It’s More Than Ukraine

It’s More Than Ukraine

What is going on in the world today is much more than in Ukraine. Once again I find myself watching the creation of future history in Europe. Today’s instantaneous communication allows humanity to see immediately what is nothing more than humanity’s current version of a destroyed tank. For decades I have seen the death and carnage of tank photographs over 100 years of war. Today I have noticed some curious developments from a military perspective. Russian tanks and armored personnel vehicles were abandoned for a lack of fuel.

A 5 picture collage of tanks on the move in Europe in WWII.
Tanks have been used many times to advance the desire for absolute power and control in Europe. Tanks have been used for well over 100 years. WHo pays for the tanks and who profits the most? NEVER will it be those that fight and die and get maimed?

This is not a good sign for the Russian advance. Also, Ukraine is fighting with true grit. Many civilians with emotional scars of having been conquered previously do not want to have their freedoms taken from them. As with every war ever there are the refugees. Seeing refugees in droves is humbling, to say the least. It takes a great deal of work and movement to exist as a refugee.


Once again there are civilians getting weapons and going out to kill another human being that does not really want to be there in the first place. Yes, here humanity is meeting on the field of battle in Europe. These same civilians that are now free were once starved by the U.S.S.R. and brutalized by the Nazis in WWII.

Now that we got the reason to make the citizens be all patriotic and shit they will WANT to go to war.

a WW! recruitment poster to join military to avenge the sinking od=f the ship Lusitania.  What is going on is so much more than just Ukraine.
OOH RAH!!!! Let’s go to war… Patriotism is a well-played emotion the bankers use to make civilians want to go to war. What is going on is so much more than just Ukraine.

Ukranians Enlist

Having watched numerous video clips of captured Russian soldiers saying they were tricked into being there. They were told that it was just an exercise and then were forced to advance under the threat of wartime execution. Having studied military history my entire life I have to say running out of fuel in the first five days is not a good sign for an advancing armored assault. Hearing captured Russian soldiers say they are just reservists that two weeks ago were living at their homes in peace. As all this is unfolding tens of thousands of Ukraine’s citizens are enlisting into the military. Convoys of NATO equipment are proceeding to the borders “as a precaution” against further Russian incursions.

Patriotism of the Bankers

Why does the media not show the photographs of actual combat? Let’s see a Russian soldier’s head explode from a 50 caliber round? Why is it acceptable to see sometimes dozens of people get brutally murdered in horrific acts of Hollywood violence? How can violence can be justified in virtually any Hollywood production and yet it is not shown in the reality of war when reported upon? If you have seen the John Wick movie franchise you have witnessed the brutal killing of 299 people. If you viewed the Rambo series of movies you watched over 552 people get killed horrifically. Why do I have to pay to see gore when it could be on the news for free?

Let’s See the Gore and Violence of War!!!

Let’s see the charred remains of the Ukrainian soldiers still smoldering in a tank with the driver’s head blown clean off at the neck? Why are the horrors of war NOT transmitted around the globe instantly with all the available technology today?

The answer is that the powers that pull the strings want the war.

The problem bankers always face when starting a war is that they have to get the citizens to WANT to go to war. If people saw their neighbors head get blown off in 4K nobody would be eager to participate. The citizens have to be whipped into a frenzy or the battles would never happen.

a still shot from movie Rambo 4 where a mans head is literally exploding.  What is going on is so much more than just Ukraine.
Why not show the same gore from the real war as we do in movies and television? What is going on is so much more than just Ukraine. Rambo IV

How is it possible that once again there are two vast armies on the same battlegrounds yet again? How dooes one get other people to WANT to kill each other on a massive scale?

My heart goes out to the citizens of Ukraine, and also the Russian soldiers. I feel this way because neither the Russian soldiers nor the Ukrainian citizens want to fight one another. Yet… there they are violently killing one another.

American Sanctions… Lol!

