D-Day 2022

I am sorry if you were one of the unfortunate sailors eaten by enemy troops on the island of Chichi Jima. It must have been horrifying to watch your limbs amputated one by one. What it must have been like to realize the enemy was only keeping you alive to ensure the meat on your bones stayed fresh until needed. the only purpose of your life is to provide meat for the enemy soldiers. I am saddened you had to die this way, one by one until the realization you were the last course of food on the menu.

If you were in the United States Military during World War II and were killed in combat I am sorry to inform you that you are still dead. If your legs were blown off I am not the first to sadly inform you that they will not grow back. You have missed the birth of your children and left a family behind grieving and mourning because of your death.

78 Years Ago

Millions of people died during the period of time known as World War II. Civilians. Soldiers. Marines. Sailors. Aviators. The war happened, there is no denying it. If you doubt how horrible the world was in those days you just need to study history and realize that man is nothing more than a savage animal that is capable of doing great harm and evil to other human beings.

As the anniversary of D-Day slips deeper into the history books it saddens me to notice it is rarely covered in today’s 24-hour nonstop digital parade. If the human experience is even mentioned at all it is in passing and focuses on the sheer size of the task force. The individual human factor is all but ignored except for maybe the passing story of an old veteran that appears close to death by old age. To understand the size of manmade death vastness list of names is staggering. To sift through the names appears endless. To realize that each and every death was simply a life cut short would forever prevent you from viewing all the stories.


As the crises continue to grow worldwide the lines of polarization are clear. Battlelines have appeared all over America. All of the people that died to keep the world free and safe for democracy never realized that there was more to the story.

Take away all of the pageantry and glowing words of heroism and look at the root cause of the entire world being at war. I am not taking away from any sacrifice American servicemen and women did as they were doing their best with what information they had. Today I suggest we remember the significance of D_Day so nobody is ever asked to fight another war. Yesterday Americans knocked the hell out of Japan and today we are buddies. Have you tried to buy any athletic shoes NOT made in Vietnam?

My suggestion is that the younger population wake up to realize that patriotism is nothing more than a tool used by bankers to send our children off to war. Yesterday bankers (ie: JP Morgan) sent money to finance BOTH sides of Vietnam.

As Ukraine heats up I sit here wondering how the story will be twisted to excite the youth in America to once again pick up a gun and go kill other humans as violently as possible? Will it be an unexpected dirty bomb in an American city? Will it be the invasion of Taiwan by the Chinese? Whatever the cause history shows the inevitable eruption of a conflict coming to claim the lives of how many people? Do you really think humanity has evolved beyond hitting one another over the heads with a stick? It is just that today’s stick is quite big for the United States of America.

The Future

As I sit here wondering how our history will be written I see the faces of the past. Why not figure out how to sell athletic shoes BEFORE invading their nation? Why not produce American oil instead of using the ever-decaying Petrodollar? Why does the population of America not raise up in chorus to dismantle the Federal Reserve for being nothing more than a self-serving for-profit entity?

The answer is simple and is already widely known but not discussed at all. The current political environment is controlled by the bankers of the world. The Federal Reserve is a privately-owned bank and its main interest is ensuring monthly interest payments on the national debt continue to be made. The Fed is no longer an American institution despite the staged performances we see more frequently as the economic collapse and reset continues.


Old Fat Marine was never the fastest or the smartest person in the room. Old Fat Marine is not one to compile facts and data because there are much better and smarter people for that. As a person looks deeper into history it is hoped that in the future the youth of America will resist the urge for payback when that inevitable day presents itself.

Unfortunately, this restraint will not take place because the populations of the world today are nothing more than cattle and crops. Look to Ukraine as an example. The Russian soldiers clearly do not want to be there. The Ukraine people are fighting because they have to protect their land. The amazing fact is that the powers behind this military objective are basing their decisions on nothing more than power and money and influence. The person that pulled the initial ‘trigger’ will never be on the battlefield risking their life. Ultimately the war is over money. Money and the money received from exploiting natural resources.

When that day arrives in America, which I believe will be sooner than later I have my hopes. It would be great to see the youth of the world merely step back and say no… Unless the parachutes are dropping troops on my homeland… I ain’t going to take up arms. I want them to figure out how to sell athletic shoes without killing 55,000 Americans.

When the day comes it will be a total ‘surprise” to our politicians and the price of silver will hit the upper limits of the stratosphere.

Please do not forget D-Day so as to never have to do something so asinine again. How can society explain away the death of tens of millions of people? Scale the size of the conflict down to a playground of your youth and we all will realize how absurd the actions of the world leaders really are?

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