Mining Stock Portfolio?

I listen to many talking heads discuss how to invest and how to incorporate precious metals into their… ‘portfolio‘. I hear the word ‘portfolio‘ and my mind wanders to the fact that the word ‘portfolio‘ had always been alien to me. When I heard that I needed to diversify my portfolio to survive I begin to suffer from Imposter Syndrome as the word always made me feel inadequate as having enough money to diversify at all. I never thought I had enough money to actually call it a portfolio. Even back in the day when I was a licensed stock broker my timing of stocks was off. I was never much of a buy-and-hold kind of guy. Those days in my early years always took the air out of any long-term investing success as the events of life began to kick me in the ass.

Long Term Short Term

When I was younger I always was looking for things to happen financially in a time frame conceived in only my mind. I would hear the direction the herd was running and try to get ‘there’ before getting run over. Many years ago I remember thinking, as a stockbroker, how great insider information would be. I literally was a stockbroker when the movie Wall Street was popular.

Being illegal to use such information was never a privilege for me as I never was a sitting politician. As I have aged I understand that I will never get the market timing right in the short term. I have now realized the long-term direction of a stock is so much more important than the dip it has tomorrow.

Old Fat Marine used to be a speculator and today is an investor. When looking to purchase silver or some mining stocks buying the dip is meaningless to me. Actually, it is a tad bit humorous as I have seen little more than a slow and steady decline in the last year. I am no longer looking for the dips…. I am waiting for the big one. The mother of all dips….. as time has passed and when your stack is full is when mining stocks come into the full focus of possibility. I do not want to keep stacking at home as one event of many types could wipe it all out.

Comparing Mining Stocks and Walmart Stock

The first offering of Walmart stock, on October 1, 1970, was $16.50 per share. Since then, Walmart stock has split two-for-one 11 times. That means a person who bought 100 shares for $1,650 in 1970 would, 40 years later, have 204,800 shares, worth about $17 million.

If you could go back in time and prepare would you not gather as much Walmart stock as possible? Wouldn’t you make it your mission to use that knowledge and set into motion the possibilities that only money can provide? Why stop at 100 shares? Why not race and scramble to gather as much as possible? If you are convinced of the looming silver bull run you would not be so casual about maybe getting an ounce next week.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, we cannot go back in time. We can only look back to history as observers. Most people ignore history all the while history shows us the way. If we would have had the foresight to just purchase the right company we would be better off today financially. Knowing the direction something is going is all-important. It is literally the golden grail of investing. Period!

The Direction of Silver

Old Fat Marine is not the type of person to sit down and read reports endlessly into the night like on the TV show ‘Suits‘. I would have made a horrible lawyer. For Old Fat Marine… I like to let those that are smarter than I pave the way. I know there are so many people in the world that know more than I do and when it comes to history… My attention naturally peaks.

My history passion is to learn about how things were back in the day. I love to immerse myself in the current events of that day in history. From the arena of current events (of the studied time period) I love to take a look around at the decisions that made recorded history.

Looking at the history of silver I feel quite blessed to be living where I am now on the timeline called life. Since I pay attention to those that are smarter than me I no longer even turn on mainstream news sources. It is all propaganda. Everything on the news cycle today is some level of a message that has been crafted for the public to receive. The majority of citizens go through their day and pay zero attention to this media filter that shapes their lives. Most people are too busy trying to juggle the day as the weeks and months start to slip by faster and faster. Your neighbor no longer believes that silver is even a form of money. That is an amazing thought that should really make you stop and ponder.

One only has to look at the 6,000 years of history silver has existed as a monetary metal in the world to see the silver event on the near horizon. I feel blessed to live during the timeline of silver at this moment. Silver is going to rocket in price to levels that will stun the public. How do I know this?

Silver IS Undervalued Today

In today’s society, the life of Jesus would only be worth about $675.00 based on the spot silver price. Anyone paying attention would easily see that Jesus is undervalued when concluding on metal value alone. Once the world realizes what the heck is going on the price of silver will no longer be based upon the suppression of the free market. When that day arrives the price of silver will increase radically and yet the sun will still rise. The sun will still set and our linear time experience continues. I am waiting for that day to arrive. I am patiently using this time to prepare on all fronts. From water to food to silver the preparation is in full motion.

Hunger Today and Tomorrow

The singular thing I understand is that YouTube is a free service and therefore the information is discounted as trivial at best. I do not pretend to compete with the voices that toss around facts and information like candy. Rick Rule is on a MUCH higher level than me, as is Lynette Zang. The list goes on and on and yet these people are ignored simply because the medium of transmission is undervalued on YouTube as it is a FREE service. I am always cruising YouTube looking for more knowledge and experience the mainstream propaganda does not cover.

I listen to so many YouTube channels my thought process started to turn into a soupy mush. As time went by the messages from all the channels started to fall in line. A common theme of the information is that the entire FIAT currency system of America is teetering on collapse. When I say this out loud I am the one with issues. The fact there are so many people are starting to understand the FIAT collapse means time is drawing closer with each and every day.

Inside Information

As with ALL things money, there will be crooks and scams and failures. Old Fat Marine is not the smartest person in the room but one only has to look at those people that have come before. One only has to plug into those with the wisdom from previous days, years, and even decades and centuries. The current events of today and the direction the price of silver will be heading is going to be one for the history books. The events that cause the silver price to surge may happen in a few days, it may take months or even years before it happens. But whenever it happens I will still need money to purchase food and such.

The important question is not when, the important answer is who cares!!! When that day arrives you will still want to eat. That day is coming and we should cherish each day as another to prepare just a tad bit more. Keep the frustration somewhere else and follow that inner voice of reason that is whispering about preparing.

At this moment in time, the spot price for silver is $22.42. Since I am convinced of the power of understanding history I see the future so clearly. After stacking silver for a while the next logical step in my ‘portfolio’ has to be mining stocks. History shows that the amount of money made in mining stocks, mining exploration stocks, and also precious metals royalty stocks easily can exceed a person’s dreams.

I dream big… and I also believe in an anchor stock in a mining portfolio. I use AG (First Majestic) as my anchor stock with a holding of at least 50% total value of the portfolio. The lower AG goes in price the more I want to purchase. I love to use the remaining funds as sprinkling for companies that may or may not do much of anything. I love to listen to other YouTube videos and then do research. I currently hold varying quantities of 10 Mining sector stocks.

Now that I am interested in mining I must admit I am not surprised to learn how many bad mining stocks there really are….. but that is another article. The world of navigating mining stocks is not easy but those are the waters I have set sail for as a destination. Now to navigate through this shit and keep moving forward as the day of financial reckoning moves closer and closer.

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver