How To Start Stacking Silver

Once someone understands why they should be stacking silver the same question is always asked. Once the proverbial light comes on I am asked how to start stacking silver. Quickly followed up by where do I purchase silver? Your goal for stacking silver needs to be established, so let’s start there. Before we get started let’s assume that you should NEVER EVER NOT EVER redeem their silver for a fiat currency. Silver should only be traded for another hard asset. Preferably an asset that just experienced a crash from the market bubble popping.

Everyone has the same questions when starting to get concerned about their future and turn towards silver.
  • Get Rich Quick
    It is not going to happen. You need to reset your goals.
  • Hedge Against Inflation
    Awesome! Be prepared to never sell your silver and leave it for someone after you die. If this is the reason for stacking there would never be a reason to sell as long as you were surviving. To truly use this goal correctly realize now how severe the situation would be to HAVE to sell your silver. At that time you should get on your knees in gratitude to your god that you even have some.
  • Ride The Bubbles
    This goal begins with the understanding that the world economy is a series of massive “bubbles” that are set to pop in the short term future. It could be a day, a week or years. Personally I believe it will happen before the midterm elections. When the bubbles burst and the economy tumbles silver will end up soaring like a rocket unleashed away from gravity. My goal will be to merely take the increased value of silver tp purchase real estate. As the real estate bubble collapses I will merely scoop up the ideal pasture for me to finish out my final years.
  • What Are Your Ultimate Goals?
    When my wife passed I was holding her hand and our eyes were locked. That moment in reflection was a lifetime. It was during that lifetime that I realized I needed to work on me and those that are important to me. Everything else is static to me now. The news on TV? Bullshit… I do not watch it. My entire life has become mission oriented to be able to swap assets when that time arrives. Collecting money is not nearly as important as learning to live each moment as it arrives. Do not choose your goals lightly. The question is really a deep one and one you answer the hard questions you may be ready to survive the storm that is coming.

Where To Buy Silver?

To help you understand my intentions I have not monetized this article. If you want to buy silver the cheapest place, that is legitimate, is most likely going to be online. The dirty truth is that no matter how much your favorite online personality is… they love making money. I do not fault them I just want to point out the unobvious fact that outsiders are not aware of. If a person wants you to click on a link they get paid. That money is NOT generated out of thin air, it is factored into what you pay to get silver. This is called an affiliate program and this is when most creators say they do not care if you use their link. I believe most creators do not care but their emotions do not factor into the equation. Math is math and the money is paid within the price.

If you start, it will grow….

I suggest you look online at Monument Metals (NON AFFILIATE LINK) because they do NOT have an affiliate program. This is why you have never heard of them. There is no money in promoting them so that is why you only hear crickets. I use them and they are as good as any other major private mint but less expensive as a result of having no affiliates to pay off.

Coins, Rounds or Bullion?

Coins are from a sovereign mint with examples like USA or Australia. Using the word coin denotes it has been produced by a government. A silver round is merely a silver object shaped like a coin, but minted at a private mint that is not run by a government. Silver rounds are generally one ounce in size but this varies.

Understanding Pricing

If you watch the price of silver you are looking at what is called spot price. This is the world-wide price that is accepted virtually anywhere in the world at that moment. If a person understands silver they soon realize that you cannot purchase silver at spot. This is because the entity selling you the silver needs to make a profit. This profit is included in the term premium. The premium is the amount a person pays over spot.

Questions about silver stacking?

My goal is to stack silver and I do not care about numismatics at all. In fact I despise having to haggle which is why I only purchase rounds and never do I purchase coins. Coins always command a higher premium. The short of it is that if you want the most bang for your buck only buy rounds, or bullion as they carry lower premiums than coins.

What Size Silver?

If you have no silver you should start with one ounce. Most likely it will be the one ounce buffalo head silver rounds that carry the best premium in the one ounce size. If the world just continues to wobble and you have more time to accumulate a stack… you will want to look at the 10 ounce bars. The 100 bar ounce is a great option pricewise but much more difficult to sell whenever, if ever that day arrives.

Weight Matters, Just Not Yet

Starting stackers do not believe that their stack can soon become too heavy to carry away in a back pack. Do not worry about that yet if you have NOT started stacking silver yet. JUST GET STARTED!!!!

If you follow the path of a stacker then an entire slew of questions pop up. Do not worry and do not get overwhelmed. Do not worry about the static of others and just start. Do not worry about things that are not a question yet. Do not worry about where to keep it. Do not worry about how heavy your stack is getting. Stop having mental dialog overload and just get started. You now know where to and what to do to get started. So how to start stacking silver has been answered… so now what? If you start now your future self will thank you.

This website and the YouTube Channel have the intention of merely spreading the word to wake up and prepare…..

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver