Are You a Fat Stacker?

Are You a Fat Stacker?

Do you stack silver and prepare for the upcoming SHTF event and yet ignore the fact you are overweight and out of shape? Old Fat Marine (OFM) sure as hell realized that about himself and decided it was time for a change.

In the past 2 months, OFM has been able to lose over 37 pounds of fat and it feels great. Out here in cyberspace that is just a fanciful thought that is most likely perceived more as a sales pitch. Many readers will have already clicked away because they themselves cannot have an open discussion with themselves that they too are also fat and out of shape. Also, no matter what EVERY person reading this knows more than one person that struggles with obesity and also Type-II diabetes.

Old Fat Marine (OFM) began his weight loss journey because of the inevitable outcome of taking metformin as a long-term medication to combat Type-II diabetes. When reading articles all over the Internet it is amusing to note how often the words “may” or “possibly” are used in so many long-winded paragraphs filled with five-syllable words describing drug side effects. I have always asked if the “small percentage” of people that died from an adverse reaction to the drug would think their death was an acceptable loss? That same thought is relevant when speaking of the United States Marine Corps and the military in general.

Buy This and Lose 300 Pounds!

Buy a chair or lose weight? I would rather lose weight. I am not selling chairs either and if a person needs this product there are better solutions….

For me, weight loss is NOT a sales pitch. I am not out here selling anything, as the website and YouTube channel are all about the daily battles of life common to many souls pushing through their days. I talk, write, and record what is important to me knowing that I am nothing unique or special. My feelings and emotions and issues are common among many people. OFM worries about the world situation and also about the physical situation on the homefront.

The weight loss journey is ongoing and I HATE being fat and the accompanying feeling of hopelessness.

A hard reality glossed over is that the only person PHYSICALLY impacted by being fat is the person that is fat. Weight loss begins and ends in the head. Inside the emotional capsule called your head. The best exercise and weight loss products in the world will not matter if the person losing the weight does not commit themself… to themself.

Self-Chatter Sucks

Losing 37 pounds of fat, on a journey to lose 127 pounds is a very important thing to me. I want to shout to the world about how great it feels. Anyone can lose weight if they focus their attention on it as a priority in their life. What is being said is that I am nothing special. After years of anguish, my mind is finally wrapped around getting my health back. All of the negative self-chatter has been subdued, at least for now. Now is the only moment that actually matters.

I Am Not a Doctor

I am not a doctor and I will NEVER tell you to stop taking metformin. I just read up on the side effects and need to ALWAYS be on it until a transition to injecting insulin. Metformin cures nothing. The side effects and decade-longs of expected use startled me. The long-term use of metformin was a club I had to get out of. American medical care is no longer health care. It is sick care, take this pill and come back in 90 days.

Think about this… do you bring your car to the mechanic when it is fine-tuned and running great? No, you do not. When was the last time you left the doctor’s office WITHOUT a prescription for a pill? Doctors today merely put bandaids on bullet wounds and are merely placing you in a statistical processing queue.

Take Charge of Your Excuses

After just 37 pounds of weight loss my I no longer take metformin at all and my fasting blood sugar levels have steadily marched to this morning’s number of 119. It may not be perfect yet but it is much better than the daily 169-189. Today’s number of 119 is without being on any medications at all.

I used to be on the maximum allowable daily dose of metformin. (Metformin) Like I said… I am NOT a doctor but I do decide what pills I ingest. No longer do I blindly follow a doctor’s advice. Blindly trusting her doctor is what allowed my wife to die last year. I like my life much more off of the medications.

OFM now treats doctors like police officers. Respectful but with a realization you are just another person and I know more about me than you do… but I will take their information under advisement and make an decision.

Many of the articles I read said that metformin was the best solution for Type II diabetes? I believe that is a lie. Weight loss is the best way to deal with Type II diabetes, in my opinion.

WTF About Silver?

Having been a silver stacker for about one year it needs to be admitted that the current reason behind stacking has become the reason beyond stacking. As the name of this website describes in the URL, Old Fat Marine is exactly that.

No longer can the word “fat” be something that describes me… the person behind the URL. Old Fat Marine hated being so fat that when he looked down his unit was hidden from view by the protruding belly. Being a fat person was in my head and I do not mean it in a good way. From putting on underwear to wiping your ass… being fat is a very personal “thing” most people gloss over. Being overweight permeates your very soul and that feeling sucks!

Silver Stacking Goals

The Stack must go on with weight loss so the outcome can be enjoyed when the silver price goes to the moon.

If you are a silver stacker that is preparing for a massive reset and you take medications… think about it? If you can lose weight and get off the meds and also be healthier you will be better prepared for what you already know is coming.

I know that dragging around 30 fewer pounds has been a game-changer for me. I can only fantasize about how great what a 100-pound weight loss will be like? If you are a fat stacker get out of your own way if you want to lose weight.

If you have failed at losing weight in the past it means nothing today. Just get out of your way and make health the priority and things change. If you think you can do it you will. If you think you can’t do it, you won’t. It really is a battle between the ears and you are the one in charge…

I’m not selling you shit… I am just getting in your face and telling you that it can be done….. if YOU get out of your own way. Old Fat Marine has lost 37 pounds so far and no… there has been no exercising, or hunger on my part at all to get it done. It is not necessary. But exercise is my next story and right now I HATE exercise. I always have hated exercise. But that too needs to happen in my life as I prepare and continue stacking silver.

The upcoming SHTF event ain’t no joke…

Semper FI!

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver