Mining Stocks

Mining Stocks


Here at Old Fat Marine, we are so tired of talking heads (even well-meaning ones) that make a quick sponsored stock video, and then you do not hear another word about the stock again. OFM has not been able to locate an online place that has zero bias about mining stocks and discusses them in great detail. Hey… let’s see what we can do about that?

Silver, Weightloss, and Mining Stocks

As you may or may not know OFM is kind of over the top for preparing for the upcoming global currency crisis. The way OFM feels is that there is a period of time coming when the dollar has died. I no longer debate the looming and final act of the U.S. dollar as a dominant world power.

In fact OFM feels as if it has already begun and the time for preparing is a window that has been slowly closing for a while now. If you have been following Old Fat Marine you will then know that preparation has to be more than stacking silver and gold. Preparation has also included food, water, shelter, security, and community. The period of time OFM is most concerned with is the transition period. Part of planning for this transition period is maxing out potential pipelines of future income. Essentially the goal of OFM is to profit greatly from the same crash that will wipe out millions of people’s ability to be self-supporting.

After The Great Reset

When the collapse happens millions of people will be herded to using a future-to-be-introduced FedCoin. As Americans are rushing to the government for relief, it is the goal of #NinjaNation and #GoingSane to be out scooping up profits… just like the bankers will be doing. After the Great Reset Old Fat Marine is going to be one wealthy SOB and will vanish to the outback and learn to shed the world and live within the moment that is currently on my wristwatch when the watch is placed in the drawer because it no longer matters.

Ongoing theft continues every second of our day.

The goal of OFM is to be able to live in the moment like my wonderful pal Henry, who is a Yorkshire terrier. OFM realizes that there are few possessions in the world that matter in the realm of time. The things of importance that we have stored away safely in closets are just awaiting a price tag for the estate sale after we die. I do not say this glumly, or in any dreadful way whatsoever. OFM just realizes that the moment we live within is the only moment we are promised and if we believe in an afterlife, then time is the greatest gift we have. The Great Reset will set me up to live in a time where my wristwatch will remain in the closet as the time of day will no longer matter. The only time that will matter is the moment we are within. OFM is preparing for that moment while the rest of the world is still buying overpriced houses and cars… with little more than a contract for their time for decades to come.

Mining Stocks

As OFM prepares for the crash it must be realized that time may, or may not be a resource so it must be used well. Preparation originally was to just stack silver and then it was realized just how big this bubble burst is going to be. OFM has been dismissed as a loon many times for what is considered an ‘unwarranted’ feeling. The same people that scoff at us will be the same ones calling it unfair that we have bacon and they do not. When the world is running to corrupt Uncle Sam for assistance… OFM will be drinking coffee, with cream and sugar, while wondering whether the corn is ripe enough to pick for dinner tonight. Old Fat Marine sees mining stocks as a way to achieve that dream. As of now, mining stocks are cheap.

The above flag says it all…

When OFM discusses mining stocks it is really short for a group of stocks, including exploration and also royalty companies. OFM is not offering ANY financial advice, at all. It is just the goal to not pump and dump like has been seen so often before. (Click here for a video portion of a ‘pump and dump‘….. and on Stansberry Research to boot! I place the positions I have online merely to engage in a conversation for opinions and advice from those people like OFM. Sitting in the trenches waiting for the whistle to storm over the top and hope to not get killed.

OFM is preparing extensively for what is coming. OFM cannot stop it and since it is intentional destruction why not be a part of picking up crumbs off the floor and thriving? Old Fat Marine CHOOSES to prepare and that preparation includes stocks. OFM is tired of pump and dumpers and this post is to spark discussion……

Choose Sides

Beautiful flower, demonstrating how effective Biden administration really is.
What is pictured above has exhausted the crisis mentality. Now the crisis is in Ukraine, but that is fading… so what is next?

Old Fat Marine (OFM) is basing all decisions on how to thrive when the collapse happens. We will still need to eat when that time comes. The hunger of others will not be heard because OFM will be too far away. If parachutes start dropping out of the sky… then it would be an entirely different conversation…. which is where personal health and a healthy weight come into play.

Fat people will go first. If that hurts your feelings to hear it…. you heard it from a fat person that is currently down 27 pounds in less than 6 weeks. This same FAT PERSON still needs to lose 100 pounds. Preparation is more than silver. What you got in your bag? If you were suddenly to find yourself in your home…. no resupply coming at all…. how long? How long before you will be at Walmart looking for ANYTHING that may be available because the product shortages never got fixed,

Mining stocks are merely one basket full of preparation that would not be critical if I was enjoying my coffee, sitting on my deck, looking at corn…. in my underwear…

HEY! It is the dream of OFM, and if that dream upsets you…. then go away. I say that with love in my heart…. but still…. go away!

Check Out Our YouTube Channel: YouTube/Old Fat Marine

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver