all I could afford. Which really is not much, as wealth is truly relative. At first I was just stashing silver and now my plan is more refined. Maybe in the beginning I was a Silver Stacker Moron

Strategic Stacking

When people think I am a moron for stacking silver I do not care. My stacking has become more focused and methodical.

I have fanned out to purchase some mining and royalty stocks and even a few exploration stocks. Do not think I am wealthy because I have only been able to scratch away a small amount of capital in those stocks.

My one satisfaction is that someone ALWAYS has more than me but I will have much more than most people. As most people will soon have little to nothing. My stack may be smaller than most stackers but my stack is larger than all of the non-stackers combined. So, I am on my way.

I have used the time gifted to focus, gather more, and improve upon what is current. I understand what is coming and the more time I have the better off I will be. If it should happen after I die then those that I love and care for will benefit.

The Great reset is coming and it is only a matter of when. When that day arrives I will not regret that I could have prepared more.

Not Gloom and Doom

A black and white photo of a man looked at from the rear.  He is holding an umbrella and there is a storm with lightening in the distance.  Silver Stacker Moron
Many of us are preparing as we await the Great Economic Reset that is inevitable.

It is at this point most people think I am speaking of gloom and doom and horrible shit. Quite the contrary. I see what is coming as a generational financial opportunity where I will be able to prosper beyond my dreams. I cannot stop what is coming so why not simply step out of the way? Why not use it to prosper? If I am a Silver Stacker moron I guess time will tell.

If a person does not take the time to understand what is really happening around them they will be in a world of shit when it happens.

Who Is Acting Like a Moron?

Am I the Silver stacker moron or are those that do not WANT to listen? Like I said in the beginning…. moron may be too strong a word? It really no longer matters to me as I quietly prepare and stack on. Silver stackers will prosper and have more wealth than ever before while non-stackers suffer.

This is not being callous or uncaring. This is just just acting like the owners of the Federal Reserve and the national political leaders of America.


72 HR Emergency Kits

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver