Silver, Ukraine and YOUR Health

Silver, Ukraine and YOUR Health

Watching the world unfold on my television I am horrified. Seeing the carnage of it all I find myself drawn to the people in the background of the scenes that flash across my screen. I see them with a look of being baffled. I noticed the start of the 1,000-yard stare as they have found themselves in a not-so-good situation. From the comfort of my recliner, I see the pain in their eyes and the fears for themselves and their loved ones. So how do silver, Ukraine, and YOUR health all tie together?

A woman stands inside among debris after the reported shelling of a kindergarten in the settlement of Stanytsia Luhanska, Ukraine, on February 17, 2022.

As I am comfortable in my home I fear that what is happening in Russia today is headed to America within my lifetime. Seeing the military do its ‘thing‘ isn’t nearly as scary to me as my lack of ability to move my body. Let alone be able to physically carry off even a small stash of silver.

It Is NOT Red Dawn Yet

I am not saying America is about to be invaded by Russia. I say this because I believe America has already lost the war. The schools, the entire government, the military, the banking system are all in existence for the sole purpose of the banker’s profit. Wars are fought over money and ESPECIALLY the money that can be made from commodities.

I do not believe America will be invaded as the war against America already began many years ago. Americans just do not know it yet. Americans are not concerned with Ukraine, silver, health, or obesity. Whatever comes to the shores of America I need to be able to move my body, let alone be able to carry off some silver.

Whatever May Come

A man crying during WWII as Nazi troops claimed Paris.
Time and place: Irrelevant as this history repeats itself in virtually EVERY generation in human history. Way…way… way back to before the Vikings ransacked Europe. Invasion and conquest.

When I see the videos from Ukraine streaming live I always look at the faces of the civilians in the background. I have done this all my life as I grew up looking at WWII photographs. The faces of civilians reveal so much of the moment they existed in. The difference is that now the faces are not from history and the technology of killing has improved so much.

As I watch the situation in Ukraine a person can practically feel the agony on their faces. I do not want to have that look when The Great Reset hits America.

Preparing With Silver Is Only Part of the Equation

Silver and Ukraine and YOUR health all tie together because of the general need to prepare for a worst-case scenario. I see generational carnage in the future photographs that have yet to be taken. One face from the past that has always haunted me is the face of refugees. I do not know what will happen but the great financial reset will disrupt the entire stage of life being “normal”.

The cause of the event does not matter. Flood. A dam burst, which happened to a friend. Forest fire. I always see the faces of the people being evacuated. I once saw a lady on a video have the tires of her truck melt because the asphalt was so hot from the surrounding fires. Whatever may come with silver and Ukraine and YOUR health is that without health none of it matters. We would of had to leave the silver in the truck.

Silver IS Heavy

Silver is heavy and that is a fact. At $25 an ounce, 50 pounds is only worth only about 25K. It is not really a lot if you have been a stacker for a while.

A previous article and video discussed that silver is heavy and to move it requires great physical effort. A perfect example is $10,000 in silver which is valued at $25.00 an ounce. That would mean you would have to carry 400 ounces of silver with you if evacuation was necessary. That would equate to carrying an additional 25 pounds to your load. If I had to walk 25 miles today I am not sure I could make it.

I know that carrying the 25 pounds of silver on that trip would not make it either. If I was bugging out in Ukraine I would not be able to carry my silver without a vehicle. My health from being so overweight makes EVERYTHING more difficult.

Health IS The Priority

Looking at the events in the world I now realize that if I do not lose my weight I would be a refugee sitting in the background awaiting orders of what to do next. I am not saying I would want to pick up arms and fight the banker’s cause either. I just realize that maybe I need to store whatever gold I can afford because that is much more portable? Either way, I want to be physically able to climb on my roof and move around nimbly instead of feeling like a beached whale when getting up. If the world as we know it does not end I will at least be healthier for my grandchildren to be set up nicely financially. Win-win all the way around.

Monthly Silver Savings Program

Silver, Ukraine and YOUR Health

Silver, Ukraine, and health have tied the entire package of life for me, up until this point. My goal is to keep stacking with some adjustments. This is what I refer to as strategic stacking. I intend to add some gold for portability. I am also going full bore into my health and I will soon be losing this weight which is slowly squeezing the life force from me. That is why I have geared up to lose weight. I want to be able to get off ALL of my prescriptions as weight loss is the cure that will never be found from a pill.

There is NO silver pill to just make you healthy or lose weight.

Because of my love of history, I checked into silver. Learning about silver opened my eyes to the evil corruption of our currency. I have seen the dark side of how wars made families billions and billions of dollars in profit.

However, they decide to kill the dollar I cannot be this overweight and my weight loss is now a priority because I don’t ever want to be a helpless refugee in a photograph.

Join Me! Lose Weight! Get Healthy!

My Journey starts on 1 March 2022 and I WILL lose over 100 pounds. I will document and I hope you shed some of those extra pounds you have. Your loved ones will need a strong person, not a fat, sweating, and out-of-breath old man. You know how important silver has become in your life and we all need to VALUE our HEALTH even more. The extra pounds we individually carry are slowly killing us individually and America as a whole.

If I am truly preparing for a reset weight loss is a priority.

Weight Loss.

Watch…… It. Shall. Be. Done.

Semper Fi!

Link: Old Fat Marine Stacker Mode YouTube Channel
Link: Old Fat Marine Weight Loss Mode YouTube Channel

A Ukraine woman with gray hair aiming an AK47 submachine gun.
I do not believe the average American would be worth their weight in a down-home war in the U.S.A. Try doing a defense when you are 100+ pounds over weight.

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver