Is God Even Listening?

Most Cannot Understand the Question

The question I ask is not one of religious beliefs, or the existence of God. The question, that freaks people out, is HOW do we communicate to God? How do our prayers actually make their way to God’s consciousness? Let’s take a look.

God ‘Invented‘ Physics

It is easy to realize that God, being the Creator of all, by default, brought physics into human existence. Today humans have gained only a fringe understanding of physics and how things work. What we as a species have learned is that the laws of understood physics are inviolable.

God created the laws of physics long before humans even existed within our miniscule linear timeline understanding. Let’s simplify this by using two examples.

An Example of God At Work

If a person were to take a steel bolt and drop it in the dirt and it was forgotten and never to be found by humans again, it would rust and disappear. With time, water, humidity, temperature, weather, climate and all else… the bolt will eventually rust away into nothingness. Due to many different factors it may take centuries, or longer… the steel bolt will one day cease to exist withing our reality.

This may seem like a dumb analogy but understand the simplicity of the endlessly complicated event. Over time the bolt will rust. With all of the ‘things‘ going on simultaneously (climate and such) the bolt will rust, and then disintegrate over time.

It is a process that just happens with an outcome that is decided once the bolt begins the process, without intervention.

Another simpler, yet much faster, example is the burning of a sheet of paper. You ignite the paper and it disappears to ashes on a journey dictated by what we call physics. The outcome is what I call a no-brainer. The process, and outcome, works despite our ignorance and/or beliefs. It just happens.

Do You Pray?

If a person believes in God they then pray to God. Consciously, or unconsciously. Some may attend a church and specifically submit their requests to God weekly. Some prayers are filled with requests while others may dance around praise and love. When a person prays… how does God physically receive the message?

This Is Where People Go Off The Rails

When I ask a person how does God physically receive your pray the entire spectrum of human emotion becomes visible. I am not asking if you to change any beliefs you have. I am not trying to take away from your belief in any way. I just would like to put some context to the science behind God hearing prayers…. and humans receiving the Holy Spirit? What the heck is going on and HOW does it all work?

It is a simple question asking to be explained through the physical properties of this universe, which was created by God himself. God created it all and not one of his laws can, nor ever, will be broken.

So, Similar to the bolt rusting in the dirt… the process of God receiving your pray is absolute and happens constantly and consistently. So, just how does God know of your prayers? How does he receive them? Some people say they feel the Holy Spirit… so how does it happen?

All Communication Can Be Explained.

If you mail a letter you can explain the postal system. If you make a telephone call the method of transmission can be understood and explained. So how do we explain how our prayers are transmitted to God?

A miracle is a ‘miracle’ merely because we don’t understand the science used to make it happen. Would you consider your cell phone a miracle or of the devil? Today we do not believe a cell phone is any more than just a device that can be explained. It is neither evil, nor is it sacred. Yet about 330 years ago your cell phone would have caused you to be executed by the fearful public, and governments!


The Bible literally asks you to do something that is impossible with our current understanding about prayer, and how it works.

I am NOT a prophet. I am not challenging God, or any beliefs a person has about ANY God they choose to believe. I, the author, am just trying to understand how my prayers reach God’s morning paper? I just want to gain a glimpse of his greatness by understanding how prays actually work. I was perplexed by the “pray without ceasing” Bible verse trying to reconcile how God would command us to do something that is humanly impossible.

Maybe This Is How God Hears Us All?

Looking to the Bible it is easy to believe that humans fail over and over again. We have to look no further than 1 Thessalonians 5:17pray without ceasing.” I don’t know about you but this is not a request from God but rather it is going on right now.

What I am proposing is a question similar to the bolt rusting away? What I am proposing is a system created by God that every thought a person has is transmitted to God automatically.

What I propose is that God is ALWAYS listening through a process infinitely more complex than the forgotten rusting bolt.

Space shuttle taking off.
Space shuttle takeoff viewed from space.

What if EVERY thought you have is automatically sent to God, including the moment you now occupy reading this? How often have you heard about someone seeing their life flash before their eyes when in danger of dying? Almost like everything is being ‘recorded.’ Asking how God does this is not arrogant, or sacrilegious…. it is human.

It Is Automatic, But How?

It is a proven fact of science that human brain waves are detectable outside the human body. This singular fact has caused the development of prosthetics to push developmental boundaries.

I am proposing that these brain waves are being launched by our brain from the moment we are born. I am proposing, as a theory, that this is the transmission process to God and it happens whether we are praying, or acting heinously.

What I have learned is that humans tend to focus their moment-to-moment thoughts upon what they DO NOT want. A simple example is a financially struggling person. They are constantly worried about being broke and poor. Their constant thoughts of being in need are the bulk of their ‘prayers/thoughts’ to God. The ever patient system of God rewards every person without ceasing. Their reward is more struggling and poverty as God automatically returns what we focus our long term mental focus upon.

Ask and you shall receive? Matthew 7:7-11

How Far Away Is God?

The big leap of my belief is how do my brainwaves reach beyond to wherever God is currently residing? God has to be somewhere and everywhere all at once can be considered to be somewhere. The distance to God is irrelevant by what I believe to be ‘dark matter.’

Dark Matter

Humankind does not really know what dark matter is, or is not. It is just know that “it” is something beyond what can currently be detected. Something exists, as we know something is there, and is there yet we cannot see it. Dark matter essentially exists where we cannot see anything.

In short, everywhere you look and see nothing can be referred to as dark matter. When a map of the known universe is overlaid with dark matter the results look like a human brain map.

Map of dark matter within a small portion of the known universe.
An international team of researchers has created the largest and most detailed map of the distribution of so-called dark matter in the Universe.

What I am proposing is that every thought you have is transmitted, by your brain, and those transmissions are linked to dark matter and the rest is currently unfolding not-so science fiction.

The thought process should not be focused on the transmission, or reception of prayers. Instead it should be upon the understanding that your prayers are somehow inexorably linked to your thoughts. Those thoughts have to have a way to reach God… it is not mumbo jumbo razzle dazzle. There has to be a method of transmission.

God sees it all. We are rewarded with what we ask for, by what we focus our thoughts and hearts upon. The process occurs just like the Titanic rusting away on the ocean floor. It just happens.

Eternal Reward?

As humans we often end up with what we focus our thoughts upon. The poor remain poor because that is what they are mentally preoccupied with. The overweight, forever dieting person will remain obese because obesity is what they dwell upon. They eat their desired food while telling themselves they are going to get fatter because of it and the obesity continues. Before I understood health… I realized I had been dieting for decades! Once I stopped dieting I lost weight!

God gives us what we ask for through our praying without ceasing… I have always thought of myself as a spiritual being having a human existence. I just want to understand and learn to be closer to God… not to challenge or usurp. I just draw closer by realizing EVERY thought is a prayer and the scriptural requirement of “pray without ceasing” is my most daunting task.

Wayne Dyer

Wayne Dyer once said “Change your thoughts and you can change your life.” I heard it years ago but only recently have I started to unwind the deepness of that statement. I feel as if we were to stop focusing our thoughts on what troubles us we would be able to inch closer to happiness and fulfillment.

God Is Always Listening

I believe that every thought we have is a prayer and those prayers are transmitted to God through what we refer to as dark matter. In return the system rewards what we ask for, often to the irony of the request. But the end result is our long-term prayers are rewarded to all the previous thoughts we have had. Every thought is a pray.

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