Going Sane?

Going Sane

Old Fat Marine no longer feels as if he is going insane. There are too few leaders today that are nothing more than dangerous children in a world that are choosing sides as we speak. The side we speak of is for the control of the next world reserve currency. Our leaders are more concerned with being on the side of the next world reserve currency than the fact that your child was just killed in some far-off war. It’s not their child and heck… they get a free cross and lawn care for a long time at no cost for that cross.

The Federal Reserve needs the dollar to die so the bankers above the Fed can retain control of a new FIAT currency and start the entire shill game all over again. We have discussed this at length, as the link here reflects. (YouTube: The Great Reset)

Old Fat Marine is not insane, they are actually quite sane.

Old Fat Marine has decided to no longer dance to the music being played by those that rule the roost. Mainstream media is literally dead to millions of people today because of the known media bias. If somehow OFM were to be able to show the masses how society is beginning to crack at the very foundation, very few people would listen anyway. Old Fat Marine is part of the movement that has been coined… “going sane“. Those that understand what is being said are not going crazy… they are going sane. #GoingSane

Economic Ninja

Economic Ninja

I became inspired through YouTube because of a collection of YouTube creators like David Morgan, Lynette Zang, Rick Rule, and especially Economic Ninja. When Old Fat Marine started to watch, and listen to the message of Economic Ninja a revelation was revealed. What OFM was preparing for, what we are all worried about does not have to be a bad thing. At least not to those that dare to be perceived as insane.

OFM has realized that just because the most significantly important financial shift of wealth in human history is about to happen it does not mean it is a bad thing. For those of us that are prepared the profits will be staggering after the smoke clears.

Economic Ninja has sounded a clarion call and has shown that those who are prepared have little reason to be scared. The message is out. The time of opportunity is upon us. It is time to amp the efforts of preparation for the event that will scar humanity for decades and even centuries.

Prepared, Not Scared

a meme showing the 4 stages of a silver stacker.
The 4 stages of becoming a silver stacker

What Old Fat Marine has learned is that virtually the entire world we live in believes there is nothing wrong with the world’s monetary system. People today are going about their daily lives as if it all will continue as it has been for decades. While some see inflation as nothing more than a nuisance, others see it as a cloud of oncoming destruction looming with a dread witnessed scores of times before in human history.

Once I learned the definition of a FIAT currency my world began to change. As I learned the history of what a FIAT currency is fear began to set in. At first, I purchased silver because it has shown a path to security that will not be taken away from me. Today’s preparation is so much more than just purchasing some more silver. Every day that goes by Old Fat Marine is adding one more brick to the wall of preparedness.

Surviving Versus Thriving

When I first started stacking silver it was for pure profit. I saw the opportunity to make some great returns because of a love for history. Seeing current events through the prism of history one soon realizes that because of human failings, the dollar is destined to die. Not once in history has humankind been able to allow an uncorrupted form of monetary exchange to thrive and live under its own weight. There are well over 775 documented civilizations that have failed due to the manipulation of the currency system. The Romans called it “clipping” Americans today call it “tapering”. Call it what you want, but the looming death of the U.S. dollar is as visible as the sun in the sky for those versed in history.

History shows us the utter failure of All FIAT currencies as human history continues to maintain its 100% failure rate. This failure occurs only after a slow decay. As long as the decay was slow the population not only grows accustomed to the silent and continuous stealing of money from the wallets of the citizens only to hand it over to bankers. While the average citizen is doubtful and fearful of what is coming the Old Fat Marine is greeting it in full combat gear. From the helmet to the soul it has become apparent that preparation is so much more than stacking silver, or guns. I looked in the mirror and decided it was time for Old Fat Marine to transform.


A full Body Xray of a very obese person showing how tiny their skeleton really is.
Old Fat Marine cannot think beyond how important health will be and how fat people will be in trouble big-time.

Watching Ukraine get thrown back into the stone age it becomes clear that humanity has not progressed much, and the game is only in round 2022 of WW III. Where we go from here is pivotal because the species is beginning to evolve beyond marching orders to go to war.

Citizens need to prepare at such a level because America is so obese and out of shape that currently they are nothing more than food for the slaughterhouse. Seeing the dead civilians strewn on the streets of Ukraine should be shocking to the world. As we watch the streams of civilians walk away with their belongings it did not take me long to rationalize how hard it is to carry around my body weight. I was fat. I am fat and being fat sucks. I can’t even think of preparing for the hard times coming because carrying around all the belly fat does not work very well in the real world.

I am still stacking silver like nobody knows and my journey to lose 127 pounds is now in the 6th week. I have changed my eating habits back to what I know works and so far I lost exactly 25 pounds in the first 5 weeks. My fasting blood sugar is once again back to a safer number and that is without my Metformin and some other pill. Also, my blood pressure is way down to only being Stage 1 Hypertension. For OFM… that is a big deal. It is my goal to be off all medications because once the weight is lost the need for the pills will go away also. At least it will if I act now as there is still time before I NEED insulin injections. Healing will take place through weight loss. 25 pounds down 102 more to go. More silver in the forecast…. I have enough coffee for 18 months, Now you know where my mind goes…… have I gone insane, or has a movement to #GoSane begun?

Good Times Coming

Besides a Marine needs to be fit and it would suck when silver flares off and not being well enough to enjoy it….. If you know what I mean……. to climb over walls and such….

She is very good at cleaning all types of weapons.

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver