I Will NOT Discuss the Abortion Issue

“Among the debates generated by the leak of Justice Samuel Alito’s opinion in Dobbs is whether the leaker was conservative or liberal.”

The above statement was lifted directly from Scotus Blog and clearly demonstrates the point I am about to make. While you are paying attention to the soon-to-be unfolding drama of abortion rights… freedom will vanish from America.

For the record, Old Fat Marine does not really care about this issue because he is more worried about what is happening behind the smokescreen. There is no care because this issue is nothing more than a planned distraction.

While you blame a political party for the problem the banking system chugs along unaffected. The marching orders most likely originated from a bankers meeting room. To them, the issue of abortion is nothing more than a cute story that will make them TRILLIONS of dollars in profit. You do know the Federal Reserve is a private bank that is only out to carve a profit for its shareholders? Right now the abortion cover story will allow them to take almost the entire pie.

Video: Federal Reserve is NOT American anymore.

While millions and millions of Americans get all worked up about the decades-old problem the true discussion of the argument is being missed. If you are caught up in this distraction that is alright. You are not alone because abortion is nothing more than a look over there and not here distraction. While this unfolds the final dose of poison will be added to America’s ecosystem. As the final pillars of freedom and choice are removed from the American landscape Americans will be busy elsewhere.

Mid-Term Elections

Old Fat Marine feels as if so much is unfolding with the stock market, the commodities market, and all aspects of living. From food availability to the decline of the dollar and the ascension of the Chines Yuan the game is on worldwide. It is the opinion of Old Fat Marine that the bulk of the changes needed to happen before the midterm elections. Before Americans get another chance to vote in November of 2022. The bankers that actually run the White House do not want to lose the ‘ground’ that has been claimed in their quest for total and absolute control of the financial systems in the world.

Ukraine is a Tool

Ukraine civilian learning to fir a submachine gun.

The battle in Ukraine that is going on now is a proxy war. The war that is being waged is the opening salvo for the transition from the U.S. dollar to what will be the next world reserve currency. Ukraine is just caught in the middle. The people there are acceptable losses as they are merely pawns in play for the bankers of the world to seize even more power. Ukraine is a tool. Nobody in power cares about you. They do not care about your family and really could care less if you starve to death.

No Sugar Here

Old Fat Marine is NOT here to rehearse the content of his first 50 videos. If you are still living in a world that is filled with family outings and trips to the sports game…. enjoy it while it lasts. OFM will not sugar coat it and believes the endzone is in sight for the bankers as they are marching downfield.

Sugar is EVERYWHERE but not in this article.

America will not be the same on the other side of this transition to FedCoin. You will live in the same home. You will drive the same car. You will even sleep in the same bed. Everything else will have changed.


If you believe FedCoin is just another form of digital payment you are uninformed.

If you believe FedCoin is just another debit card you are really uninformed.

If you believe FedCoin is just another ‘thing’ you are naive.

If you believe FedCoin will not change your life you are clueless.

If you think America will not be fundamentally changed by FedCoin you are negligent in your duties as an American citizen.

Your dollar IS failing right in front of you but let’s argue about abortion.

If you believe you can stop FedCoin you are pissing in the wind.

If you do not position yourself for the collapse coming you will suffer. Your family will suffer. Everyone not prepared will suffer greatly. People WILL commit suicide out of the completely calculated move that must unfold before the midterm elections of 2022.

America will still be here, but it will be fundamentally changed and I want to spend the final years of my life living away somewhere safe and secure. I do not want to be rich. I just want to enjoy the days I have and since I cannot stop the reset why not align with the winning side?

Old Fat Marine is not a defeatist. OFM is not giving up. OFM is merely settling in for the inevitable. Old Fat marine knows food riots are coming in late June or July… but let’s talk about Brad Pitt’s divorce or the sudden issue of abortion rights.

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver