Pissed Stacker

Pissed Stacker!

I had to look within myself for being so angry today. I feel as if I am like a match waiting to be ignited and today I may have been looking to what I see as a possible future and it pissed me off. This website and the accompanying YouTube Channel were created as an outlet for the problems I cannot be the only one in the world to see coming to our shores.

I initially started ‘stacking’ over a year ago and now that the initial reality shock of The Federal Reserve has set in the mood is turning to anger. I have become an Old Not So Fat Anymore Pissed Off Marine.

One thing that pisses me off is that now I feel obligated to state I sincerely have NO desire to hurt anybody and I do not threaten violence. Having to state this is simply a sign of how careful a citizen ‘speaks’ on the Internet. I am simply a societally harmless and historically inspired pissed-off stacker.

Internet Reality

It annoys me that I listen to numerous YouTube channels and they have even resorted to using substitute words like code, so as not to be banned from the platform they use. BANNED? BANNED?


Why does content created get scrutinized and censored in any way? Why is one subject banned and another is not? Who elected a company to dictate a person’s voice? What pisses me off is that censorship exists in America and it is now accepted as existing.

Banking Reality

Inflation is money you give to bankers through the private ownership of The Federal Reserve. It is transferred to dividends through interest payments of the national debt.

What really pisses me off is the way my mother passed away almost ten years ago. She was virtually destitute because she and my father trusted the institution called America. From my childhood, I watched a father that was always at work. In fact, I to this day associate my father with Pepsi Cola, as he was there more often than I saw him. He worked in the same place from WWII to when he passed away. I have fond memories of his loyalty to Pepsi and that it was routine to have him tell my friends to get rid of the Coca-Cola on his property. After almost four decades he retired with a pension. My mother depended on that pension and the banking system stole her retirement through inflation. By the time my mother passed away inflation stole my father’s pension and my mother’s pension. During the last five years of her life, all of the children had to kick in to ensure she was taken care of. She would have ended up destitute because even SSN was, and is a shill game.

The Federal Reserve

As my knowledge of how the banking system really works fear set deep inside of my very being. I felt as if the whole thing could collapse any day and that I was in a mad dash. As the year of preparation has gone by the fear started to subside as efforts became a reality. The feeling of fear has been replaced by one of dread. The true awakening for Old Fat Marine is the reality that there really is nobody in power that gives two shits about you, or me. All my years of campaigning and trying to protect the process of America have been a sham. Both the political parties are nothing more than self-centered men and women with ambitions that are for their own benefit. The people have spent decades arguing with politicians while those that really pull the levers of power behind the curtain. If you did not realize that the story of The Wizard of Oz is all about the Federal Reserve… then you have no clue of how long this scam has been going on.

Why Pissed?

As I continue to prepare I now understand the fear just turns into a jelly that settles into my gut. I listen to The Economic Ninja and his mantra is to be “prepared and Not Scared” and I am not scared anymore. As basic everyday items of today have been accumulated that fear has turned into dread. Since we now realize American media is merely propaganda many, many sources have popped up trying to get out the word. Listening to how deep some people believe the government corruption is mind-blowing. I know many of the tales of doom are merely in the minds of these people because nobody really knows what is coming out here on the very controlled Internet. Old Fat Marine is pissed off because the sunshine from American greatness is vanishing and it is a failure by design. This design was revealed by merely reading the book ‘Government Failure

The joke on Americans is that they already know that EVERY single program paid for by the U.S. taxpayer has been a dismal failure. Billions and trillions of dollars of loans were collateralized by the U.S. taxpayer through the decades. I will not even waste a second listing them here because the documentation of the events is thoroughly done in the above-mentioned book. I love the statement that either the long history of failed economic policies paid for by Americans was either genius or quite possibly the dumbest rocks in the box. There is not one positive instance of Americans having to pay for the economic loans to other nations. A 100% failure rate. In fact, I challenge you to name one U.S. Government program that is a success? War on Drugs? War on Poverty? Drug Cartels in Mexico?

Pissed Stacker

So why am I a pissed stacker? Because my father committed to his family AFTER fighting in World War II and all of his efforts were stolen away through inflation. I am pissed it has taken years for me to see it and now that the basics are in place, disgust is setting in. I am pissed that this situation exists and today I find myself using each day to prepare some more. What I see coming is going to be so bad that many Americans will not be able to handle it. I watch Ukraine refugees and then I remember New Orleans with dead bodies left in the street and I see a future most Americans are clueless about what is coming. I am pissed because I watched the life of my parents get taken through planned inflation and I just want to ensure it does not happen to me, or my children.

I see a really bad storm coming by the end of this year…2022. Every day is another day to dig my foxhole a little deeper. Preparation is beyond a passing thought. I am a pissed stacker because once the truth is revealed the fear goes away and the dread sets in. I can’t stop what is coming and I will do NOTHING to attempt to prevent it because I know my place. I merely will use the remaining time I have left to reclaim my health and be able to move my body weight.

I guess I am a prepper and it pisses me off that it has to be that way….

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver