Ukraine Told Me I Was Too Fat…

Weight Loss Report: 22 March 2022

An apology is owed, as well as an explanation. I did not report my weight last week because getting this website and a Youtube Channel and a Facebook page all going requires a great deal of time and effort to maintain on a daily basis. I am NOT complaining as I love doing it…..

Starting weight

The actual reason for this post is because the number I saw on my scale this morning for my 3-week weight was weird, at least to me. Week # 1 I lost 13.8 pounds. Week #2 I lost 6.2 pounds for an even 20# loss in 2 weeks. The even number was weird to me then but I did not think more than that.

Today I weighed in and my weight was exactly the same as last week… to the ounce. So I lost 20’# in 2 weeks and last week I lost exactly zero pounds.

Video: Ukraine Cured The World


Since I have been a professional dieter my entire life I understand how MY body gains and loses weight. Sure it is AWESOME! to lose 13.8 pounds the first week but that is a double-edged sword for me. I will gain back my weight just as fast. If I went out right now and ate unclean fast food, just one meal I will gain 4 to 5 pounds by tomorrow morning. If I go on an eating bender… it is easy for me to gain weight uber-fast. After a few days, my daily weight gain would settle out to around 285 to 297 pounds.

I Now Understand the Weight Loss Process

Week #2

I no longer get thrilled by the number on the scale. I know I am following the same plan that I used ten years ago and lost 115 pounds in 5.5 months. Life got in my way and bam! Here I am again. I now understand it all because of the ignored knowledge and empowerment I received when I lost my belly last time. Now I am ready to lunge full force face-first to lose my weight and keep it off this time. I now understand how important a healthy weight will be very soon in Hometown U.S.A. My desire to be able to move my body in all situations is so much more than just wanting to look better. I am doing this weight loss journey for ME. I write on this blog because there must be millions of others just like ME. I am hoping to awaken at least one person to what is coming.

Ukraine Woke Me Up

I do not believe there are going to be soldiers falling into my front yard like what is happening over there. I just know that the nation that we know today will not exist by the November elections of 2022. If you have watched my videos you would understand why this will be the way. Don’t scoff at me if you have not done any research other than CNN and MSNBC. There has to be chaos before the public NEEDS to rush to uncle Sam for relief.

In My Opinion

There will be food shortages like never before seen in the U.S.A.

It will be worse than the crash of 1929. I truly believe the nation is careening down the road towards a massive crack up. This crash will be for the banking system to be reborn after the controlled meltdown of the big bank we are not allowed to know who they are … by law. You call them the Federal Reserve, I call them maybe?…. JP Morgan? I don’t know, you don’t know. The real banks behind the Fed actually are one of the most closely guarded secrets of the U.S. Military as they are the enforcement arm of the fed. You can call them what you want but just remember that the federal reserve ain’t federal and there ain’t no reserves. (Yea, I did say it that way…)

The Dollar Will Inflate Away

Could you walk 50 miles like this? Let alone carry your silver? You better not be a fat person!

Every dollar you own will be worthless. Every dollar you own, you invest, or spend will be worth literally zero. It not only has to happen, but it also will happen during a major war of some sort. (Just spend 5 minutes doing some research. History is full of examples.) The death of the dollar historically is no big deal as world reserve currencies come and go with the historical wind.

The sad part is the war part. I wonder what the excuse will be this upcoming time? What will be done to harvest the needed patriotic response for citizens to cause them to WANT to go to war? What event will happen that will cause the war fever to happen so people WANT to kill each other? Killing fellow humans is NOT a natural act despite the history of warfare. It is just that those who start the war never participate in anything but the profits.

I hope the young men in the world just don’t show up, like Russian soldiers today. If you think about it… none of the men and women fighting over there want to be there… while the INDIVIDUALS that are responsible will NEVER be there. Do not worry though when it is all said and done you will get a nice polished cross over whatever is left of your body. One cross per customer is the limit.

Weight Loss?

Week #3 No Weight Loss. WTF?

What does this have to do with weight loss you may ask? Everything. When the unrest comes I will need much more than silver and gold. The number one thing I will need is the ability to move my body in any situation. If I am 297 pounds at 6’1″ tall I would be nothing more than an old fat man being led off to a camp or some shit hole. Seeing the citizens move carrying everything they own was a wake-up call for me. Hell…. you will not be able to carry away from danger.

Weight Loss means health and health provides a better chance at survival. I am not worried about not losing any weight for week #3 because I already lost 20 pounds in 3 weeks. I know I am heading in the right direction. By the end of the year, I will be off my medications like Astorvatin and Metformin, and Losartan.

Tim McGraw on set for TV show 1883

I am getting closer to my goal of health, no medications, and just plain feeling better. My weight loss will settle out at 2 to 5 pounds a week. This is the grind time where most professional dieters just give up. I can no longer give myself the luxury of being a comfortable American.

If you think I am crazy I really do not care. You ain’t taking my shit when you need it because right now you are making a choice and that choice really only impacts you, and those you love.

I guess I am like Tim McGraw on the TV show 1883. Yup… I admire how he takes care of his own in times of crisis. The crisis is coming and my weight loss may mean whether I live or die when the looming disaster arrives at my door.

GO ME!!!!!


Semper FI!

Buy Gold and Silver 72 HR Emergency Kits
Did you know Bruce Springsteen’s drummer was drafted and then killed in Vietnam? Yup… that’s him… or the free gift of what he received when he died, pictured above.

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver