Insulin and My Weight Loss & Weight Gain

It’s All In the Insulin

Here we all are yet again looking for that quick answer as to how we can get our weight under control. More than likely if a person wants to take control of their weight they have to understand their blood sugar. True and permanent weight loss is going to take awhile to figure out what works in your life. If “figuring it out” is even the correct phrase?

Tick Tock…. many people do not do anything more than medicate their health problems from obesity.

I say this because the change that needs to take place within a person is going to happen over a period of time and that time period will be different for each and every person.

Please realize that your blood sugar is the semi-ultimate decider of your fate. Your blood sugar level determines so much of your life through emotional outbursts that it is amazing to realize, let alone to understand. So much of what makes a person up… is due to their current insulin production.

What Is Your Number?

What is your blood sugar level? Do you understand that what you eat determines your blood sugar if you are overall a healthy person? If you do not know your number go to Amazon or Walmart and buy a test kit. They are very inexpensive and provide amazing information. It is the test strips that add up in cost. Many veterans can easily get theirs for free if they just ask.

If your blood sugar is not normal you really should take action so as to slow down the seemingly natural decline of your health. If you are worried about your blood sugar levels checking them should become second nature.

What To Do?

A very important step to figuring out what to do about your blood sugar is to realize that on the label of every food you eat is a label with the answer. You could even think of it as an open book test. You have to know how to read these labels and then actually use them. When you look at the content on the label the answers are all there. You just need to know how to interpret them.

What you see is a label of a typical ‘meal’ that I eat daily. The information I seek is Carbs minus protein minus fiber for the final yes or no answer. {c-f-p=Sum Result)


When I look at a nutrition label I go straight to the amount of carbohydrates which ultimately shows all ingredients relative to the sugar within.

When you subtract the protein and fiber from the carbohydrates you have the magic number. This number INSTANTLTLY tells me if I should eat the item or not.

In the above pictured example; 13c-5f-11p= -3c

13 grams of carbohydrates minus 5 grams of fiber and minus 11 grams of protein. This leaves a negative three. This is a very healthy “meal” and part of what I eat at least six times a day, or more.

When I am not running around my go to home favorite meal is steak salad. I know it is weird but I love cutting up London broil steak in little cubed pieces and adding to my salad, after cooking in butter. Since I understand how important food is to my over-all well being I cherish the time I have preparing healthy meals in my kitchen.

The Key

Here is an example of something that is horrible to eat.

Carbohydrates 47 grams. Minus 0(fiber) – 2 (protein).


Here Is The Magic

When you have this number… (45) you are not done yet. An essential FACT to understand is that a human body ‘believes‘ that 4.2 grams of carbohydrates is equal to a teaspoon of sugar.

So…. In the above example you take the number 45 (carbs) and divide it by 4.2 (45 / 4.2=10.71) you end up with almost 11 teaspoons of what I call ‘perceived sugar‘. I call it this because in order to digest carbohydrates your body MUST produce insulin. Also note that in the above label there is virtually zero nutrition and your body gains no benefit from eating.

The magic is in the end number of the above equation which I use to determine if there are too many carbohydrates in what I am thinking about eating. It is also common sense. Would you sit down and eat 11 teaspoons of sugar in under two minutes? I bet you have done it many times without even knowing it because that is very common in what we eat.

Truth Does Not Equal Action

Now that you have seen some truth it seems so simple huh? Actually not. The part about finding food being healthy enough to eat only opens the door to more questions because finding healthy products today has become nearly impossible.

Just use the calculation and you will see what I mean. Being able to absorb this information is part of the process on my journey to being ultra healthy. It is a process and it will only begin when you are ready and ready begins in your head. Losing weight HAS to become merely a side effect of getting healthier overall for it to stick as a personal practice.

My wife and two fairly close friends of mine passed away in the past few months. I have been awakened that God has granted me the privilege of having the body I currently occupy and I should be much more reverent with what I allow to happen to it. As you finish this brief presentation you will not be able to unsee what you have learned here today. Tick Tock…. the key to losing weight is sustained motivation compounded with useful knowledge.

When your body is producing insulin you are storing fat. It is in the carbs! The key to my losing weight is more about understanding my blood sugar and how each and every single thing I eat impacts my life tomorrow in some small way. These small ways that have been left unchecked in my life for decades can longer go unnoticed.

Next video I am would like to discuss why this situation often brings around Type II diabetes, also called insulin resistant and how it can be beaten into submission with knowledge and actions.

You can watch this article on YouTube.

Semper Fi!

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