Do You Want Specifics?

Trouble ahead as history repeats itself yet again. Why not just get into position and watch from afar?

If you have been following Old Fat Marine it may be quite natural to believe the continuing topic is always destruction and financial devastation that may be coming soon. Numerous times there has been the statement made that I am all about gloom and doom. That statement couldn’t be any further than the truth because that is not the feeling held within. What Old Fat Marine sees coming is NOT gloom and doom, it is prosperity. Let me invite you into what I see coming soon to a town near you. I see it merely by watching the history of fiat and world reserve currencies.

A fear within Old Fat Marine is what will occur between now and November 2022, because of the elections. This is how Old Fat Marine sees things playing out and how the wave to prosperity will be ridden upon. The dates are not nearly as important as the events taking place. The dates will take care of themselves as history keeps unfolding. I am not saying the elections will not happen. What is being stated is that the fundamental shape of American freedoms is going to be severely restricted for the greater good. This is a basic timeframe for personal reference only.

June 2022

The Fed will raise interest rates in June of 2022. The basis point percentage really will not matter. Also around this time, food shortages will increase and inflation will continue its march towards destiny. Mid to late June people will start gatherings in the street complaining about prices and empty shelves. When you start to see unrest over food and prices you can use that as a signal the process has been initiated. During this time the abortion issue will be the loud static that causes this story to be hidden from view. You do not really believe it is just a coincidence, do you?

Granny will WANT to get a gun and go kill people here in America too?

Ukraine will continue to heat up. Weapons will continue to flow to and throughout Europe as the conflict escalates. In all of human history, a world reserve currency is only switched to another after a war. A big war. Right now we are in the time period before the war as the escalation continues. Some events may happen to piss off the average uninformed American to make them want to go to war. Some national incidents will create anger and have young men WANT to join up and go kill people. Every conflict the USA has been in including the War of 1812 was similar in design.


The introduction of FedCoin will be done during the next crisis that appears. For whatever reason, the need will appear and FedCoin will be introduced as a way to get Americans to want to accept FedCoin. It will be as easy as downloading an app on your phone. Money will be available as soon as the app is loaded and more rights of the people removed just as quickly.

George has got to go…….

With the rollout of FedCoin, there will need to be a crisis. This crisis may be an economic collapse. Possibly it will be an attack on US forces somewhere? The reason for the expedited rollout will be for the sake of urgency but the actual reason for people needing the money will be manufactured.

The ‘cure’ for the incoming urgency may be in reaction to food shortages? Maybe it will be collateral damage from the unexpected collapse of another major bank? The reason does not matter because the solution or quick fix will be FedCoin. But… if it begins with the UNEXPECTED collapse of a major bank… how dumb are we for believing it to be actually ‘unexpected‘.

FedCoin is NOT another crypto. It is not just a debit card either. Despite the promises of paper money always being available that too will eventually prove to be a lie. Coins will vanish also. America will wake up to a new world and most will not even realize it. Many will not care.

What To Do?

Nobody with a minion status knows when this will happen. Maybe this is because we are not as good with timing as Nancy is with her stock picks in her personal trading accounts? Old Fat Marine is not giving any financial advice here, He is just discussing what he is doing. So, as the dates may be off do not doubt the events to be coming.


Slow-motion death when looked at through the prism of history.

Do your research and shift some funds into mining stocks, mining exploration stocks, and also mineral royalty stocks. (ie: AG, EVLLF, DEN, NOVRF) Everybody tells you what stocks to buy, but I will be the first to suggest WHEN to dump the very same stocks.

Old Fat Marine will continue to accumulate penny stocks while maintaining a 50% ratio of AG in his portfolio. WHEN the Federal Reserve is FORCED to drop interest rates which is believed will happen before the year’s end these stocks will rise faster than most will comprehend can happen.

I will dump ALL my stocks when AG hits $18.45 a share. Profits will be removed to buy gold and original investment will sit dormant waiting for the collapse to hit. Then when the inevitable collapse happens I will plunge back into the market. Make money in both directions just like bankers do. When this happens silver and gold should still be available for the minion class. Rocket ride inbound!


I am an older man and despite having lost over 40 pounds in the last 11 weeks I know the time clock of life is ticking for me. I do not say this as anything but the same fact of life ALL people must face. As my life settles into the final decades it is nice to know that no matter what I will be able to eat. I will be able to be retired in total. Prepared, Not scared. Definitely not uninformed and naive.

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver