Ukraine Cured the World!

It is amazing that Russia was able to cure the recent worldwide illness (that shall not be named) simply by invading Ukraine. Despite the printing and giving away of billions of dollars to needy corporations and banks to combat the spread of this illness the only remedy that has truly worked was the invasion of Ukraine. Ukraine has cured the world! Or is it that Russia cured the world?


If you have not noticed the previous illness ‘crisis’ is no longer in the news. We watched it every day 24/7 and now…..nothing…. not even a peep! This new and improved ‘crisis‘ is the invasion of Ukraine. As society exists today the design is to move from ‘crisis‘ to ‘crisis‘. The previous ‘crisis’ required YOU to wear a face mask. Do you remember when it was ALL over the news ALL over the world? People drove alone in their cars wearing a mask for cripes sake??? Is it possible the world was cured of this horrible flu-like illness because it would have been too hard to mandate warring nations wear masks while indiscriminately killing one another?

Sadly though, the majority of Americans and Canadians have been either too arrogant or just choose to remain ignorant. This awakening group of people lives in an entirely engineered world referred to as “bread and circuses”.

Bread and Circuses

When the phrase “bread and circuses” was first heard I laughed out loud. Having endured so many mindless TV shows it was soon realized that we have our own modern version. If you have ever seen a ‘reality’ show you may know what I mean.

Somethings NEVER change.

Many a person says they do not care about politics or finance at all and then go on to excitedly strike up a conversation about last night’s episode of American Idol. American Idol is a modern-day “bread and Circuses“. It is anything that is superficial and distracts the citizen. Call it what you want but the purpose is the same. Just like professional football functions today. Maybe that is why many teams suddenly had so many weak knees recently?

The original use dates back to the Roman Empire with the coliseum and gladiators. It is merely a way for the true power brokers to distract their citizens. To have them look one way as a distraction to allow the powerful people to stay in power. Ukraine cured the world! Or was it Russia?

Look Over There!

2 mean.  each riding an ostrich.
Let’s go as fast as we can to the next crisis!!!!

Numerous discussions reveal the unwillingness to accept the world’s economy is in freefall towards complete destruction. Despite presenting facts, graphs, and history lessons they choose to assume the position of the ostrich.

Do not confuse what I say and think I am preparing for some gloom and doom event. The approaching event that many refuse to discuss is actually an opportunity never before witnessed by a living human being. The decline of the dollar is a statistically provable method of gathering an amazing amount of wealth. The majority of the public will outright tell you they do not want to talk about “it” because they believe it to be so negative. I disagree.

The people that choose to wear their sunglasses during a storm do not see the looming clouds as a bad thing. Those that choose to take off their sunglasses, will easily see the clouds. By choosing to remove the sunglasses a person not only sees the coming storm but prepares. Within that preparation is the road to prosperity.

You Can’t Run

The looming crash of the U.S. dollar is not a matter of if. It is a matter of when. The death of the dollar is about as normal and unavoidable as a human one day experiencing puberty. The U.S. dollar is a fiat currency that is well past puberty. As the caretakers look for a retirement home of the U.S. dollar reserve status, the children would rather stay home to watch modern-day gladiators. Unfortunately, when the dollar reaches full retirement age the reality of everyone in the world will change quite dramatically.

It really is all similar to the life-cycle of a human. Unfortunately, the time frame you and I currently exist within will have to experience the death of the U.S. dollar. We just happen to be here during this phase of an event that has happened hundreds and hundreds of times. Throughout human history, ALL fiat currencies have experienced this spiral to extinction. Total failure has happened hundreds of times. In the prism of history, the only difference of what is coming will be the magnitude. The bigness of what is coming will shock generations to come.

The U.S. Dollar is about to be replaced.

The issue that most people do not accept is that the death of the dollar is going to happen in our lifetime. Everyone I ask about the financial situation America is currently experiencing agrees the course is unsustainable. Virtually ALL agree that one day the dollar will crash and burn.

Just not today, or in my lifetime is the consistent rebuttal. Try this yourself by asking a random person their opinion. The consistent response is I will not worry about it and let’s not talk about it.

Who do you think is going to be in the Superbowl next season? Did you see the bachelor on TV the last nite?

I Cannot Help You

My sadness is that what I see so clearly as happening others can not. I see it. I feel it. I know there will be pain, anguish, and misery for millions and millions of people.

We all have a choice and it is time to make that choice because I fear America will not survive through the 2022 election cycle as we have known it. I see a clean sweep away of the incumbent ranks by January 2023. This means the gains they have been made will be lost. It is doubted that these gains will not be given up so that means the total collapse needs to happen before November. I am not speaking a dem or a rep or liberal thing. It is a banking thing.

The upcoming economic cleansing of the world will be unlike anything the human race has experienced before. Sadly though I cannot help those that choose to ignore. I can only help myself and those that I love.

It IS Time

The world is now onto the next ‘crisis‘ and boy it will be a doozy because the dollar HAS TO die so the bankers can reboot a new monetary system. Inflation has robbed Americans of the value of their dollar. The Fed has outgrown its crib. It is time to eliminate the national debt and start it all over again.

The next ‘crisis’ will require the World Bank to swoop in and save the day by issuing and stabilizing the economy of the world. With them, they will bring a new world reserve currency being issued by one central world bank.

It is time for the dollar to take a back seat.

WHEN this happens I want to NOT be one of the people that lose everything. I do not want to stand in a bread line.

Ukraine cured the world and what will be the cure for what comes along with that cure?

Either way…. the time to prepare is drawing to a close. Take off your damn sunglasses. Your family will thank you one day.

What channel is that show on?…

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