The curtain has been pulled back from the world stage. It is easy to see the dumb decisions world leaders make are all about money and gaining the power to access more money. As done throughout history there are once again armies clashing in Europe. Once again the political Bla Bla Bla rhetoric is blasting all over the media. American sanctions include Russia being blocked from accessing the SWIFT SYSTEM. These American sanctions have effectively halted Russia’s ability to spend U.S. dollars. No big secret to those people that watch only a single news channel like Fox or CNN or…. cough cough gasp… MSNBC.

a clock saying it is time for the truth.
American sanctions against Russia will cause U.S. inflation to soar. What is going on is so much more than just Ukraine.

Russia has been weaning itself off the need to use the U.S. dollar and already has established a new system with China. The new system, which is already in use is called TIPS. Another nail has been placed in the coffin of the U.S. dollar and it has been sped up by the current American administration. When those dollars come back to America it will cause inflation to possibly enter the Hyper category. Russia WILL have major issues with blocked access to SWIFT, Either way, the U.S. dollars are inbound as well as much more inflation.

Is It PTSD or Truth?

My V.A. counselor taught me that when a person suffers from PTSD their thought process always interprets events in the worst possible light. Recognizing this I look at what is coming to America as an opportunity. I see our current events turning the page into history. What is happening is actually common, just not for the generation that is out there fighting.

I see the need to ride the storm and while taking that ride I will have the physical ability to survive. When the day comes food and silver and such will matter so much more than Apple stock ownership. I see the current military campaign in Europe as just another event piled onto the history of humanity. Maybe it is PTSD, but what is coming is the truth.

I Do Not Want To Kill You

Once again two armies are killing each other in Europe. Neither of the sides has an army that really wants to be fighting. They only fight because the other side is fighting. The individual person just wants to enjoy life. What is going on is so much more than just Ukraine.

Once again there are two armies clashing on the fields of Europe. The people fighting do not want to fight. The combatants on both sides have been placed into the situation of fight or die. Yet again, the people who profit and want the war do not participate in the fighting. So the two armies commence to slaughtering one another as much as possible. I have decided to merely do what the bankers are doing, and not what they are saying.

Not Gloom and Doom

I cannot stop future history from unfolding and it is like preparing my home for a massive storm. The turmoil of current events is merely another cycle in human existence. Since you or I do not have the power to stop what is coming why not act like a banker and make a profit for whatever world is left on the other side?

When the supply chain collapses and the Great Reset occurs you better have the basic necessities. If not you will just end up in a line somewhere waiting for whatever is being offered.

The Reset IS Happening NOW

We are living during a time in history that will be epic. I am kind of excited about what is coming actually. We will have ringside seats to the most epic economic collapse in human history. I cannot stop it as I am just playing the appointed role of a peasant.

A skull and crossbones cartoon imposed over a us dollar.  signifies the death of the dollar is coming.   What is going on is so much more than just Ukraine.
The death of the U.S. dollar is only a matter of time. History shows us that there is so much more going on than just Ukraine.

It’s More Than Ukraine

The one exception is that this peasant has been storing away some silver, gold, and essential items as resources afforded. My preparation has been about one year. At first, it was for to just make a profit, and as history told me its story about silver it scared the shit out of me. The Great Reset is about as common as a person reaching the age of puberty, The one big exception is we now are witnessing the death of the dollar. It is just another cycle in the life of any fiat currency. A cycle that happens like puberty and death. It is just a matter of time.

Health, Water, Food, Silver

If the shit really hits the fan a person will need health, water, food, and silver. I am not a financial advisor and this is just a question. How does one eat $25,000 worth of Apple stock that you can only redeem in dollars when the dollar dies? Whether it happens today, tomorrow, next year, or in five years we will STILL need health, water, food, and silver so why not just start preparing now? We do not know the hour, but the hour approaches. You will need water and food. Your health and body weight will play a large role You will wish you had silver.

A photo of a man in a winter jacket viewed from behind.  He is over looking clouds and mountain ranges.  It symbolizes a storm is coming.  What is going on is so much more than just Ukraine.
There is a storm coming as what is going on is so much more than just Ukraine.

I start my weight loss journey tomorrow and yes…. regaining my health is actually part of strategic stacking, which was my previous article and video. There is a need to transform my body so I can be ready to encounter what is coming. Are you overweight also? It is time for me… I still have time and so do you… Stack on… silver… not fat.

Semper FI!

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