Still Waiting On Silver

When silver stacking was a new experience I had the feeling of impending doom and it rattled my cage. As I learned the stranger than fiction truths about how the dollar actually exists… it blew my mind. It was like an awakening once it was understood that the Federal Reserve is NOT Federal and it has NO reserves. The Federal Reserve is simply a collection of private banks that secretly meet and discuss their goals of how THEY can maximize THEIR income. The private bank thing really is a true thing and so is the fact that you are not allowed to know what banks really comprise the Federal Reserve.

Peasants….mere peasants….

Let that sink in…. The Federal Reserve is NOT Federal and it has ZERO reserves. Again… The Federal Reserve is a collection of banks and is not federal at all. Do you comprehend how that statement should send shivers up and down your wallet.

Who Is The Federal Reserve?

If this is an early exposure to your understanding the world banking system do not feel stupid. Mostly everybody I meet has no clue of how the Federal Reserve operates. I often see the look of self realization as they themselves realize they really know nothing. Nada. Zip!…. The average American has no clue who, or what, makes up The Fed. The average American also… does not care. The Federal Reserve is a privately owned collection of banks nd because of its size the real names of the banks and bankers would not be too difficult to guess.

A sad truth is that we, the cake eating American citizens are NOT allowed to know the actual banks of The Fed. If you doubt me… look it up. (Every other country too…. fyi…. We are all kinda screwed.)

My Mom Died Poor

My mother and father worked hard their entire life and when they died they were almost penniless, because of inflation. What started off as great pensions ended up being worse than Social Security. Inflation silently ate away at their income and it is that silence that has become so deafening to me today.

After spending my entire life believing inflation was natural it is just recently that I understand inflation is nothing more than a silent tax. The money goes straight to the big banks via national debt interest payments which are then laundered through banks as dividends to the shareholders. The same shareholders that make up the Federal Reserve.

Throughout my entire life inflation has silently, and efficiently siphoned off the wealth behind the very existence, or reality of what made the U.S. Dollar strong. My parents had their wealth taken from them and it was done so the Petrol Dollar could exist. If you do not know what the Petrol Dollar refers to then I harken you to look it up. Our children, parents and siblings died needlessly perpetuating the petrol dollar.


While awaiting an oil change for my car this morning I shocked people when I revealed the known facts of The Federal Reserve…. facts that are facts and NOT conspiratorially nonsense.

Please Wake Up….Do you research…. These are FACTS that CANNOT be DISPUTED….

JP Morgan funded the creation of The Soviet Union as also they financially supported America and North Vietnam at the same time during the Vietnam conflict. They made money as they have done for centuries. The bankers funded both sides of the war.

JP Morgan financed North Korea’s war machine during their conflict with America.

Same goes for The Vietnam Conflict. The entire reason as to WHY America invaded Vietnam ended up being a lie. The Gulf of Tonkin Incident has since been proven to be a 100% concoction of The U.S. Navy. We were lied to but do not worry about that because it was a long time ago.

It’s Coming

For the first time in my life I feel as if I am on the winning side of the financial equation. I know my history and I also know history is going to be made by the crash of the world economic system. I feel as it it will be sooner rather than later. When that day comes the financial shift will be like a tsunami.

For me I do not see gloom and doom. I see an opportunity that spans generational opportunity. When the shift happens the world will still exist. There will ALWAYS be an economy….

I just will have a great deal of money because of nothing more than preparing now while everything is on sale. I prepare with 100% faith that the collapse is happening even as this article is being written. It is a very slow process that ends all at once, really fast.

I prepare like I believe it because when that day arrives…. I do not want to have ANY regret that I could have… should have done more. I literally feel as if I know the future direction of the stock market. I feel like Pelosi does when trading mining stocks. As of the writing of this article silver is still selling at a major discount. When the fateful day hits I will not have any regrets that I should have done more to take advantage of what I know is coming economically.

But hey… I was once an active duty US Marine. I used to eat crayons so don’t take anything I say as financial advice. I am just an old Not as Fat as I used to be Marine.

Semper Fi!

Essential Reading For Stacking Silver