First Majestic Stock (Symbol: AG)

First Majestic Stock (Symbol: AG)

This is a time-sensitive post about First Majestic Silver Stock (Symbol: AG). Old Fat Marine has NOT received ANY incentive from 1st Majestic Silver. This entire article is NOT financial advice as it is merely a recap of what Old Fat Marine has done, and will do.

9 May 2022
Old Fat Marine (OFM) is NOT a financial advisor and this information is merely a reflection of what is believed to be coming into his life. OFM is strongly suggesting you take a look at this stock First Majestic Stock (Symbol: AG). The profit upside that is possible, in the short term, should be quite nice. ALthough Economic Ninja has not discussed ANYTHING about this post but yet credit must be given for the inspiration received from his daily videos. But if this entire article is a bust… he never once mentioned this. I just credit his channel with the inspiration to prepare outside of what is the status quo for myself.

The upside is Upside is Upside

Looking at 1st majestic stock and knowing what is coming to the price of silver is a no-brainer. My own personal regret is that I am tapped on how much I can spend on the stock. If I had more freed-up cash it would be plucked right down on AG. To OFM this will be a fairly short loan of the limited capital available. The upside to AG will be quite evident when the Federal Reserve lowers interest rates once again. When that happens… AG should be off to the races.

Looking @ 1st Majestic

If a person does not have a weak stomach for large emotionally driven algorithmic trading… it is advised to stay out of this stock. What Old Fat Marine is ready to pounce on will be the emotionally driven knee-jerk reaction to AG stock when the interest rates are reversed by The Fed.

When that day happens OFM will be sitting right here at his computer to quickly turn those profits into even more physical silver. First Majestic Silver will come roaring back with a vengeance. OFM dumped all the AG stock he had at $13.49 a share believing the market was going to dump when The Fed announced interest rate hikes.


Money made going down. Money making on the incline. Money making no matter what. Thank You to all my fellow YouTube Economic doctorate, degree-holding friends. OFM finally is making headway financially because he is merely trying to pick up the crumbs of those with real money in the bank. Old Fat Marine is prepared and not scared. Actually, he plans on making a bunch of cash and becoming an Old Fat Marine that never has to work another day in his life.

Actually… since my wife died I have learned what a limited supply of time we have. I no longer desire to spend it doing ANYTHING I do not want to do. Working for a living is no longer for me. After decades of working for someone else, it has been decided to be free. The upcoming economic crisis is not gloom and doom. It is the one event in my life that I can see as a banker as to where America is going. America will still be here, but it will not be the same and this AG strategy is just another peg in the quest for the freedom I seek so much.

Time is the only thing we truly have while walking on this pale blue dot.

You can join the movement of not. Either way, Old Fat Marine is taking this journey and is gearing up to live on the reality that will exist on the other end of this limited linear timeline we are compelled to live within.

My reality does not impact your reality. Your reality does not impact my reality. I am selling nothing but my desire to spread the word to prepare. Please visit my YouTube Channel and like and subscribe so more people do not have to live in misery.

If you made it this far you must have some interest so here is a treat if you are a silver stacker looking to stack silver…… Did you know this offer was available to you as a silver stacking shareholder of First Majestic Silver? (This is not an affiliate link and OFM does not make ANY money providing this link… to prove this point you have to read the above and seek it out without ANY profit incentive from OFM. This information is available on the 1st Majestic website which I WILL NOT provide a link to. Now go and try to profit as the window is not open that wide timewise.

Make some money. Enjoy life because one day….. you WILL die and you ain’t taking ANYTHING with you!

Semper Fi.

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver