I’m An Old Silver Stacker

This photograph feels like it was taken yesterday.

I woke up from a restful night sleep a few days ago and was shocked at the reflection in the bathroom mirror. In the dim light of morning I saw the reflection of a person I did not recognize. That fateful morning I was ‘suddenly’ greeted by the reflection of a 60 year old! It was only last week that I saw the face of a young man that was gearing up to enter The United States Marine Corps. The current reflection in the mirror saddened me because of the realization that the spark of that spirit has been deflated by the beatings of time. Overweight. Out of shape. Not really happy.

People Do Not listen Anymore

I used to try to engage in conversations with people and it was never long before noticing the person is not even listening anymore. Any topic and any subject the average person is more occupied with thinking what they are going to say and are not even listening to a word that is being said. While in the middle of a sentence people routinely pick up their phone and actively start to not listen anymore. It never ceases to amaze me how someone can monopolize an entire conversation.

No longer will breath be wasted trying to wake up others around me. The attempt to awaken will be strictly limited to this website and the YouTube Channel is all I am now willing to visit this conversation.

I no longer care they are not listening because it does not impact my future. Friends and family are among those that the conversations no longer take place about preparation. Sadly it is not just strangers and acquaintances.

The reflection of that young man was optimistic about life and ready to literally conquer the world. That mission ended somewhere along the way. Today that reflection is of a person that is tired of engaging a conversation with most people beyond a casual greeting.

Have you ever heard of the expression we have two ears and only one mouth because we need to listen more? Most people never listen to anything… especially from the experiences of someone that has been alive longer and has witnessed events that could help prepare for what is coming? Time and age has made Old Fat Marine irrelevant by the mainstream public. Sadly though it is the mainstream public that is about to have to suffer.

Bringing Back That Reflection

The reflection we see is what we project…. Let’s bring back what made us better back in the day!

Since my dear and beloved wife passed last December I was faced with a choice. I could either slowly start to move into my wife’s new surroundings or I could get busy living. I say this because I had to break away from the stupid people. I decided in a moment that lasted a lifetime that it was now my time. It was time to take charge of everything in my reality. It is time to bring back that reflection of drive and motivation to simply be better. That was almost six months ago.

Tick Tock

Having been dismissed by so many people of the looming reset and realizing I am in my golden years I have decided to pull up all my flags. What I am doing now is essentially an orderly withdrawal to a stronger defensive position in life. The clock is ticking and that clock does not care about you. The clock does not care about me. The clock surely does not care about the mouthy know it all single woman trying to raise her children alone. The clock ignores the angry motorists screaming at one another. Tick Tock goes the clock while we debate politics as the politicians get rich while we donate our time so as to get them rich by occupying a political office. Am I now cynical? No… not really.

Tick Tock… Time to go….

No longer will I try to help save the world as the world is too dumb to listen. Tick Tock… it is time to prepare and whether or not you prepare most likely will not impact me whatsoever. If a person chooses to not even at least look at the clouds coming… chances are they will get wet. It does not matter if you ignore the weather a person gets wet if they stay out in the rain. Weather happens, as does life.

Tsunami Is Coming

What is coming economically is going to be such a massive event that the entire world will stop… for a moment. Every human soul walking the planet is about to have their world adjusted economically in a major way. I see it so clearly that both reflections in the mirror are nodding back at me wide-eyed. The economic events that are currently inbound will literally cause many individuals to take their own life.

I CHOOSE to not put myself in that position by following the lead of those that deceive or are too naïve to think for themselves. Call me ‘Hyper-Vigilant’ and I will silently nod in acknowledgement. Call me crazy and I am fine. Call me a fool and that is also acceptable. But please do not call me when you are financially wiped out as I will be in Paris. This is because not everyone will be suffering. I hope to be one of those people.

Other than this relatively antonymous Internet presence… I quietly prepare and hope to have the time needed to complete those plans.

Preparing for what is coming requires so much more than just silver.

Prepare, or don’t. It really only will impact YOU!

Fire The FPF!

Old Fat Marine has pulled out all the stops. Since there are currently enough funds to survive life within the current reflection EVERY available cent is being funneled into silver (vaulted and held) and also precious metal mining stocks. What my future reflection pointed out to me that the day is coming for the reset. WHEN it arrives the only thing that will matter will be how well prepared a person is. kind of like musical chairs.

Prepare with force. Prepare like you mean it. Get your life in order now and benefit later. Your future -self will thank you.

I do not see a walking dead world. I simply see another time when silver and mining stocks propel me into a world that will allow me to buy other people’s shit. I have every intention of taking the preparations I have and using them when the bubbles pop. Silver will go up while real estate goes down. If mining stocks are correctly chosen it is hoped the amount of money made from holding silver will be miniscule comparatively.

I personally have requested the FPF (Final Protective Fire) be called in and now everything is in preparation for what is coming. Whether you prepare or not does not impact anyone else’s reality… at all. It is not that I do not care for others… I just know my place. When the shit hits you better be hunkered down…. or you will be finished. It is that simple.

Fire the FPF and hunker down…. incoming!!!

Future Reflections

WHEN the day arrives and you realize that EVERYONE has let you down and EVERY government organization screwed you over yet again…. how will you feel? When the price of silver takes off and mining stocks explode… how will you feel if you missed the largest economic opportunity EITHER of us will EVER witness in their lifetimes? How will you feel having to hold down 3 jobs just to ensure your children have a warm bed?

Have fun… because many others will not even have to work anymore. Believe me… after 49 years of continuous employment… NOT clocking in is not an easy thing to get used to. Self chatter can wipe a person out emotionally.

The truth of what is happening is available to all. Unfortunately you do not enjoy history enough to be paying attention. I get it. You DO NOT have time… but yet you still devote how many hours per week to just get by? Too busy to prepare… don’t worry… the government will save you because in all my years NOBODY EVER shared their wealth me me out of a good heart. But you keep hoping…

My future self and I had a sit down. We came to the conclusion that WHEN that day of the reset is visible to all arrives WE will be able to cash out to a better life. My life is NOT bad now but what is coming will be the BEST opportunity I have EVER seen. We all know the direction the market MUST take to complete yet another economic cycle. Too many people are just confusing economic crash with dread. Change your thoughts and change your life. Prepare now because if you do…. you will never have to clock in again. You will never have to listen to one more asshole boss. No more rude customers…. No more alarm clocks.

So… while others keep NOT listening I will give them the same courtesy when they realize they can no longer afford the home purchased with money that never really existed. When these people are losing it all, despite all of the warnings, I intend to purchase their purchase assets at rock bottom prices. As far as I am concerned I will only be doing what the other person needs to have done.

The reflection that is radiated from human history tells us this coming economic cycle is going to be an all around record breaker. Prepare like you mean it or accept what comes as the government inadequately comes to your rescue.

I am planning to take a vacation with my girlfriend to Paris. Should we cruise there or shall we fly 1st class? Oh.. I am sorry I did not know you couldn’t talk because you still believe the best way to make money is to trade hours of your life for a failing FIAT currency.

Take care…. more preparation inbound as time allows… but you keep watching the talking heads debate what politicians do while your entire monetary system is replaced all the while you suffer. You keep watching all the talking heads selling books. Gun rights…Go for it… Abortion rights…Go protest…. Union… Not Union…. You keep looking over there while the man behind the curtain keeps pulling those levers that will alter the path of life your children must take.

If you do not understand how this iconic movie is a plea for a return of the gold standard then you most likely are missing out on the massive economic opportunity that awaits for those that see the approaching historical cycle.

You did know that the ENTIRE Wizard of Oz movie is all about the gold standard and the importance of silver in the economy? You do understand that The Wizard in the movie is merely the representation of The Central Bank…. or The Federal Reserve? You do know that in the book that Dorothy’s slippers were silver and not red? Today there is no Yellow Brick road as it has been sold away by the private banking institutions that make up the Federal Reserve.

You know… the banks that you are not allowed to know their true identity…..???

Fire the FPF!!!!

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver