Silver Stacking & Omlet Chicken Coops

Omlet Chicken Coops

Today I decided to purchase an Omlet Chicken Coop. Despite living in a small rural town with about a half-acre of land Old Fat Marine decided to purchase four chickens. Having grown up in Brooklyn, New York having chickens is pretty new to me. I did work at K.F.C. for 5 years…? After having researched silver, as an investment, an entire world of corruption has opened up in my mind. Originally buying silver was to make a few bucks. That concept of silver stacking has been long gone as now I actually have chickens in my stack of preparation.

Totally maintenance free and that is for me! Besides, it is the best I have been able to research so far.

Clueless About Chickens

Old Fat Marine was clueless about silver and chickens just one short year ago. Today the knowledge of why EVERYONE should be stacking silver has taken me to raise chickens. Realizing the inflation fiasco, the food shortage nonsense, and pretty much everything else is manipulation has shook me up emotionally. Once I realized the U.S. dollar was worthless fiat… my world changed and I now own chickens. I bought chickens because I am losing weight and I need to make sure I can keep getting protein. I like living. I will need the eggs. I knew nothing about chickens and now I know about how common and deadly pasty-butt is to chickens. I now know enough about chickens to be dangerous… to the chickens.

Check out what made Old Fat Marine sane: gone sane.

Omlet Chicken Coops Are the Best

Old Fat Marine knows himself and he knows he does not want to build a coop. Sure, I could build one but just do not want to. Costs alone and then needed maintenance….. AHHhhhh…. NO!

Maintenance is a HUGE thing that I DO NOT want to do. The Omlet Coop is sturdy plastic for OFM to be happy. Having researched Omlet Chicken Coops and many other brands there is nothing that comes close to the quality Omlet Coops has to offer. The problem is they are sold out for another few weeks. I would rather wait until what I want comes in. I like the idea the Omlet Coop is mobile, secure from predators, and 100% maintenance-free. So waiting is what it will be. Why not wait? 100% maintenance-free is for me! Did I say I Hate maintenance…?

Ok…. maybe they don’t need the swing… but I only like hanging out with happy chics!

Old Fat Marine applied to the affiliate program for Omlete Coops and is currently NOT an affiliate… but either way, the coop will be purchased and later thoroughly reviewed on the website and YouTube Channel. The problem is that I have to wait six weeks……. but they are the best I could find for the high quality I seek and that is all I want to deal with anymore. I was sold from the word ‘easy to install form-fitting solar powered automatic chicken coop door’!

Silver and Chickens and Weightloss

I actually fit into some old clothing last week. I find I want to wear brighter colors when I am thinner? Just the 30 ponds lost will make a BIG difference in survival if a total SHTF event happens.

Today I am happy to report that after eight weeks Old Fat marine has shed 33.6 pounds of his 127-pound journey to health. The program has become quite routine and easy. I love the way I feel and now that the belly has gone down in size life is getting easier every day. I am off my type-2 diabetic medications and my blood medications are now half dose. Silver led me to understand how important it is to have silver, food, and most importantly my health. I do not write about how I lose weight because it is not just about eating this or eating that. True weight loss is so much more than a number on a scale. The hardest part about losing weight is what goes on in between the ears. This go around I will not allow the weight to come back. Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels.

Follow-Up Reviews Coming

There will be future updates on weight loss and Omlet chicken coops stuff. Yup… I started as a silver stacking channel and now it is also about chickens, coops, and carbohydrates also! I do have an order of silver going in next week. xxx ounces of silver is uber-large order for me. (The amount ordered is only relative to the person ordering.) I am close to choosing Monument Metals… and I am not an affiliate for them either. It is a good thing this website is not needed for revenue. Preparing for the SHTF event is the TOTAL package.

Waiting for the stack to grow and OFM is VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY happy the price of silver is dumping! The truck is on the way to back up and load up next week!!!

Things are changing quickly and the only thing I know to do is prepare. Without health, nothing matters. Without food, health does not (ultimately) matter. With silver, I will be able to maintain everything and dang it… Old Fat Marine will not be too fat to enjoy the prosperity created when the entire system comes crashing down. Preparing is not about being scared…

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver