The Timing of Silver

Today’s loss and Total loss on mining, exploration, and royalty stocks.

I often read articles or watch videos of people saying they will purchase more silver when the price drops to a certain level. Many discussions have already been had about not wanting to get into mining stocks because the market is so filled with bears right now. This morning, Old Fat Marine bought even more mining stocks that have already lost value. In fact, the overall silver and mining stock storing strategy has been a total bust so far. It seems that everything Old Fat Marine financially touches just goes to shit. Between the silver purchases and the mining stock purchases EVERYTHING has so far been a very big net loss.

The current price of silver is a blessing if you could see the timing of history.

At this point in time, the average investor would say I am a fool to keep throwing money into the ring… but yet I could not be happier. Weirdly enough losing money hand over fist has actually created more stored wealth than I have EVER had in my entire life.

Since I started paying attention to what is really happening to the banking system I have no doubt about what is coming and this period of loss is actually an awesome opportunity to prepare. I have been able to store cash before and storing silver is so much more fulfilling than currency.

Digital or paper currency is not nearly as addicting to holding silver as my own banker. I do not have to fill out a form to access my money. I do not have to be a certain age to cash out a profit. The freedom of owning silver is rooted in 6,000 years of history. The Fed and the dollar have a tad over 100 years of history. Looking at the history of a fiat currency, like the dollar, the stable and profitable history of silver changes the conversation rather quickly.

The Real Question

Old Fat Marine has understood for about one year now that the true power of the U.S. dollar and silver and gold are about to collide. I feel as if it is not a matter of if, it is just a matter of when. There is NO chasing of this price or that price because, in the long run, it will not matter.

For Old Fat Marine dollar-cost averaging is everything. When the silver market pricing manipulation is unleashed (a banking collapse?) the need to hold silver will once again hit the mainstream news. The real question is are you willing to understand and accept the fundamentals of silver and the dollar and the mess the world is in right now geopolitically? The real question that should be asked is the amount of profit that will come from silver in the future? Beyond being profitable it may be life-changing for the better.

The real question is if a person can see the future trend by merely looking at history. Old Fat Marine has NEVER been good at timing the top or the bottom of any market. I will not even try this time. The hour is not known, nor is the day… but the day of reckoning is coming. Whenever that happens we will still need to eat. We will still need to have a place to rest and storing silver and picking mining stocks is very similar to planting seeds.

Total Belief

The stages of a silver stacker. For those that understand history this is so true...
The stages of a silver stacker. For those that understand history, this is so true…

Old Fat Marine feels so sure of what is coming it has even caused me to lose weight through healthier eating. The upcoming events have become consuming to some degree.

The carnage that is coming soon will not go well for those that dismiss the prospect of a major banking collapse. When that day comes I will not remember the paper losses of today. Right now OFM is content being the village idiot because one day he will use the profits to live a life like never before. This is not a feeling of arrogance in any way and no this is not being selfish. I plan on sharing my wealth with everyone as much as everyone has shared it with me…. which never happened.

Old Fat Marine is more than content to see the price of silver plummet and could care less how many paper dollars have vanished from his account. This is because the day will come and if I am still around for it I will be glad I have silver and such.

Total belief in what is coming is NOT being a fool. Total belief is from having been a student of history all my life. To Old Fat Marine studying history is a passion that has been lifelong. I feel the dollar collapsing is inevitable and whatever is going on when that day arrives I will still need to eat. I will not have to turn to the government to survive, even if they really could.

How much I lost now is irrelevant because the future is closer than most people realize and the future will be nothing more than a reflection of the past. Those that do not know history are doomed to repeat it. If you disagree with the fundamentals of silver and gold….. you do not know the history and will eventually end up personally flailing in the economy.


Soviet Navy AFTER their economic collapse. U.S. Navy needs money too and today it is ALL borrowed. This could soon be U.S. Navy?

Old Fat Marine does not have any FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) at all. Right now I have been taking the available time to position myself fundamentally for the reset. The more the price of silver goes down the more silver that can be accumulated. Collecting the shiny may be an addiction of sorts but never before has Old Fat Marine been so in charge of finances. Despite losing investment money month after month is perfectly acceptable as I do not invest money for the rent. Other than the bills EVERY dollar is being doubled down on silver and mining stocks. The fundamentals are in every aspect of silver history and when the stock market eventually tanks… the precious metals markets will erupt like never before in human history. Essentially over 100 years of price controls will be gone.

Most citizens do not understand that inflation is NOT natural. Inflation is a hidden tax directly profiting bankers. If you doubt this please explain the reason why the above photo is true?

I have no FOMO because it has not happened yet and when it does it will be too late to shift stuff around. The time is now. The commodity is silver and if you do not see this simple truth you more than likely have no clue what the silver-gold ratio is all about. Start your historical investigation of silver with the silver to gold ratio and then explore the U.S. Constitution Coinage Act of 1792.

Knowledge Is Power

History is there. The U.S. dollar is nothing special in any other way than the magnitude of the crash that is going to happen sooner than later. It will be spectacular and it will not matter what you paid for silver when it was hovering around the low $20.00 an ounce. Your only regret when something triggers silver will be that you did not do more. Old Fat Marine will have no regrets in this area whatsoever.

The day you sell you silver is so much more important than the price today.
“If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else.”― Dave Ramsey

Just remember that when you discuss your finances with “professionals” they DO NOT make ANY money selling you silver. This is why they do not want you to buy any. Old Fat Marine is essentially selling nothing so why not do some research and stop whining about losing money. You either believe the silver story or you do not. Choose and move forward and stop whining about how much money you lost so far. If you understand the story… what’s the question?

72 HR Emergency Kits

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver